成人英语三级 问题列表
问题 单选题_____ Hongkong is often regarded as _____ international centre for business,finance and tourism.A /; anB An ; /C The ; /D /; the

问题 单选题 When I was young, I spent my summer vacations on my grandparents' farm. The summer that I graduated from college, I 56 my grandparents once again. When I arrived,I discovered that there was a family 57 in progress. Grandpa's dog and hunting partner, Rusty, had taken on a very bad 58 in his old age. He had begun 59 into the chicken coop (鸡笼) and eating eggs. In the eyes of the local farmers, 60 dogs started stealing eggs, there was no 61 to cure them. They knew there was only one thing to be done 62 such a dog-you had to shoot it and the sooner the 63 . Rusty and Grandpa were old friends. Grandpa certainly didn't 64 to shoot Rusty,but he knew it needed to be done. The 66egg money was Grandma's private income, so you can imagine 65 she felt about the problem. 66 the inexperienced confidence of youth, I told Grandpa that I thought I couldcurethe egg-stealing dog. I wanted to at least have a 67 to save Rusty's life, and save Grandpa from the sadness of 68 Rusty. The next morning, I broke open six fiesh eggs and put them in Rusty's bowl 69 at the door to the chicken coop. Rusty came 70 and noticed the eggs. He quickly 71 the eggs and happily walked off for his nap (打盹). The following morning I did the 72 thing.I put the eggs a few feet away from the chicken coop, toward the back door of the farmhouse 73 Grandma usually fed Rusty. The next day I again moved the bowl closer to the house, and added some dog food to the eggs. Every day I moved the bowl closer to the back door, mixing more dog food and 74 eggs. By the time the bowl reached the door, it was all dog food and no eggs. Rusty had again become 75 to looking for his food at the back door of the house, and never again went into the chicken coop.64.A.care B.start C.want D.feelA AB BC CD D

问题 单选题Which of the following about Hughes'father is NOT TRUE?A He started the Hughes Tool Company.B He liked to spend money.C He worked hard.D He drank alcohol a lot.

问题 单选题The twins are so much______that it is difficult to tell one from the other.A similarB equalC likeD alike

问题 单选题Only when you have a good knowledge of grammar______write correctly.A you willB you canC can youD can't you

问题 单选题72. A when B that C what D whereA AB BC CD D

问题 单选题How old was the author when he wrote this article?A About 8B About 18C About 23D About 15

问题 单选题Which of the following is the best title for the passage?A Which U.S. National Park Has the Most Visitors?B Should National Parks Allow the Use of Cell Phones?C What Did Yellowstone Do to Enrich Park Visitors' Experience?D Can Technology Transform the Way People Experience Nature?

问题 问答题For workers it promises freedom from the office, less time wasted in traffic, and help with childcare conflicts.

问题 单选题70. A trembles B steals C recovers D strikesA AB BC CD D

问题 单选题75 A following B considering C astonishing D appreciatingA AB BC CD D

问题 单选题During the past ten years, there have been_____changes in the country.A lastingB dramaticC powerfulD imaginary

问题 单选题56 A hospital B market C hotel D restaurantA AB BC CD C

问题 单选题How I wish that I_______law when I was at college !A had learnedB have learnedC learnedD would learn

问题 单选题Hospital doctors don't go out very often as their work ______ all their time.A takes awayB takes inC takes overD takes up