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The water level in the gauge glass when a boiler is operating is () when the boiler is shut down.

lower than


higher than




equal to


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更多 “单选题The water level in the gauge glass when a boiler is operating is () when the boiler is shut down.A lower thanB higher thanC belowD equal to” 相关考题
考题 The correct procedure for giving an auxiliary boiler a bottom blow, is to begin .A.when the boiler has been secured long enough for most solids to settleB.when the boiler has been cooled to ambient temperatureC.only after raising the water level to within 0.5 inch of the high water cutout onlyD.after bypassing the low pressure

考题 The water level in the gauge glass when a boiler is operating is _____ when the boiler is shut down.A.lower thanB.higher thanC.belowD.equal to

考题 The fuel supply system to an automatic auxiliary boiler, will be automatically shutdown if the boiler() A.salinity is abnormallyB.high steam demand is tooC.feed-water flow is lowD.water level is abnormally low

考题 The water level showing in a boiler water gauge glass is usually ( ) duringworking.A.higher than the actual drum water levelB.equal to the actual drum water levelC.increasing due to steam condensation in the glassD.lower than actual drum wafer level

考题 what chemicals did you use to treat the boiler water ?when you test alkalinity and acidity of water in boiler by pH test paper ? the result shows the boiler water is in acidiity . please describe what the possible cause is .

考题 If the feed pump for an auxiliary boiler fails to deliver the feed water to the boiler, the cause may be ______.A.high steam pressure in the boilerB.abnormally high feed-water temperatureC.abnormally high boiler water temperatureD.steam demand exceeding feed pump capacity

考题 单选题You should frequently compare drum-mounted and remote-reading water level indicators() between these have contributed to failures because of overheating through shortage of water, when a boiler was being oil-fired.A descriptionsB discrepanciesC differentD deflections

考题 单选题The water level of an exhaust gas boiler which is independent of the auxiliary boiler and just as the extra heating surface of it ()A will be modulated in proportionB will be modulated in proportion and integralC will be modulated in proportion and differentialD will not be modulated at all

考题 单选题When a sudden increase in steam demand occurs from the boiler, the water level in the drum at the higher pressure will()A rise quicklyB rise slowlyC drop quicklyD drop slowly

考题 单选题Which of the following statements concerning the water tube and fire tube boilers is not true?()A natural circulation of the water in the water tube boiler is better than that in the fire tube boilerB for the same output the water tube boiler will carry less mass of water compared with the fire tube boilerC the water tube boiler will cost shorter time for steam raisingD the water tube boiler require lower skill in operating and maintaining

考题 单选题The rate of heat transfer in a water-tube auxiliary boiler can be increased by ().A operating the boiler at less than normal water levelB installing fins on the firesides of water-tubesC increasing the amount of excess air to the burnersD treating the boiler water with chemical oxygen scavengers

考题 单选题The correct procedure for giving an auxiliary boiler a bottom blow, is to begin()A when the boiler has been secured long enough for most solids to settleB when the boiler has been cooled to ambient temperatureC only after raising the water level to within 0~5 inch of the high water cutout onlyD after bypassing the low pressure

考题 单选题When the boiler load returns to normal, the drum pressure will rise and steam bubble formation will reduce, causing a fall in water level This is known as ().A swellB shrinkageC flash offD lack of water

考题 单选题A distorted furnace in a fire-tube auxiliary boiler may be the result of ()A firing for extended periods in the low fire modeB overheating, due to waterside depositsC varying the water level above the crown sheetD carrying excessive alkalinity in the boiler water

考题 单选题During the diesel engine running, the water level of FW expansion tank should normally kept in the () level of glass tube.A the highestB above 3/4C 1/2-3/4D the lowest

考题 单选题A feed pump for an auxiliary boiler might lose suction if the ().A boiler water level is lowB feedwater is too hotC boiler steam demand is lowD feedwater is too cold

考题 单选题When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it _____.A breaksB has brokenC were brokenD had been broken

考题 单选题Water level controllers of the boiler must be kept operable to protect external steam-using plant from water “()” danger.A carry offB carry downC carry onD carry over

考题 单选题The water level in a steaming auxiliary boiler will always ()A rise when the steam pressure is increasedB remain constant as long as the feed pump operatesC fall when the steam pressure is decreasedD vary as the steam demand changes

考题 单选题The water level showing in a boiler water gauge glass is usually () during working.A higher than the actual drum water levelB equal to the actual drum water levelC increasing due to steam condensation in the glassD lower than actual drum water level

考题 单选题During the diesel engine running, the water level of F.W expansion tank should normally kept in the () level of glass tube.A the highestB above 3/4C 1/2 -3/4D the lowest

考题 单选题If in doubt as to the true water level when a boiler is being oil-fired, you should ().A take no measuresB extinguish the fire as soon as possibleC feed water to the boilerD open the blow down valve

考题 单选题When steam is being raised on a boiler, the water level will normally ().A drop as the boiler warms upB rise as the boiler warms upC remain unchanged until the boiler is hot enoughD rise and fall with the steam demand

考题 单选题The water level in the gauge glass when a boiler is operating is () when the boiler is shut down.A lower thanB higher thanC belowD equal to

考题 单选题When a boiler is operating, the water level in the gauge glass reads () when the boiler is shut down.A lower thanB higher thanC as much asD the same as

考题 单选题As for an oil-fired boiler if at a normal steaming condition and water goes out of sight in gauge glasses the action you should take is: () (1) secure oil to fires (2) increase feed pump pressureA (1)B (1)and(2)C (2)D neither(1)nor(2)

考题 单选题If the feed pump for an auxiliary boiler fails to deliver the feed water to the boiler, the cause maybe ().A high steam pressure in the boilerB abnormally high feed water temperatureC abnormally high boiler water temperatureD steam demand exceeding feed pump capacity

考题 单选题Which action should be taken when an auxiliary boiler in is operation?()A Clean all electrical connectionsB Lift the relief valves by handC Inspect and clean all solenoid valvesD Inspect for oil and water leaks