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57  A  whose        B  whom            C  that         D  which









更多 “单选题57 A whose B whom C that D whichA AB BC CD D” 相关考题
考题 理论塔板数为( )。A.n=5.44(tR/Wh/2)B.n=5.54(tR/Wh/2)C.n=5.54(tR/W)2D.n=5.44(tR/Wh/2)2E.n=5.54(tR/Wh/2)2

考题 删除仓库关系中仓库号值为WH2的元组,应使用命令A.DELETE FROM 仓库 WHERE 仓库号="WH2"B.DROP FROM 仓库 WHERE 仓库号="WH2"C.DELETE 仓库 WHERE 仓库号="WH2"D.DROP FROM仓库 WHERE 仓库号=WH2

考题 给WH1仓库的职工提高10%的工资可使用命令A.UPDATE 职工 WHERE 工资=工资*1.10 FOR 仓库号="WH1"B.UPDATE 职工 SET 工资=工资*1.10 WHERE 仓库号="WH1"C.UPDATE 职工 SET 工资=工资*1.10 FOR 仓库号="WH1"D.UPDATE FROM 职工 SET 工资=工资*1.10

考题 This is the man()last night.A. whom I saw himB. whom I sawC. who I saw him

考题 There are a lot of students in the reading room, most of with their eyes __ on and their heads bent over their books.A、whom; fixingB、them; fixedC、whom; fixedD、them; fixing

考题 在烃湿度值法解释油气层时,下列参数可以解释为气层的一组是()。 A、Wh=10,Bh=80B、Wh=60,Bh=20,Ch=0.1C、Wh=20,Bh=15,Ch=0.3D、Wh=0.4,Bh=110

考题 利用烃湿度值法也可以解释气测异常,下列参数中可以解释为油层的一组是()。 A、Wh=28.5,Bh=19,Ch=0.15B、Wh=0.5,Bh=120,Ch=0.03C、Wh=1.0,Bh=100.5,Ch=0.05D、Wh=80,Bh=2.05,Ch=0.01

考题 Who was the first person ______today?A、spoke to youB、whom you spoke toC、you spokeD、whom you spoke

考题 在SQL语句中,与表达式“仓库号NOT IN(“wh1”,“wh2”)”功能相同的表达式是A.仓库号=“wh1”AND仓库号:“wh2”B.仓库号!=“wh1”OR仓库号:=“wh2”C.仓库号<>“wh1”OR仓库号!=“wh2”D.仓库号!=“wh1”AND仓库号!=“wh2”

考题 在SQL语句中,与表达式“仓库号NOT IN("whl","wh2")”功能相同的表达式是 ______。A.仓库号="wh1" AND仓库号="wh2"B.仓库号!="wh1"OR仓库号#"wh2",C.仓库号<>"wh1" OR仓库号!"wh2"D.仓库号户'whl,tAND仓库号!:”wh2”

考题 在SQL语句中,与表达式“仓库号NOT IN("whl ","wh2")”功能相同的表达式是A)仓库号="wh1"AND仓库号="wh2"B)仓库号!="whl" OR仓库号="wh2"C) 仓库号"wh 1" OR仓库号!="wh2"D)仓库号!="whl" AND仓库号!= "wh2"

考题 执行下列sQL语句后,显示查询到的仓库号有( )。 SELECT DISTINCT仓库号FROM职工WHERE工 资=ALL (SELECT工资FROM职工WHERE仓库号 一”WH3”)A.WHlB.WH2C.WH4D.WHl、WH3

考题 下列SQL语句能实现的功能是( )。 SELECT*FROM 仓库 WHERE 仓库号="WH1"; UNION; SELECT * FROM 仓库 WHERE 仓库号="WH2"A.查询在WH1或者WH2仓库中的职工信息B.查询仓库号为WH1或者WH2的仓库信息C.查询即在仓库号为WH1,又在仓库号为WH2工作的职工信息D.语句错误,不能执行

考题 ( )– Do you know the boy _______ is playing soccer there?– Certainly.He is a friend of my __________.A.who;brother’sB.who;brotherC.whom;brother’sD.whose;brother

考题 The engineer ______ my father works is about 50 years old.A. to whom B. on whom C. with which D. with whom

考题 A person ______ e-mail account is full won’t be able to send or receive any e-mails.A. who B. whom C. whose D. whoever

考题 给出在仓库“WHl”或“WH2”工作,且年龄小于40岁的职工号和姓名,正确的命令是( )。A)SELECT 职工号,姓名 FROM 职工:WHERE 年龄40 AND 仓库号=”WH1”OR 仓库号=”WH2”B)SELECT职工号,姓名 FROM 职工;WHERE年龄40 AND(仓库号=”WH1”AND 仓库号=”WH2”)C)SELECT职工号,姓名 FROM 职工;WHERE年龄40 OR 工仓库号=”WH1”OR 仓库号=”WH2”D)SELECT职工号,姓名 FROM 职工:WHERE年龄40 AND(仓库号=”WH1”OR 仓库号=”WH2”)

考题 In the dark street,there wasn’t a single person_she could turn for help. A. that B. who C. from whom D. to whom

考题 在烃湿度值法解释油气层时,下列参数可以解释为气层的一组是()。A、Wh=10,Bh=80B、Wh=60,Bh=20,Ch=O.1C、Wh=20,Bh=15,Ch=O.3D、Wh=0.4,Bh=110

考题 利用烃比值法也可以解释气测异常,下列烃比值参数可以解释为油层的一组是()。A、Wh=28.5,Bh=19,Ch=0.15B、Wh=0.5,Bh=120,Ch=0.03C、Wh=1.0,Bh=100.5,Ch=O.05D、Wh=80,Bh=2.05,Ch=0.01

考题 奈曼分配中,wh=Wh

考题 5WH法中的5WH各指何意?

考题 计算附合水准路线高差闭合差的公式可用(),计算支水准路线高差闭合差的公式可用Wh=∑h′往+∑h′返。A、Wh=∑h′-(H终-H始);B、Wh=∑h′;C、Wh=∑h′往+∑h′返。

考题 Which is an example of a dynamic SELECT statement? ()A、A query whose object names change during its execution. B、A query whose object names are not known until run time. C、A query whose bind variables values change during execution. D、A query whose bind variable values are not known until run time.

考题 单选题()means any person by whom or in whose name a contract of carriage of goods by sea has been concluded with a shipper.A ChartererB ConsigneeC ConsignorD Carrier

考题 单选题()means any person by whom or in whose name or on whose behalf a contract of carriage of goods by sea has been concluded with a carrier,or any person by whom or in whose name or on whose behalf the goods are actually delivered to the carrier in relation to the contract of carriage of goods by sea.A ShipperB ChartererC ShipownerD Carrier

考题 问答题5WH法中的5WH各指何意?