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A continuous watertight bulkhead is normally also a(n)().

structural bulkhead


exterior bulkhead


centerline bulkhead


joiner bulkhead


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更多 “单选题A continuous watertight bulkhead is normally also a(n)().A structural bulkheadB exterior bulkheadC centerline bulkheadD joiner bulkhead” 相关考题
考题 Watertight compartments are separated by ________A.engine roomsB.tweendecksC.dunnagesD.decks and bulkheads

考题 An embedded operating system is the(71)program that manages all the other programs in an embedded device after initial load of programs by a(an)(72). It normally guarantees a capability within a specified(73)size and(74)constraint as well as with application programs. It also n0rmalty has small foot print including initial boot loader, OS kernel, required device drivers,(75)for the user data and so forth. It has very-likely structure of a normal operating system however mainly differentiated by some factors such as type of pre-installed device, functional limits, taking designed job only.A.hardwareB.businessC.softwareD.external

考题 Please arrange ______ a surveyor to inspect the damaged bulkhead.A.ofB.forC.withD.in

考题 When shoring a damaged bulkhead,effort should be taken to spread the pressure over the ______.A.maximum possible areaB.minimum possible areaC.nearest watertight doorD.nearest longitudinal girder

考题 A continuous watertight bulkhead is normally also a(n)______.A.Structural bulkheadB.Exterior bulkheadC.Centerline bulkheadD.Joiner bulkhead

考题 Regulations define the bulkhead deck as ______.(subdivision and stability regulations)A.any deck extending from stem to sternB.the uppermost deck to which transverse watertight bulkheads extendC.the lowermost deck to which transverse watertight bulkheads extendD.the uppermost complete deck

考题 The study also notes a steady decline in the number of college students taking science courses.A:relative B:continuous C:general D:sharp

考题 The ship’s centerline is the ()(龙骨).A、frameB、bulwarkC、keelD、bulkhead

考题 bulkhead()A、舱壁B、舷墙C、吃水D、舷梯

考题 continuous culture

考题 单选题On-scene communications will normally take place between().A ship in distress and assisting unitsB NCS and RCCC RCCs and „0n-scene commander‟ or “co-ordinator surface search”D ship in distress and coast station

考题 单选题In order to withstand fluid head pressure on a ship,stiffeners are often attached to the bulkhead().A penetrationsB platingC framingD brackets

考题 单选题Reserve buoyancy is().A also called GMB the void portion of the ship below the waterline which is enclosed and watertightC affected by the number of transverse watertight bulkheadsD the watertight portion of a vessel above the waterline

考题 单选题Fibers of hair and wool are not continuous and must normally be spun into thread when woven into textile fabrics.A as are theyB when to beC that they areD if they are to be

考题 单选题Which is NOT a distress signal? ()A A continuous sounding with any fog signal apparatusB A signal sent by radiotelephone consisting of the spoken word MaydayC An International Code Signal of N.C.D The firing of green star rockets or shells

考题 单选题Damaged bulkheads often take a permanent set which is independent of the panting or bulge caused by water pressure. To control this, you should().A install shoring so the the shoring supports the damaged bulkhead without pushing on themB install shoring so that it pushes on the damaged bulkhead while supporting itC use jacks or chain falls to remove the set before installing shoresD place sandbags by the bulkhead without installing shores

考题 单选题Structural bulkheads on a ship are usually().A continuousB watertightC transverseD non-watertight

考题 单选题Please arrange()a surveyor to inspect the damaged bulkhead.A ofB forC withD in

考题 单选题Which is NOT a distress signal?()A A continuous sounding with any fog signal apparatusB A signal sent by radiotelephone consisting of the spoken word MaydayC An International Code Signal of N.CD The firing of green star rockets or shells

考题 单选题A continuous watertight bulkhead on a ship is normally also a(n)().A structural bulkheadB exterior bulkheadC centerline bulkheadD joiner bulkhead

考题 单选题When shoring a damaged bulkhead,effort should be taken to spread the pressure over the ().A maximum possible areaB minimum possible areaC nearest watertight doorD nearest longitudinal girder

考题 单选题The objective of shoring a damaged bulkhead is to().A force the warped, bulged, or deformed sections back into placeB support and hold the area in the damaged positionC withstand subaequent additional damagedD make a watertight seal at the damaged area

考题 单选题The collision bulkhead shall be of().A water-tightB air-tightC fire-tightD oil-tight

考题 单选题A continuous watertight bulkhead is normally also a (n)().A structural bulkheadB exterior bulkheadC certerline bulkheadD joiner bulkhead

考题 单选题()is not a longitudinal structural member.A sideshellB bottom shell platingC inner bottom platingD transverse bulkhead

考题 单选题An instrument designed to maintain a continuous record of atmospheric pressure is a(n)().A mercurial barometerB aneroid barometerC barographD thermograph

考题 单选题Your ship has run aground and it is necessary to determine whether or not a compartment has floodedTherefore, you should ().A open the watertight door and take a quick lookB open the hatch dogs on the side away from the hingesC tap the bulkhead with a hammer to check for a water levelD feel the bulkhead to see if it is hot

考题 单选题Right at the top is()It is 300 mm long and 25 mm wide with its upper edgs in line with the uppermost continuous watertight deck.A the deck lineB Plimsoll discC Plimsoll lineD sunmmer load line