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更多 “单选题跨国收入和费用的分配应遵循的原则是()A 双重负担原则B 独立核算原则C 常设机构原则D 利润归属原则” 相关考题
考题 单选题家庭病床出现于()A 20世纪30年代B 20世纪50年代C 20世纪90年代D 21世纪初期

考题 多选题在服务过程中,遇到乘客或顾客投诉时,以下哪些是应有的态度和做法()A首先,无条件地向投诉者致歉B询问缘由,了解情况C强调理由,为自己辩解D解释、说明种种客观原因,请投诉者体谅E合理妥善处理,让客人满意而归

考题 判断题按《公约》规定,采用口头发盘时,除非另有声明,否则受盘人必须当场表示接受,此发盘方有效。()A 对B 错

考题 填空题新闻一般由()、()、()、()和()五个部分组成。

考题 单选题按照福利水平的差异,员工福利可以划分为市场领先型、市场追随型、市场滞后型和混合型四种。注重员工福利的企业一般会选择()的福利模式,保持员工福利的竞争力,吸引更多的人才,以推进企业的发展。 ①市场领先型 ②市场追随型 ③市场滞后型 ④混合型A ①②B ①③C ②③D ③④

考题 多选题对账岗位设置的基本原则是()A记账岗位与对账岗位必须为同一人B记账岗位与对账岗位必须严格分离C未达账项和账款差错的核查工作不得返回原记账岗处理D未达账项和账款差错的核查工作返回原记账岗处理

考题 单选题职业工作者认识到无论哪种职业,都是社会分工的不同,并无高低贵贱之分,可以笼统地称为职业工作者树立了正确的()。A 科学发展观B 社会观C 人生观D 职业观

考题 单选题从本质上讲,商标权的价值主要取决于()。A 取得成本B 设计和宣传费用C 商标所能带来的收益D 新颖性和创造性

考题 判断题一方当事人提出协商要求后,另一方当事人应当积极作出口头或者书面回应;5日内不作出回应的,视为不愿协商。A 对B 错

考题 单选题将抽样信号幅值进行离散化处理的过程叫().A 编码B 量化C 整形

考题 单选题对于两证贷客户,最少需要几个白纸图片来代替申请资料提交影像系统()A 1张B 2张C 3张D 4张

考题 单选题面色苍白,唇舌色淡,表情疲惫,为()。A 贫血面容B 病危面容C 慢性面容D 面具面容

考题 多选题下列属于政府听证会公正原则的是()。A职能分离原则B事前告知原则C案卷排他性原则D回避原则

考题 单选题在VFP6.0中,单击命令按钮后,下列关于事件的说法中,错误的是()。A 会触发命令按钮的click事件B 会触发命令按钮的mousedown事件C 会触发命令按钮的mouseup事件D 会触发命令按钮的doubleclick事件

考题 单选题孔子主张社会和谐,墨子主张“兼爱”“非攻”,孟子主张“政在得民”。这些主张产生的共同的社会背景是()A 社会动荡矛盾尖锐B 百家争鸣趋于合流C 奴隶制度全面崩溃D 封建制度逐步发展

考题 单选题如果管理层或治理层在拟议的审计业务约定条未中对审计工作范围施加限制,并且这种限制将导致注册会计师无法对财务报表发表审计意见,注册会计师正确的做不是( )A 在实施审计程序后,出具无法表示意见的审计报告B 在实施审计程序后,针对可审计部分出具审计报告C 告知管理层,不能将该项业务作为审计业务予以承接D 与管理层协商,将该项业务变更为简要财务报表审计业务

考题 单选题针对双方主体各自提出的议题而展开讨论并且多用于价格谈判的谈判方式是()A 独立式谈判B 从属式谈判C 横向谈判D 纵向谈判

考题 单选题1978年《联合国海上货物运输公约》,简称()。A 《海牙规则》B 《维斯比规则》C 《汉堡规则》D 《海商法》

考题 多选题An administrator is configuring a Catalyst switch with VLAN information that must be automatically distributed to other Catalyst switches in the network. What conditions must be met in order for the VLANs configured on this switch to be automatically configured on the other switches?()AThe switch that will share its VLAN configuration must be in VTP server mode.BThe switches must be in the same VTP domain.CThe switch that will share the VLAN information must be configured as the root bridge.DThe switches must be connected over VLAN trunks.EThe switches must be configured to use the same STP version.FThe switches must have VTP pruning activated.

考题 单选题True Friendship-Recognition How can we find true friendship in this often phony, temporary world? Friendship involves recognition or familiarity with another's personality. Friends often share likes and dislikes, interests, pursuits, and passion. How can we recognize potential friendship? Signs include a mutual desire for companionship and perhaps a common bond of some kind. Beyond that, genuine friendship involves a shared sense of caring and concern, a desire to see one another grow and develop, and a hope for each other to succeed in all aspects of life. True friendship involves action: doing something for someone else while expecting nothing in return; sharing thoughts and feelings without fear of judgement or negative criticism. True Friendship-Relationship, Trust, Accountability True friendship involves relationship. Those mutual attributes we mentioned above become the foundation in which recognition transpires into relationship. Many people say, "Oh, he's a good friend of mine," yet they never take time to spend time with that "good friend. "Friendship takes time: time to get to know each other, time to build shared memories, time to invest in each other's growth. Trust is essential to true friendship. We all need someone with whom we can share our lives, thoughts, feelings, and frustrations. We need to be able to share our deepest secrets with someone, without worrying that those secrets will end up on the Internet the next day! Failing to be trustworthy with those intimate secrets can destroy a friendship in a hurry. Faithfulness and loyalty are keys to true friendship. Without them, we often feel betrayed, left out, and lonely. In true friendship, there is no backbiting, no negative thoughts ,no turning away. True friendship requires certain accountability factors. Real friends encourage one another and forgive one another where there has been an offense. Genuine friendship supports during times of struggle. Friends are dependable. In true friendship, unconditional love develops. We love our friends no matter what and we always want the best for our friends. True friendship requires accountability free factors.()A TrueB FalseC Not Given

考题 单选题拟公开发表的学术论文、反映公司情况的各类稿件,投稿前应经()进行保密审查。A 宣传部门B 保密部门C 拟稿人所在单位及稿件涉及事项的主管单位

考题 单选题下列不能用于偿债的流动资产有:()A 应收帐款B 存货C 待摊费用D 应收票据

考题 单选题下列有关质量控制制度的目标和要素的说法中,错误的是()。A 会计师事务所应当明确质量控制制度的最终责任B 会计师事务所质量控制制度仅对注册会计师执行审计业务提出要求C 质量控制制度只能合理保证注册会计师出具适合具体情况的报告D 质量控制制度不仅规范会计师事务所接受客户关系,同时规范保持具体业务

考题 判断题夫妻间只要注意言语的表达方式就能达到有效沟通的目的。A 对B 错

考题 多选题可增进预防和处理问题这方面技I5的训练包括:()APADI数码水底摄影师课程。BPADI救援潜水员课程。CPADI紧急供氧课程。DEFR紧急第一反应首要和次要救护课程。

考题 多选题政策的导向是()的导向。A文化B观念C条件D行为

考题 单选题四川机动局是负责()的应急通信工作。A 华南区B 四川省C 西南区D 中南区

考题 判断题城市零就业家庭是指法定劳动年龄内的家庭人员均处于失业状况的城市居民家庭。()A 对B 错