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In the office.


In a factory.


At the airport.


At the railway station.


推理题。该题问的是两个说话者在什么地方,由对话中的关键词“announcing my flight(广播中在播报她搭乘的航班信息)”可推知,这两个人的对话发生在飞机场,选项C是正确答案。
更多 “单选题_____A In the office.B In a factory.C At the airport.D At the railway station.” 相关考题
考题 问答题Practice 5  The sales service includes installation(安装) and training within one week of receiving the order. On the day of installation, our training engineer will spend one hour with your secretary, providing instructions on the operation of this easy-to-use photocopier(复印机). You may call us for help at any time in the future. If necessary, our trainer will go to your company to help you with the operation of the machine.

考题 问答题Practice 1Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write an Application Letter according to the following information given in Chinese. Remember to do the task on the Translation/ Composition Sheet.  假定你是李明,给北京市奥组委写一份申请函,申请做一名奥运会的志愿者。  写信日期:2007年12月2、3日  申请函需要包括:  1. 个人信息(年龄、性别、特长、外语能力、社会活动经历等)  2. 担任志愿者的理由  3. 希望担当的志愿者工作(如导游、翻译或接待服务等)  4. 联系方式

考题 填空题Where are the goods to be sent to?____.

考题 单选题_____A Calling the police.B Booking a ticket.C Giving information.D Asking the way.

考题 问答题Practice 8  Thank you, Mr. Black. It’s a great honor to be appointed as Overseas Sales Manager. To be honest, this promotion came as quite a surprise to me. I’d like to think it’s mainly the contribution of the whole team. I’d like to thank all my colleagues in the company for their support and hard work. Due to their efforts, we’ve started some overseas projects successfully. Looking to the future, I’d still like to maintain contact with everyone, even though I’ll be working at the management level.

考题 填空题____

考题 单选题Two assistants will be required to check reporters’ names when they arrive at the press conference.A 两位助手要求记者在到达新闻发布会时通报他们的姓名。B 两位助手到达新闻发布会时被记者要求通报他们的姓名。C 要有两位助手在记者到达新闻发布会时核对他们的姓名。

考题 单选题Two figures are mentioned in the last paragraph to indicate _____.A the Public Transit system’s efficiencyB the success of Transit Police programC the police’ s emphasis on security of downtown areasD the worsening security condition of the area

考题 单选题_____A I’m sorry to hear that.B No, thanks.C My pleasure.D Yes, I’d love to make it.

考题 填空题(general) ____ speaking, he is a person that you can trust.

考题 单选题_____A Doctor and patient.B Boss and secretary.C Waitress and guest.D Husband and wife.

考题 填空题How many languages are available in the Gmail interface now?____.

考题 填空题(____)自动控制系统;(____)法律基础

考题 单选题According to the first rule, the user should _____.A keep the cooker under close watchB always keep the cooker half fullC never leave the cooker emptyD never turn off the stove

考题 问答题Practice 8  The ABC Railway Company has greatly improved its public hotline service. Simply dial 3929-3499 to get information about all the services of the company. The telephone information system is working to serve you 24 hours all year round. The customer service staff(员工) are also ready to provide you with the information you need. Their service hours are from Monday to Sunday, 7:00 am to 9:00 pm.

考题 填空题A telephone user may pay a fixed monthly charge and (allow) ____ to make an unlimited number of local calls in the month.

考题 填空题Before (write) ____ an application letter, you should be aware what kind of people the employer needs.

考题 填空题Miss Li was (luck) ____ enough to get the opportunity to work in that world-famous company.

考题 填空题All visitors to the lab (expect) ____ to take off their shoes before they enter.

考题 单选题_____ is quite difficult for Mary to pass the interview.A WhatB ThisC ThatD It

考题 单选题A personal alarm is designed for old people to _____.A detect safety conditions at homeB avoid falls in the bathroomC send out signals for helpD make phone calls easily

考题 单选题According to the writer, it seems that _____.A we can do without railwaysB trains have much in common with motorcars and planesC motorcars and planes are not as good as trainsD trains are as good as motorcars and planes

考题 填空题By this time next year a hotel (build) ____ here.

考题 单选题The example of an egg on a skateboard is used to show that _____.A eggs break easily on a moving skateboardB cars should not be stopped suddenlyC seat belts are important to safetyD driving is a dangerous act

考题 单选题If employees work on public holidays, usually they will get _____.A extra days offB extra moneyC a pay raiseD paid holidays

考题 填空题Application for this training course should be sent (direct) ____ to the admission office.

考题 单选题The author implies that the use of mobile phones in such places as museums should be _____.A limitedB expectedC discouragedD recommended

考题 单选题The accident was my fault, so I had to pay for the damage _____ the other car.A atB toC onD for