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更多 “问答题糯米” 相关考题
考题 单选题Do you commute to work? No, I work at home.()A You work?B How about you?C You do not work.D You work by train.

考题 单选题The lady was experienced enough to maintain her _____ despite her blunders.A postureB pastureC poiseD point

考题 填空题____

考题 问答题针灸和艾灸

考题 单选题Dozens of scientific groups all over the world have been _____ the goal of a practical and economic way to use sunlight to split water molecules.A pursuingB chasingC reachingD winning

考题 问答题龙椅/宝座

考题 单选题This kind of material expands()the temperature increasing.A toB forC withD at

考题 单选题I think what()me about his painting is the colours he uses.A appealB appeal toC appealsD appeals to

考题 单选题They()for hours.A have been drivingB have been drivenC droveD drive

考题 单选题We'll()our discussion tomorrow.A carry outB carry onC carry thoughD carry forward

考题 单选题The act of speaking will also help to improve listening comprehension()A to some wayB in the wayC to some extentD in the extent

考题 填空题____

考题 单选题Let's not wait any longer, he might not()at all.A turn overB turn upC turn onD turn down

考题 单选题Thank you for your invitation.()A It doesn't matter.B It's a pleasure.C It's a small thing.D I'll appreciate it

考题 单选题You() buy some reference books when you go to the college.A couldB will have toC must toD might

考题 单选题He said that he was ()aware of the difficulty of being a father.A highlyB fullyC soundlyD firmly

考题 单选题Excuse me, can I smoke here?()A You mustn'tB NoC You'd better notD I'm sorry, you can

考题 单选题David injured his leg playing football yesterday. Really?()A Who did that?B What's wrong with him?C How did that happen?D Why was he so careless?

考题 填空题____

考题 单选题I wonder if I could use your dictionary?()A Go on.B Go ahead.C Go up.D Go away.

考题 单选题How would you like to mail it?()A Thank you very much.B Post office is over there.C I'll be coming.D By air mail, please.

考题 问答题合资企业

考题 单选题May I have a look at your photo album? ()A Yes, you have.B It‘s very interestingC This is my girl friend.D Yes, of course.

考题 单选题It's one of the coolest springs we()A ever knowB ever knewC have ever knownD are knowing

考题 单选题Mike is()than Jack.A carefulB carefullyC less carefulD more carefuler

考题 单选题–What kind of TV program do you like best? --()A It’s hard to say, actuallyB I only watch them at weekendC I’m too busy to say

考题 单选题— Nancy was badly injured in the accident yesterday and she was sent to hospital. — Oh, really? I(). I() visit her.A didn’t know;will go toB don’t know;will go toC didn’t know;am going toD haven’t known;am goingt o

考题 单选题He does nothing that violates the interests of the collective.A runs forB runs againstC runs overD runs into