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下面每句都有一个标点符号错误,该用标点处未用标点或标点符号用错,改正错误或补写标点。 1.I don't know how to answer that question? 2.Don't forget to cross your ts. 3.Ouch I think I've broken my toe. 4.It was James' father not her mother,who visited her recently. 5.It is a dependable fool proof method. 6.Our company produces many fine products it has,in fact,a reputation for quality merchandise. 7.In the first quarter prices rose 5 per cent;in the second quarter,3 per cent and in the third 7 per-cent. 8.Frank Stanley,III will replace his grandfather,Frank Stanley,Sr.,as president of the company. 9.Stallions yield the highest prices;but mares can also be extremely expensive. 10.Help,Help!Someone has fallen into the river.


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “问答题下面每句都有一个标点符号错误,该用标点处未用标点或标点符号用错,改正错误或补写标点。 1.I don't know how to answer that question? 2.Don't forget to cross your ts. 3.Ouch I think I've broken my toe. 4.It was James' father not her mother,who visited her recently. 5.It is a dependable fool proof method. 6.Our company produces many fine products it has,in fact,a reputation for quality merchandise. 7.In the first quarter prices rose 5 per cent;in the second quarter,3 per cent and in the third 7 per-cent. 8.Frank Stanley,III will replace his grandfather,Frank Stanley,Sr.,as president of the company. 9.Stallions yield the highest prices;but mares can also be extremely expensive. 10.Help,Help!Someone has fallen into the river.” 相关考题
考题 与十七大党章相比,十八大党章在总纲部分删去了( )A.51字(含标点符号)B.61字(含标点符号)C.71字(含标点符号)D.81字(含标点符号)

考题 与十七大党章相比,十八大党章在总纲部分增加的字数是( )A.368字(含标点符号)B.468字(含标点符号)C.568字(含标点符号)D.668字(含标点符号)

考题 在横线A处填上正确的标点符号。(1分)A处的标点是_______________。

考题 给文中第三自然段中没有标点符号的地方加上标点符号。

考题 简述标点符号用法特征。

考题 下面每句都有一个标点符号错误,该用标点处未用标点或标点符号用错,改正错误或补写标点。 1.I don't know how to answer that question? 2.Don't forget to cross your ts. 3.Ouch I think I've broken my toe. 4.It was James' father not her mother,who visited her recently. 5.It is a dependable fool proof method. 6.Our company produces many fine products it has,in fact,a reputation for quality merchandise. 7.In the first quarter prices rose 5 per cent;in the second quarter,3 per cent and in the third 7 per-cent. 8.Frank Stanley,III will replace his grandfather,Frank Stanley,Sr.,as president of the company. 9.Stallions yield the highest prices;but mares can also be extremely expensive. 10.Help,Help!Someone has fallen into the river.

考题 什么情况下产品主标题中允许出现标点符号?()A、本身产品型号中存在标点符号B、产品属性中出现标点符号C、用标点符号做间隔符号D、产品标题中可以出现标点符号

考题 在前台采集录入时,不可机读证件姓名中有标点符号作间隔的,应如何录入()A、录入一个空格B、不录入C、录入标点符号

考题 标点符号使用之初,出版界并不看重它的作用与价值,在计算稿费时把标点符号除外。当时()故意写了一篇没有标点符号的文章寄去,使编辑在审稿时极为困难,后来只得请他补上标点,并同意标点也支付稿费。A、鲁迅B、胡适C、刘复D、钱玄同

考题 标点符号用来表示()、()或词语的()。

考题 标点符号分为()和()两类。常用的标点符号有()。

考题 在输入法中切换中英文标点符号的叙述中,正确的是()A、英文标点符号(半角)B、英文标点符号(全角)C、中文标点符号(全角)D、中文标点符号(半角)

考题 每条短信内容最多为140个字节(英文字母、数字、标点等)或70个汉字(包括中文标点符号)()

考题 “咆哮体”是指带许多什么标点符号的词或句子?

考题 在中文Windows 7的输入中文标点符号状态下,按下列()可以输入中文标点符号顿号。A、~B、C、\D、/

考题 ()的速录编码是“GDIU”,用()击打。A、标点符号,左手B、标点符号,右手C、省略号、右手D、省略号、左手

考题 ()速录编码是“XBDG”,用()击打。A、标点符号,左手B、冒号,右手C、标点符号,右手D、冒号、左手

考题 标点符号

考题 在中文windows 95的输入中文标点符号状态下,按下列()键可以输入中文标点符号顿号。A、~B、C、\D、@

考题 填空题标点符号用来表示()、()或词语的()。

考题 单选题()速录编码是“XBDG”,用()击打。A 标点符号,左手B 冒号,右手C 标点符号,右手D 冒号、左手

考题 问答题下面每句都有一个标点符号错误,该用标点处未用标点或标点符号用错,改正错误或补写标点。 1.I don't know how to answer that question? 2.Don't forget to cross your ts. 3.Ouch I think I've broken my toe. 4.It was James' father not her mother,who visited her recently. 5.It is a dependable fool proof method. 6.Our company produces many fine products it has,in fact,a reputation for quality merchandise. 7.In the first quarter prices rose 5 per cent;in the second quarter,3 per cent and in the third 7 per-cent. 8.Frank Stanley,III will replace his grandfather,Frank Stanley,Sr.,as president of the company. 9.Stallions yield the highest prices;but mares can also be extremely expensive. 10.Help,Help!Someone has fallen into the river.

考题 多选题下列关于夹用英文的中文出版物对标点符号的使用说法正确的有(  )。A中文的标点符号通常是全角字符,英文的标点符号通常是半角字符B中文句子夹用了英文的单词或词组,该句子应用中文标点符号结尾C中文句子引用英文句子,引号使用中文形式,所引的英文句子中和末尾都用英文标点符号D英文标题或英文引用中的标点符号不要保留E中文句子中夹用英文书刊名时,应用英文斜体,而不应借用中文书名号

考题 多选题在输入法中切换中英文标点符号的叙述中,正确的是()A英文标点符号(半角)B英文标点符号(全角)C中文标点符号(全角)D中文标点符号(半角)

考题 填空题标点符号分为()和()两类。常用的标点符号有()。

考题 单选题标点符号使用之初,出版界并不看重它的作用与价值,在计算稿费时把标点符号除外。当时()故意写了一篇没有标点符号的文章寄去,使编辑在审稿时极为困难,后来只得请他补上标点,并同意标点也支付稿费。A 鲁迅B 胡适C 刘复D 钱玄同

考题 单选题如果输入带有中文档标点符号的中文文字,还应将标点符号改为( )符号,即将标点符号按钮“.,”改为“。,”。A 英文标点B 中文的标点C 中文输入D 以上都不是

考题 单选题在前台采集录入时,不可机读证件姓名中有标点符号作间隔的,应如何录入()A 录入一个空格B 不录入C 录入标点符号