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The()is a series of trials done at sea to determine whether the ship has met the specifications of design, modification, or repair.

Sea trial




Engine performance


PSC inspection


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更多 “单选题The()is a series of trials done at sea to determine whether the ship has met the specifications of design, modification, or repair.A Sea trialB Bed-testC Engine performanceD PSC inspection” 相关考题
考题 单选题An emergency diesel generator should automatically shut down in the event of ()A dangerous over-speedingB a loss of lube oil pressureC activation of the fixed CO2 system for the emergency generator spaceD all of the above

考题 单选题锋形成于:()A 暖气团内部B 任何地方C 冷暖气团交汇处D 冷气团内部

考题 单选题在NAKAKITA型黏度控制系统中,能引起燃油黏度增加的原因有()。 ①测粘计毛细管堵塞 ②差压变送器中恒节流孔堵塞 ③差压变送器中喷嘴堵塞 ④调节器长恒节流孔堵塞 ⑤调节器喷嘴堵塞 ⑥主机转速增加A ①②⑥B ①③⑤C ②③⑤D ②⑤⑥

考题 单选题机械式气阀传动机构顶杆与摇臂、顶头的连接方式是()。A 球形铰接B 圆柱形铰接C 螺纹连接D 键连接

考题 单选题A smoking burner with a pulsating flame in auxiliary boiler, is an indication that the()A fuel oil supply temperature is normalB burner electrode is incorrectly positionedC fuel/air ratio is incorrectD ignition current is too low

考题 单选题测量法检查船机零件时,一般采用的量具有()。A 内外径千分尺B 百分表、塞尺C 专用量具等D ABC

考题 单选题干洗增压器涡轮时,其负荷不得低于()。A 30%标定负荷B 40%标定负荷C 50%标定负荷D 70%标定负荷

考题 单选题有关船舶靠泊时接触码头的速度,下列何者正确:()A 一般船舶不应低于15cm/sB 超大型船为2~5cm/s为宜C 所有船舶均应为15cm/sD 所有船舶均应为2~5cm/s

考题 单选题半数致死量是衡量()的指标。A 毒害品的毒性B 爆炸品的危险性C 放射性物质的危险性D 感染性物质的危险性

考题 问答题ISM第九章与第十章中的“不符合规定的情况”有什么异同?

考题 单选题联合国海洋法公约规定,不得剥夺任何国家的商船在他国领海内的()。A 无害通过权B 停留补给权C 任意航行权D 停泊或锚泊权

考题 单选题Late fuel injection timing is indicated by ()A lower than normal cylinder pressure and low exhaust temperatureB lower than normal cylinder pressure and high exhaust temperatureC higher than normal cylinder pressure and low exhaust temperatureD higher than normal cylinder pressure and high exhaust temperature

考题 单选题根据我国“船舶安全管理体系认证规范”,下列有关审核的叙述哪些正确()。Ⅰ.初次审核是对新建立安全管理体系(SMS)的船舶进行的审核;Ⅱ.中间审核在船舶SMC有效期内至少进行1次;Ⅲ.换证审核应在SMC到期前6个月内进行;Ⅳ.在各种审核中如发现有严重不合格,在签发SMC之前应进行附加审核。A Ⅰ~ⅣB Ⅰ~ⅢC Ⅱ~ⅣD Ⅰ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ

考题 单选题The sensing line for the low pressure cutout switch to a refrigeration system is located ().A in the chill boxB before the receiverC on the suction side of the compressorD on the discharge side of the compressor

考题 单选题对国际航行船舶实施进出口岸检查的目的是为了()。 Ⅰ.保证港口及船舶安全; Ⅱ.维护国家主权和国境安全; Ⅲ.查禁走私和防止疫病传播; Ⅳ.进出港口船舶统计。A Ⅰ~ⅣB Ⅰ~ⅢC Ⅱ~ⅣD Ⅱ、Ⅲ

考题 单选题超大型船舶系海上系船墩,在波浪影响大时,应选用:()A 钢丝缆B 纤维绳C 白棕绳D 任意缆绳

考题 单选题The longer the ignition delay period resulting from improper use of low cetane fuel, the ()A less fuel will enter the cylinderB higher the cylinder combustion temperatureC more complete the fuel combustionD more rapid the rise in combustion pressure

考题 单选题根据有关规定,DOC在每周年前后()个月内实行年度审核。A 6B 4C 3D 1

考题 单选题You are proceeding to a distress site.The survivors are in liferafts.What will make your ship more visible to the survivors().A Steering a sinuous courseB Steering a zig-zag courseC Turning on all available deck lights at nightD Dumping debris over the side to make a trail to your vessel

考题 单选题Drinking salt water will ()A be safe if mixed with fresh waterB prevent seasicknessC promote urine excretionD protect against heat cramps

考题 单选题K-CHIEF500船舶监视与报警系统的监控对象一般不包括()。A 主机B 发电机C 锅炉D 分油机

考题 单选题同一航道的标志号码可遵循(),也可按左双右单编排。A 逆浮标习惯走向顺序编号B 沿浮标习惯走向顺序编号C 逆浮标习惯走向或者浮标习惯走向都可以D 逆浮标习惯走向和浮标习惯走向都不可以

考题 单选题求膨胀功的公式适用于()。A 任意气体等温过程B 任意气体绝热过程C 理想气体等温过程D 理想气体可逆绝热过程

考题 单选题真空沸腾式海水淡化装置不宜使用蒸汽直接加热的主要原因是避免()。A 沸腾过于剧烈B 产水含盐量过高C 耗热量大,不经济D 结垢快,生成硬垢

考题 问答题什么是不适航?

考题 单选题降落双吊杆时首先应()。A 拉入舷外吊杆B 解开保险稳索C 拨出升降机保险销D 启动升降机反转

考题 单选题A continuous watertight bulkhead is normally also a(n)().A structural bulkheadB exterior bulkheadC centerline bulkheadD joiner bulkhead

考题 单选题主机遥控系统的最大转速限制起作用的条件是()。A 主机实测转速大于最大限制转速B 主机实测转速小于最大限制转速C 车钟设定转速大于最大限制转速D 车钟设定转速小于最大限制转速