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What are three traffic descriptors that are used by the classification process to categorize packets that require special OoS handling?()

Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP)


IP precedence


traffic shaping


trust boundaries






解析: 暂无解析
更多 “多选题What are three traffic descriptors that are used by the classification process to categorize packets that require special OoS handling?()AResource Reservation Protocol (RSVP)BIP precedenceCtraffic shapingDtrust boundariesEDSCPFapplication” 相关考题
考题 单选题该患儿臀部皮肤发红,伴有皮疹,护理措施正确的是(  )。A 每日以肥皂清洁臀部B 每次便后清洗臀部并涂油C 涂抗生素软膏D 用塑料布包裹布尿布E 红外线照射臀部

考题 单选题An 802.1X client cannot authenticate to an autonomous access point configured for multiple VLANs. The native VLAN does not have an SSID configured. Which one of the following links being down would prevent the clients from authenticating?()A between the RADIUS and the access pointB between the client’s VLAN and the WLSEC between the native VLAN and the WLSED between the client’s VLAN and the RADIUS

考题 单选题关于蛔虫病说法正确的是()A 人体接触蛔虫成虫后感染致病B 蛔虫在人体内生存时间2~3个月左右C 小儿发病率明显高于成人D 城市发病率高于农村E 无生命危险

考题 单选题健康足月男婴,6个月,体重8kg,采用人工喂养,该小儿每日除8%糖牛奶外,还需要喂水的量为()A 660mlB 320mlC 780mlD 880mlE 1200ml

考题 单选题A MAC address flood attack is occurring on the LAN. During this attack, numerous frames areforwarded to a switch which causes the CAM table to fill to capacity. How does this action benefitthe attacker?()A All traffic is tagged with a specific VLAN ID from the VLAN of the attacker and is now viewableB Clients will forward packets to the attacking device, which will in turn send them to the desireddestination but not before recording the traffic patternsC All traffic is redirected to the VLAN that the attacker used to flood the CAM tableD All traffic is flooded out all ports and an attacker is able to capture all dataE None of the other alternatives apply

考题 单选题患儿男,6个月。患有化脓性脑膜炎,经抗生素治疗后好转,体温下降,继续原方案治疗。2天后体温又上升至39℃,并出现频繁呕吐,前囟饱满。首先诊断考虑(  )。A 脑膜炎复发B 硬脑膜下积液C 脑脓肿D 脑水肿E 脑积水

考题 单选题By how much is a signal’s strength reduced when the signal passes through an object thatintroduces 3 dB of attenuation?()A 1/6B 1/4C 1/3D 1/2

考题 单选题佝偻病患儿出现方颅的时间是()A 3~4个月B 3~6个月C 8~9个月D 1岁左右E 3岁以后

考题 单选题风湿病的发热、关节炎首选药物(  )。A B C D E

考题 单选题患儿,女,1岁,体重为10kg,其母向社区护士咨询有关喂养问题该小儿每日主要添加的辅食为()A 鱼肝油B 蛋黄、菜泥C 菜水、水果汁D 饼干、馒头片E 软饭、面条、碎菜、碎肉

考题 多选题Which two installations must be completed to allow third-party software to interact with the Cisco Unified CallManager Express system through TAPI Lite?()Athe files in the Cisco IOS TSP file on all Windows PCs on the LANBboth the Cisco IOS TSP and TAPI Lite files on all Windows PCs on the LANCthe Cisco TAPI Lite files on the same Windows PC where the software is installedDthe files in the Cisco IOS TSP file on the same Windows PC where the software is installedEthe Cisco IOS TSP on the same Windows PC where the software is installed and on all remote teleworker PCs

考题 单选题小儿急性肠套叠灌肠复位禁忌证包括(  )。A 时间超过48小时伴精神萎靡、休克B 时间超过12小时伴高热C 时间超过24小时伴脱水D 时间超过12小时伴血便E 时间超过72小时伴精神萎靡、休克

考题 单选题What is the maximum number of wlan controllers that can join a single mobility group?()A 48B 36C 12D 24

考题 单选题关于急性感染性多发性神经根炎的护理下列不妥的是(  )。A 保持呼吸道通畅B 急性期保持肢体功能位,并制动C 预防感染D 给予流质、半流质饮食E 恢复期鼓励患儿自主活动

考题 单选题患儿,男,6岁。发热2天,体温39℃。咽痛,咽部有脓性分泌物,周身可见针尖大小的充血性皮疹,疹间无正常皮肤。护士考虑该患儿可能是()A 麻疹B 水痘C 猩红热D 脓疱疹E 腮腺炎

考题 多选题The Cisco SDM can configure most, but not all, routing protocols. Which two of these routing protocols can be configured using SDM? (Choose two.)()ABGPBIGRPCISISDOSPFEEIGRP

考题 单选题对蛲虫病患儿给予驱虫药后,观察驱虫效果,可每天清晨用透明胶纸从肛门周围采取标本,检查虫卵,直至虫卵消失后再连查()A 3天B 5天C 7天D 10天E 15天

考题 多选题Which two statements are true about the digital audio in a VoIP network? ()AStandard encoding techniques create an uncompressed digital data rate of 4000 bps.BStandard encoding techniques create an uncompressed digital data rate of 8000 bps.CStandard encoding techniques create an uncompressed digital data rate of 64,000 bps.DVoice quality is not a concern if compression is not used.ETwo methods of quantization are linear and logarithmic.FTwo methods of compression are u-law and a-law.

考题 单选题A network administrator is viewing the control plane traffic flowing through their network in real-time. What built-in feature enabled this ability?()A call homeB wiresharkC ethanalyzerD NX-OS

考题 单选题In the CRS Application Editor, where do you start the debugger? ()A toolbar  B Step palette  C Design window  D Variable window

考题 单选题How many radius servers can be added to a controller and thereafter assigned to the authentication or accounting of individual wlan ids?()A 14B 15C 17D 16

考题 单选题What is not a difference between VPN tunnel authentication and per-user authentication?()A VPN tunnel authentication is part of the IKE specification. B VPN tunnel authentication does not control which end user can use the IPSec SA (VPN tunnel).C User authentication is used to control access for a specific user ID, and can be used with or without a VPN tunnel for network access authorization. D 802.1X with EAP-TLS (X.509 certificates) can be used to authenticate an IPSec tunnel.

考题 多选题Which three of these items are IPv6 transition mechanisms? ()(Choose three.)AISATAPBNATV6Cmanually configured overlay tunnelsDdual stack configurations

考题 单选题Which Subsystem needs to be configured before JTAPI triggers can be set to receive non-ASR calls exclusively? ()A ICD  B Database  C Cisco Media  D Nuance ASR

考题 单选题On the WLSE or WLSE Express, which of the following criteria for applying automanaged configurations can be combined?()A device type and subnetB MAC address and device typeC serial number and version numberD serial number and subnet

考题 单选题A particular UCS system has 8 fiber channel uplinks c0nfigured How many VSANs are Supported by this configuration?()A fourB eightC sixteenD thirty-two

考题 单选题该患儿首要的护理诊断是(  )。A 有受伤的危险B 生长发育改变C 有感染的危险D 营养不足E 潜在并发症:低钙惊厥

考题 多选题The following terms describe various design options for Enterprise connectivity to the Internet.Which of the follow ing imply that the Enterprise connects to two or more ISPs?()ASingle HomedBDual HomedCSingle MultihomedDDual Multihomed