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该宾语从句的主语为“差异”,空格处的谓语应为“在于,来自于”。lie in意为“存在,在于”。故选D。
更多 “单选题_____A hideB setC fixD lie” 相关考题
考题 【19】A) getB) setC) trapD)inform

考题 I stood still, my whole attention ________ upon the motions of her fingers.A fixingB to be fixedC to fixD fixed

考题 假设某表单的Visible属性的初值为.F.,能将其设置为.T.的方法是( )。 A.HideB.ShowSX 假设某表单的Visible属性的初值为.F.,能将其设置为.T.的方法是( )。A.HideB.ShowC.ReleaseD.SetFocus

考题 Whencreatingaclassthatassociatesasetofkeyswithasetofvalues,whichoftheseinterfacesismostapplicable?() A.CollectionB.SetC.SortedSetD.Map

考题 php语言中随机函数是()。 A.randB.sqrC.fixD.abs

考题 窗体的( )方法可把窗体隐藏起来,但不从内存中卸载。A.HideB.CloseC.ShowD.Load

考题 在Visual FoxPro中,用来移动表单的方法是( )。A)HideB)MoveC)SetFocusD)Release

考题 39. I'm busy today. I'm going to have my CD player ______________.A. fixedB. fixingC. to fixD. fix

考题 A single line of position combined with a dead-reckoning position results in a(n) ______.A.estimated positionB.assumed positionC.fixD.running fix

考题 In charter-party,a clause states: the vessel to be employed between good and safe ports or places where she can ______.A.safe lie always floatB.safely lie always floatC.safe lie always afloatD.safely lie always afloat

考题 The doctors did not reveal the truth to him.A:.hide B: handle C: disclose D: establish

考题 在表单中,()属性用来确定控件是否可用。A、HideB、VisibleC、ShowD、Enabled

考题 滤器()A、filterB、fitC、fixD、fox

考题 决定Label控件是否可见的属性是()A、 HideB、 ShowC、 VisibleD、 Enabled

考题 刷新表单及表单控件的方法是()A、thisform.HideB、thisform.ShowC、thisform.ReleaseD、thisform.Refresh

考题 下面哪个属性可以控制菜单项可见或不可见()A、HideB、CheckedC、VisibleD、Enabled

考题 SNMP协议主要包括()能力。A、GetB、SetC、ProxyD、Trap

考题 php语言中随机函数是()。A、randB、sqrC、fixD、abs

考题 在C#程序中,异常处理应该将程序写入哪个结构中()。A、try/catchB、find/catchC、try/fixD、find/fix

考题 手工清除计算机病毒方法可以使用()简单工具。A、DEBUGB、MSDC、FIXD、DM


考题 单选题Is there any reason()you should lie ?A whyB whereC whichD as

考题 单选题In charter-party,a clause states: the vessel to be employed between good and safe ports or places where she can().A safe lie always floatB safely lie always floatC safe lie always afloatD safely lie always afloat

考题 单选题决定Label控件是否可见的属性是()A  HideB  ShowC  VisibleD  Enabled

考题 单选题The second paragraph is focused on _____.A the principles of past lie-detection machinesB why past lie-detection machines did not workC why it is necessary to develop new lie-detection machinesD the difference between past and present lie-detection machines

考题 单选题英文单词Lie的过去分词是()A layB lainC laidD lied

考题 单选题以下哪个不是Collection的子接口()A  ListB  SetC  MapD  SortedSet

考题 单选题Hancock’s research finding surprised those who believed that _____.A people are less likely to lie in instant messagesB people are unlikely to lie in face-to-face interactionsC people are most likely to lie in email communicationD people are twice as likely to lie in phone conversations