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Which of the following activities can be adopted at the pre-reading stage?

Re-arranging the materials.


Brainstorming the topic.


Writing a summary of the text.


Locating the specific information.


更多 “单选题Which of the following activities can be adopted at the pre-reading stage?A Re-arranging the materials.B Brainstorming the topic.C Writing a summary of the text.D Locating the specific information.” 相关考题
考题 单选题在酶合成过程中,决定酶种类的是()A 核苷酸B 核酸C 核糖体D tRNA

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考题 问答题以下是《乡愁》的教学实录片段,阅读后完成问题。 同学们分组讨论:诗歌当中有哪些富有表现力的语言表达了诗人的情感? 学生进行热烈的讨论。 师:请同学们交流一下讨论的结果。 生1:“小小的”“窄窄的”这两个形容词使乡愁浓缩于面积小、程度轻的对象之上,反衬出浓烈的思乡之情。 师:有自己独特的见解。 生2:“邮票”“船票”“坟墓”“海峡”,这组意象是乡愁这一抽象情绪的具体对应物,具体生动。 生3:“小时候……而现在”,这些表示时间的词,既写出了诗人的经历,又体现出了诗人情感的步步增强。 师:把握住了诗歌的内在联系。 生4:“这头…‘那头”,这两个表示方位的词语,用空间上的隔离来表示诗人产生的乡愁。 师:美丽的语言,忧伤的乡愁,通过对局部语言的品味,我们真切地感受到诗歌语言的精练含蓄、富有感染力,加深了对诗人情感的理解。让我们大家从整体上再去发现、总结诗歌的新奇美。 生1:这首诗意象独特,把抽象的乡愁具体化,“邮票”等前三个意象是铺垫,末节抒发了爱国主义深情。 生2:诗歌用表示时间的词语来组构全篇,层层深入,及至最后,集中抒发了诗人思念大陆的强烈感情,构思精巧。 生3:全诗都采用“乡愁是……”的句式,既写出了乡愁,又分清了层次脉络。 师:《乡愁》是海外游子深情而美丽的恋歌,我们在感受诗人这种真挚的情感之余,何不来尝试一下,模仿“乡愁是……”这一句式来写一写乡愁? 生1:乡愁是故乡那湾永远流淌的小溪。 生2:乡愁是雕刻在记忆中的古老的童话。 生3:乡愁是远行时母亲久久的伫望。 生4:乡愁是故乡的天空中放飞的风筝。 师:同学们,乡愁是一棵没有年轮的树,永远不会老去。让我们期盼大陆和台湾的统一早日来到。 该教师在语文课堂上体现了新课程标准的哪些要求?请简要分析。

考题 问答题简述如何培养学生的符号意识。

考题 单选题麦考莱在《英国史》一书中说:“威廉和玛丽被宣布为联合王国的国王和王后,标志着英国革命结束。在英国所有的革命中,这是使用暴力最少但收效最好的一次。”材料中所说的“收效”从历史发展来看最主要体现在()。A 结束了君权神授的历史光环B 英国恢复了国王与议会的传统C 限制了国王的权力D 确立了英国代议制民主的法律基础

考题 单选题请阅读 Passage 1,完成第 21~25小题。Passage 1These days,many large city buildings are equipped with their own air-conditioning systems.These systems help keep the buildings cool,but they can also damage the environment.Since they use a lot of electricity,for instance,they contribute indirectly to global warming.In addition,the water that flows through the systems is often cooled using chemicals called chlorofluorocarbons,or CFCs,that are believed to damage the Earth's ozone layer.Recently,though,a system has been built in the city of Toronto,Canada,that cools buildings with little damage to the environment. In the traditional air-conditioning systems found in most large buildings,water is pumped through the building in a continuous cycle.The water is first cooled to a temperature of 4℃ in machines called chillers.It is then sent to individual units that cool the air in each room.As the water flows through the building,it gradually becomes warmer.Finally,it reaches the roof ,where it is left to cool down naturally in a water tower.After that it is returned to the chillers,where the cycle begins again.Toronto lies on the shore of Lake Ontario,one of North America's Great Lakes,and the new system makes use of cold water taken from about 80 meters below the surface of the lake.At this depth,the water in the lake remains at 4℃ all year round.This is exactly the temperature to which the water in air-conditioning systems is cooled.However,the water from the lake is not pumped directly into the air-conditioning systems.Instead,it is used to cool the water that is already inside the air-conditioning systems.After that,the lake water is added to the city's ordinary water supply.Enwave,the company that developed this deep-lake cooling system,says that it uses 75 percent less energy than traditional air conditioning.And since no CFCs are used,no damage can be caused to the ozone layer.Not every city is located next to a large lake,but experts believe that systems like the one being used in Toronto could be built elsewhere by using other natural sources of cold water.What is the function of the chillers in a traditional air-conditioning system?A They pump the air continuously to the units in each room.B They lower the temperature of the water in the system.C They help the water cool down naturally on the roof .D They gradually clean the water as it flows through the building.

考题 单选题A AB BC CD D

考题 单选题()关注学习过程,有利于及时揭示问题、及时反馈、及时改进教与学活动。A 形成性评价B 终结性评价C 总结性评价D 阶段性评价

考题 单选题达尔文的“进化论”作为一项自然科学的巨大成就.也对人类社会的政治和思想观念产生了很大影响。下列分析正确的是()。A 成为欧洲启蒙运动批判专制统治的思想武器B 成为西方国家进一步扩张侵略的“理论依据”C 成为马克思提出暴力革命主张的思想渊源D 成为近代中华民族反帝反封建革命的理论依据

考题 问答题这是一篇成功的写景散文,全文充满诗情画意,反复诵读后,不免让人产生遐想:那是怎样的一幅令人陶醉的图画呀!总该要亲眼看看才心满意足。产生这样的效果,与作者高超的写景艺术是分不开的。你感受到本文有哪些艺术特色?

考题 问答题有人认为在课堂中,师生保持“零距离接触”,学生回答教师的问题,做教师要求做的事,只要有这种共同活动是师生互动。问题:你认为这种说法对吗?为什么?

考题 单选题下列说法正确的个数有(  )。①等边三角形有三条对称轴;②在△ABC中,若a2+b2≠c2,则△ABC不是直角三角形;③等腰三角形的一边长为4,另一边长9,则它的周长为17或22;④一个三角形中至少有两个锐角。A 1个B 2个C 3个D 4个

考题 问答题请以"听好歌抒真情"为主题,简要设计一课时的作文教学内容。

考题 单选题1815年,法国与英国争夺欧洲和世界霸权地位的失败,标志着伦敦对巴黎的胜利,标志着伦敦将.成为世界的经济中心,而巴黎则不再可能。也许是从1789年大革命的爆发到1815年拿破仑战争的结束这26年的动荡折腾了法国,此后,法国就再也未能重现其往日作为“超级”大国的辉煌,她已经沦为二流强国。这段文字的主旨是()。A 说明法国往日曾经非常辉煌B 分析法国在19世纪初落后于英国的原因C 介绍从1789到1815年法国经历了26年的动荡D 陈述19世纪初英、法两国势力的此消彼长

考题 问答题案例: 障碍跑教学中,我设置了体操垫、栏架、跳绳、篮球等器械,要求学生依次完成前滚翻、跨栏、跳绳、三步上篮。但是教学中发现学生对我设置的障碍物不知道如何练习,之后我鼓励学生根据自己的身体素质和兴趣爱好选择练习器械,并带领他们熟悉每一样器械的基本练习方法。如面对垫子,教他们复习、巩固前滚翻;面对栏架,让他们练习过栏的技术动作;还带领一组学生练习三步上篮动作等。按照素质基础、兴趣将学生分成若干组,并设置不同的要求,面对不同的器械,每组独立练习。第一组练习体操垫,第二组练习过栏技术,第三组练习跳绳等。在各自小组长的带领下,各组开动脑筋积极创编练习方式。创编之后,规定具体动作的要求,让学生分组接力完成各个障碍器械练习,大家的兴趣迅速被调动起来,在各自的强项上表现欲望尤其强烈,我抓住学生的兴趣点,请各组出策略,让对方来完成接力比赛,大家相互出谋划策,制订方案给对方,我则监督动作的难易程度。比赛开始,学生个个生龙活虎,积极投入、齐心协力共同完成任务,有的加油,有的帮忙,有的给自己的队友出谋划策,场面非常热闹……本案例体现了什么教学理念?

考题 单选题Flash MX中,使用铅笔工具绘制平滑的线条,应选择()模式。A 伸直B 平滑C 墨水D 柔化

考题 单选题《四小天鹅舞曲》的情绪是()。A 如歌的B 柔情的C 欢快的D 激动的

考题 单选题某教材在选修模块中增加了“中外小说名作欣赏”专题,下列作品不适合入选的是(  )。A 《三国演义》罗贯中         《儒林外史》吴敬梓B 《钢铁是怎样炼成的》奥斯特洛夫斯基 《红与黑》司汤达C 《红楼梦》曹雪芹          《项链》莫泊桑D 《雷雨》曹禺            《骆驼祥子》老舍

考题 单选题计算机中的图像类型一般可以分为位图和()。A 矢量图B 立体图C 平面图D 点阵图

考题 单选题Passage1Children who spend more than two hours a day at a computer or watching television are more likely than others to have mental problems,scientists say.Researchers found that 11-year-olds who spent several hours in front of a screen each day did worse on mental health tests,no matter how much physical exercise they got. The University of Bristol study,published in Pediatrics,involved more than 1,000 children aged about 10.They also had the kids fill out questionnaires designed to gauge the kids' emotional well-being and behavior.The questionnaires contained 20 questions covering five sections-emotional difficulties,conduct problems,hyperactivity or inattention,friendships and peer groups and problems relating to friends and peer groups.The study found no direct evidence that sitting in front of a screen actually causes mental health problems. Instead,it suggests that children with difficulties,such as extreme shyness,are more likely to choose TV or computer games than sociable activities. In the study,children were asked whether they agreed,disagreed or somewhat agree with a list of statements,including,"I generally play alone or keep to myself" and,"I am often unhappy or tearful".They were also asked how much exercise they took and how long they spent at a TV or computer screen.According to the study,children who spent more than two hours a day at a screen had a 60% higher risk of mental problems than children who spent fewer viewing hours. The risk was only slightly higher in children who did little or no exercise."Physical activity is good for health in many ways,but it can't make up for long hours of screen viewing. Parents should consider limiting their children's screen viewing to no more than 2 hours a day,”said the study organizer,Angie Page.Previous studies have raised concerns that watching too much television can affect children's behavior in later life. A Canadian study found that those who watched most TV as young children performed worse at school, ate more junk food and had more trouble concentrating.Which of the children behavior below leads to the highest risk of the mental problems, according to the University of Bristol study?A Playing computer every day.B Watching TV 3 hours per day.C Doing few physical activities.D Owning few friends.

考题 问答题

考题 单选题

考题 单选题Which of the following is most suitable for the cultivation of linguistic competence?A Sentence-making.B Cue-card dialogue.C Simulated dialogue.D Learning syntax.

考题 单选题下列基因型表示纯合子的是()。A BbDDB AaBbC AAddD aaBb

考题 单选题微型计算机的系统总线是CPU与主存储器和外部设备传送()的公共通道。A 数据和运算B 程序和指令C 程序和数据D 数据和指令