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sandy beaches


river mouths


coastal areas


reef areas


sandy beaches沙质海滩。river mouths河口。coastal areas海岸的,沿岸的。reef areas珊瑚礁区域。这里要填一个赤潮发生的具体地点。前面文章讲到过赤潮曾发生在美国和加拿大附近的大西洋和太平洋的沿岸,所以这里要选择一个相近的词。所以正确答案为C。
更多 “单选题____A sandy beachesB river mouthsC coastal areasD reef areas” 相关考题
考题 On either side of York River Entrance Channel, there are areas bounded by short-long magenta lines and marked by yellow buoys. These areas are ______.A.fish trap areasB.designated anchoragesC.spoil areasD.naval exercise areas

考题 What is defined as an area outside sea areas A1, A2 and A3?A.AOR-EB.AOR-WC.Coastal and inland watersD.A4

考题 What is defined as and area, excluding sea areas A1 and A2, within the coverage of an INMARSAT geostationary satellite in which continuous alerting is available?A.Ocean Area Regions AOR-E, AOR-W, POR or IORB.Sea Area A3C.Sea Area A4D.Coastal and Inland Waters

考题 The maximum number of routers per OSPF area typically depends on which three factors?() A. the kind of OSPF areas being implementedB. the number of external LSAs in the networkC. the number of DRs and BDRs in the areasD. the number of virtual links in the areasE. how well the areas can be summarizedF. the use of LSA filters

考题 Areas enclosed by a long and short dashed magenta line indicate ______.A.cable areasB.dumping groundsC.fish trap areasD.precautionary areas

考题 Generally,______ are used as the track charts on the high sea,______ are used for harbors,inland waters and coastal areas.A.Mercator charts/Loran chartsB.Admiralty charts/Routeing chartsC.large scale charts/small scale chartsD.small scale charts/large scale charts

考题 You are on an ice-reinforced vessel about to enter packice.You should ______.A.enter the pack on the windward side where there is a well defined ice edgeB.trim to an even keel or slightly down by the bow to take maximum benefit of the ice reinforcementC.take maximum advantage of coastal leads caused by offshore windsD.look for areas of rotten ice and enter perpendicular to the ice edge

考题 The only places in Australia that experience regular winter snowfall and icy conditions are()Athe eastern coastal areas of QueenslandBthe Blue MountainsCthe New England TablelandDthe highest peaks of the Snowy Mountains and Victorian Highlands

考题 The only places in Australia that experience regular winter snowfall and icy conditions are()A、the eastern coastal areas of QueenslandB、the Blue MountainsC、the New England TablelandD、the highest peaks of the Snowy Mountains and Victorian Highlands

考题 生物礁(organic reef)

考题 沙质海岸 sandy coast

考题 堡礁(barrier reef)

考题 Which area is the most commodities shipped in water transport?()A、In international deep seaB、In lakesC、In river and canalsD、Coastal ocean

考题 The maximum number of routers per OSPF area typically depends on which three factors?()A、the kind of OSPF areas being implementedB、the number of external LSAs in the networkC、the number of DRs and BDRs in the areasD、the number of virtual links in the areasE、how well the areas can be summarizedF、the use of LSA filters

考题 单选题Why do some people get sick after drinking the water from the river?A Because the river is pollutedB Because the river makes the earth more beautifulC Because the river can only offer water to animalsD Because there are too many animals and plants in the river

考题 单选题How did Bob save the girl in the river?A He called out and jumped into the river.B He jumped into the river and pulled her out.C He jumped into the river and hardly swam.D He took off his clothes and called out.

考题 名词解释题生物礁(organic reef)

考题 单选题The only places in Australia that experience regular winter snowfall and icy conditions are()A the eastern coastal areas of QueenslandB the Blue MountainsC the New England TablelandD the highest peaks of the Snowy Mountains and Victorian Highlands

考题 单选题The largest river in the United Kingdom is the _____.A Thames RiverB Severn RiverC Clyde RiverD Tyne River

考题 单选题For the deepest water when rounding a bend in a river,you should navigate your vessel().A toward the inside of the bendB toward the outside of the bendC toward the center of the river just before the bend,then change course for the river's center after the bendD in the river's center

考题 单选题A mountain chain in the eastern United States, extending from the valley of the St. Lawrence River in Quebec, Canada, to the coastal plain of the Gulf of Mexico in Alabama, is _____.A Appalachian MountainsB Rocky MountainsC Himalayan MountainsD Green Mountains

考题 单选题A bold reef is a reef().A with part of it extending above the waterB that can be detected by water turbulenceC that drops off sharplyD perpendicular to the current

考题 单选题The river () to the east. It is the second longest river in the country.A runsB is runningC runD ran

考题 单选题A Pollution of coastal areas.B Rise in sea levels.C Exhaustion of sea resources.D Earthquakes and volcanoes.

考题 单选题You are on an ice-reinforced vessel about to enter packice. You should().A enter the pack on the windward side where there is a well defined ice edgeB trim to an even keel or slightly down by the bow to take maximum benefit of the ice reinforcementC take maximum advantage of coastal leads caused by offshore windsD look for areas of rotten ice and enter perpendicular to the ice edge

考题 单选题Branford reef is().A a hard sand shoal marked with a lightB completely submerged at all stages of the tideC surrounded by rocks awash at low water spring tidesD a small,low,sandy islet surrounded by shoal water

考题 单选题Which of the following statements is not mentioned as serious consequences of coral loss?A A reduction in tourism.B Increased coastal damage from hurricanes.C The extinction of the estimated 1 million species of fish.D The collapse of reef fisheries.

考题 单选题Generally,()are used as the track charts on the high sea,()are used for harbors,inland waters and coastal areas.A Mercator charts/Loran chartsB Admiralty charts/Routeing chartsC large scale charts/small scale chartsD small scale charts/large scale charts