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更多 “单选题英文单词Lie的过去分词是()A layB lainC laidD lied” 相关考题
考题 可以先解开他的衣领,让他侧卧,然后打电话叫救护车A.The security may open his coat, let him lie on his side and ring the bellB.The security may lock his collar, let him lie on his side and ask for helpC.The security should let him lie on his side while unlocking his clothes and waiting for the ambulanceD.The security may unlock his collar, let him lie on his side and call an ambulance

考题 像素的英文单词是:() A、imageB、ppiC、colorD、pixel

考题 At the meeting place of the Yangtze River and Jialing RIiver_________ ,one of the largest cities in china.A.lies ChongqingB. Chongqing liesC. does lie ChongqingD. does l Chongqing lie

考题 In charter-party,a clause states: the vessel to be employed between good and safe ports or places where she can ______.A.safe lie always floatB.safely lie always floatC.safe lie always afloatD.safely lie always afloat

考题 Word中,先输入4个英文单词,然后分别将这4个英文单词的字号设置为五号、四号、16磅、18磅,则显示最大的是字号为( )的英文单词。A.五号 B.四号 C.16磅 D.18磅

考题 Is there any reason()you should lie ?AwhyBwhereCwhichDas

考题 迷迭香英文单词是()A、ThymeB、SageC、RosemaryD、Basil

考题 语法规则是可以类推的,例如英语动词的过去式和过去分词是在后面加ed,所以英语动词come、becom、make的过去式为comed、becomed、maked。

考题 比亚迪公司的BYD是()英文单词的缩写。

考题 “手臂”英文单词是“stomach”

考题 英文单词Lie的过去分词是()A、layB、lainC、laidD、lied

考题 网络用语“北鼻”是哪个英文单词的音译?

考题 “杏仁”的英文单词是“almond”。

考题 “植物油”的英文单词是“()”

考题 Belfast Lough and Lough Neagh lie in()

考题 下列是亮氨酸的符号的是()。A、AlaB、IleC、LeuD、IieE、Lie

考题 WBS的英文单词是()。

考题 填空题WBS的英文单词是()。

考题 单选题In charter-party,a clause states: the vessel to be employed between good and safe ports or places where she can().A safe lie always floatB safely lie always floatC safe lie always afloatD safely lie always afloat

考题 单选题显示复原命令的英文单词是()。A zoomaB homeC zoominD fullview

考题 配伍题近视的英文单词是( )|正视的英文单词是( )|屈光不正的英文单词是( )|远视的英文单词是( )|散光的英文单词是( )AemmetropiaBametropiaCmyopiaDhyperopiaEastigmatism

考题 单选题Hancock’s research finding surprised those who believed that _____.A people are less likely to lie in instant messagesB people are unlikely to lie in face-to-face interactionsC people are most likely to lie in email communicationD people are twice as likely to lie in phone conversations