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患儿男,1岁半。发热,咳嗽4天,曾用青霉素肌注治疗无效。昨天起拒食,呕吐,尿量减少。入院查体:体温39.8℃,脉率180次/分,呼吸65次/分,精神萎靡,烦躁不安,口唇发绀,鼻翼扇动,三凹征(+),两肺散在中小水泡音,肝脏右肋下3cm。血白细胞2.5×109/L,中性粒细胞90%。 该患儿最可能的情况是()











解析: 根据患儿病史特点及体征,应考虑肺炎合并心衰
更多 “单选题患儿男,1岁半。发热,咳嗽4天,曾用青霉素肌注治疗无效。昨天起拒食,呕吐,尿量减少。入院查体:体温39.8℃,脉率180次/分,呼吸65次/分,精神萎靡,烦躁不安,口唇发绀,鼻翼扇动,三凹征(+),两肺散在中小水泡音,肝脏右肋下3cm。血白细胞2.5×109/L,中性粒细胞90%。 该患儿最可能的情况是()A 肺炎合并心衰B 肺炎合并中毒性脑病C 肺炎合并脓胸D 肺炎合并肺大疱E 肺炎合并肺脓肿” 相关考题
考题 单选题10.1.0.1/17的广播地址是()。A

考题 单选题关于尿路感染的叙述,哪项错误()A 与先天畸形有关B 新生儿期男孩发生率高C 上行感染多见于男孩D 以大肠杆菌致病为主E 与尿反流有关

考题 多选题What are two security appliances that can be installed in a network? (Choose two.)()AATMBIDSCIOSDIOXEIPSFSDM

考题 单选题全脂奶粉稀释成鲜牛奶按容量和重量计算分别是(  )。A 1:3和1:7B 1:4和1:8C 1:4和1:7D 1:7和1:4E 3:1和2:1

考题 单选题首选以下哪项辅助检查?(  )A 中段尿细菌培养B 血常规C 脑电图D 尿常规E B型超声检查

考题 单选题You wish to limit telnet access into your Cisco router to only a single host. In order to accomplish this, access list 1 has been written to allow host access to the router vty lines. What command would assign this access- list to the Virtual Terminal Lines?()A router(config-line)# ip access-group 1 inB router(config-line)# access-class 1 inC router(config-line)# ip access-list 1 inD router(config-line)# access-line 1 in

考题 单选题佝偻病激期的主要临床表现是()A 神经精神症状B 骨骼改变C 肌肉松弛D 蛙状腹E 运动发育迟缓

考题 单选题What is the purpose of pressing the Ctrl+Break keys during the router password recover procedure?()A To restart the router.B To bypass the configuration in Flash.C To view the password before changes are made.D To bypass setup configuration mode.E To access ROM Monitor mode.

考题 多选题下列关于新交换机默认配置的说法中哪三项正确?()A禁用了生成树协议。B使能口令被配置为cisco。C所有交换机端口都被分配给VLAN1。D闪存目录中包含IOS映像。EVLAN1配置有管理IP地址。F所有接口均设置为自动协商速度和双工模式。

考题 多选题Which two of these statements are true of IPv6 address representation?()AThere are four types of IPv6 addresses: unicast, multicast, anycast, and broadcast.BA single interface may be assigned multiple IPv6 addresses of any type.CEvery IPv6 interface contains at least one loopback address.DThe first 64 bits represent the dynamically created interface ID.ELeading zeros in an IPv6 16 bit hexadecimal field are mandatory.

考题 单选题儿童护理学工作范围描述错误的是()A 医学B 心理学C 社会学D 周易学E 教育学

考题 单选题A router receives information about network from multiple sources.What will the router consider the most reliable information about the path to that network?()A an OSPF update for network a static router to network a static router to network with a local serial interface configured as the next hopD a RIP update for network a directly connected interface with an address of a default route with a next hop address of

考题 单选题患儿,男,5岁,患儿无明显原因面色进行性苍白伴疲乏无力,经常出现鼻衄,查体:肝、脾及淋巴结轻度肿大,皮肤可见瘀斑。血象:红细胞、血红蛋白及血小板均减少,骨髓象:可见原始及幼稚细胞极度增生。该患儿可能的诊断是(  )。A 营养性贫血B 再生障碍性贫血C 原发性血小板减少性紫癜D 血友病E 白血病

考题 多选题What can be done to secure the virtual terminal interfaces on a router?()AAdministratively shut down the interface.BPhysically secure the interface.CCreate an access list and apply it to the virtual terminal interfaces with the access-group command.DConfigure a virtual terminal password and login process.EEnter an access list and apply it to the virtual terminal interfaces using the access-class command.

考题 单选题患儿,男,孕37周出生,生后1小时,吸引器助产。出生时羊水被胎粪污染,皮肤苍白,心率100次/分,呼吸20次/分,肌张力松弛,拍打足底有皱眉动作。若患儿生后1分钟的Apgar评分为6分,提示()A 正常B 轻度窒息C 中度窒息D 重度窒息E 极重度窒息

考题 多选题An inbound access list has been configured on a serial interface to deny packet entry for TCP and UDP ports21, 23 and 25. What types of packets will be permitted by this ACL? (Choose three.)()AFTPBTelnetCSMTPDDNSEHTTPFPOP3

考题 多选题下面哪些选项是物理层的基本功能?()A在终端设备之间传送比特流B建立、维护虚电路,进行差错校验和流量控制C定义电压、接口、线缆标准、传输距离等特性

考题 单选题确诊白血病的实验室检查是()A 血象B 骨髓象C 组织化学染色D 胸部X线片E MRI

考题 多选题中继端口有哪些模式?()AtransparentBautoConDdesirableEclientFforwarding

考题 多选题Which two subnetworks would be included in the summarized address of /20? ()A172.31.17.4 /30B172.31.51.16 /30C172.31.64.0 /18D172.31.80.0 /22E172.31.92.0 /22F172.31.192.0 /18

考题 单选题关于急性呼吸衰竭,描述错误的是()A 低氧血症B 高碳酸血症C 分中枢性和周围性两类D 仅因呼吸器官病变引起E 颅内高压和肺炎均可引起

考题 多选题Which two values are used by Spanning Tree Protocol to elect a root bridge? (Choose two.)()。Aamount of RAMBbridge priorityCIOS versionDIP addressEMAC addressFspeed of the links

考题 多选题Workstation A has been assigned an IP address of Workstation B has been assigned an IP address of The two workstations are connected with a straight-through cable. Attempts to ping between the hosts are unsuccessful. What two things can be done to allow communications between the hosts? ()AReplace the straight-through cable with a crossover cable.BChange the subnet mask of the hosts to /25.CChange the subnet mask of the hosts to /26.DChange the address of Workstation A to the address of Workstation B to

考题 单选题小儿肥胖症的正确饮食结构()A 以蛋白质为主B 以碳水化合物为主C 以脂肪为主D 以纤维素为主E 以维生素和矿物质为主

考题 单选题How does using the service password encryption command on a router provide additional security?()A by encrypting all passwords passing through the routerB by encrypting passwords in the plain text configuration fileC by requiring entry of encrypted passwords for access to the deviceD by configuring an MD5 encrypted key to be used by routing protocols to validate routing exchangesE by automatically suggesting encrypted passwords for use in configuring the router

考题 单选题Which method is of gaining access to a system that bypasses normal security measures?()A Starting a Smurf attackB Conducting social engineeringC Creating a back doorD Launching a DoS attack

考题 单选题患儿,女,足月顺产。出生2天后发现皮肤巩膜黄染而就医。父亲血型为AB型,Rh阳性;母亲血型为O型,Rh阳性;血清胆红素为290μmol/L。新生儿溶血病的临床表现不包括()A 贫血B 黄疸C 肝脾肿大D 体温低E 组织水肿

考题 单选题While troubleshooting a connectivity problem, a network administrator notices that a port status LED on a Cisco Catalyst series switch is alternating green and amber. Which condition could this indicate()。A The port is experiencing errorsB The port is administratively disabledC The port is blocked by spanning treeD The port has an active link with normal traffic activity