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He claims to be an expert in astronomy, but in fact he is quite ignorant on the subject. ______ he knows about it is out of date and inaccurate.

What little


So much    


How much


So little


更多 “单选题He claims to be an expert in astronomy, but in fact he is quite ignorant on the subject. ______ he knows about it is out of date and inaccurate.A What littleB So much C How muchD So little” 相关考题
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考题 How clever your little son is!()A、I don't think soB、In fact he isn'tC、Thank youD、You are not true

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考题 单选题Only then he became aware of the fact that there were more difficulties ahead than he had expected.A Only thenB he becameC the factD than

考题 单选题He claims to be an expert in astronomy, but in fact he is quite ignorant on the subject. ______ he knows about it is out of date and inaccurate.A What littleB So much C How muchD So little

考题 单选题—Did you get any information from Peter?  —He ______ an expert, but he doesn’t seem to know much.A believes to be B is supposed to be C thought to be D is claimed being

考题 单选题He claims to be an expert in astronomy, but in fact he is quite ignorant on the subject. _____ he knows about it is out of date and inaccurate.A What littleB So muchC How muchD So little

考题 单选题I am very surprised that even an expert on foreign affairs can know the painting is forgery. ()he can tell who painted it.A HoweverB OtherwiseC NeverthelessD Moreover

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