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更多 “单选题____A WhileB SinceC BecauseD Suppose” 相关考题
考题 单选题Frank plays()Alex.A a lot more better thanB much more better thanC a lot better thanD much more well than

考题 单选题The children were told that it was the custom of many American Indians to wear their _____ hair in.A braidsB brainsC bribesD brides

考题 单选题We need()machine.A repairingB repairC repairedD to repair

考题 问答题社会阶层

考题 单选题– What's happened to Tom? -- ()to hospital.A He’s been takenB He’ll be takenC He’s taken

考题 单选题Please prepare the medicine for me according to this()A prescriptionB descriptionC inscriptionD subscription

考题 单选题We()every day when we were children.A used to swimB used to swimmingC use to swimD use to swimming

考题 单选题A: Can I use the phone in the hall? B:()A You can use them.B I’m afraid.C Of course.

考题 单选题Please stop getting()me and I have done nothing wrong.A onB atC overD off

考题 单选题His salary as a driver is much higher than().A a porterB is a porterC that of a porterD as a porter

考题 问答题Practice 2  The miracle silicon chip represents a development in the technology of mankind that over the past few years has acquired the force and significance associated with the development of hand tools or the discovery of the steam engine. Just as the Industrial Revolution took over an immense range of tasks from men’ s muscles and enormously expanded productivity, so the microcomputer is rapidly assuming huge burdens of tedious work from the human brain and thereby expanding the mind’s capacities in ways that man has only begun to grasp. With the chip, remarkable achievements of memory and execution become possible in everything from farms to banks to corporate offices.

考题 单选题They have done()work these days.A too muchB much tooC too manyD many too

考题 问答题配色方案,色彩设计

考题 单选题Inflation has been known to _____ in periods of peace, in periods of decline and stagnation, and in periods of high and rising prosperity.A quitB persevereC maintainD persist

考题 单选题Sally's parents()come and stay with her soonA are goingB are going toC is going to

考题 填空题____

考题 问答题唐纳德·克里斯(Donald Kris)夫妇签约了你所在旅行社的跟团游,你需要向他们提供一份旅行条件书以供阅读签字,你需要请用所报考语种撰写该旅行条件书,并涵盖以下内容:  (1)服务开始与结束日期;  (2)服务内容(住宿、饮食、交通、观光景点等);  (3)不包括在服务里的内容;  (4)如需要进一步服务请联系你。  要求语言规范,行文流畅,格式正确,字数150~200字。

考题 单选题____A sandy beachesB river mouthsC coastal areasD reef areas

考题 单选题He impressed()the importance of hard work.A to meB on meC with meD for me

考题 单选题Of all the students in our class, Betty writes()A very carefullyB most carefullyC more carefullyD the most carefully

考题 单选题May I use your bike for a moment?()A It's well.B It doesn't matter.C By all means.D I have no idea.

考题 填空题____

考题 单选题The second paragraph deals with all of the following types of goods EXCEPT _____.A surplus goodsB low-cost goodsC the end lot goodsD exceptionally valued goods

考题 单选题She leaned()the wall while she was speaking to her friend.A toB againstC towardsD for

考题 单选题She was happy,()A So are youB So you areC So you wereD So were you

考题 单选题Is $50 equivalent()about £30?A toB forC withD on

考题 问答题陪产假

考题 单选题Many teenagers feel no difficulty () computer.A to learnB learnC in learningD learned