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解析: 蛔虫病常见的并发症有胆道蛔虫病、蛔虫性肠梗阻、阑尾炎、腹膜炎。其中以胆道蛔虫病最常见。部分患儿可发生胆道感染,蛔虫性肠梗阻也是常见的并发症,严重病例甚至发生肠穿孔和腹膜炎
更多 “单选题蛔虫对人体危害最严重的是()A 引起消化道功能紊乱B 成虫产卵量大C 虫体代谢产物和分泌物引起超敏反应D 成虫引起的外科并发症E 嗜酸粒细胞增多症” 相关考题
考题 单选题患儿女,5岁。2天前高热,体温39℃,近日全身出现红斑疹、丘疹,躯干部最多,四肢少,部分结痂。心肺正常。患儿所在幼儿园需检疫()A 1周B 2周C 3周D 4周E 5周

考题 单选题患儿男,3岁半。发热4天,伴咳嗽,流涕,眼结膜充血,流泪,半天前发现患儿耳后,颈部,发缘有稀疏的不规则红色丘斑疹,疹间皮肤正常,体温40℃,心肺正常。疹退后可能的皮肤改变()A 无色素沉着,无脱屑B 有色素沉着,无脱屑C 无色素沉着,有脱屑D 有色素沉着,有脱屑E 有色素沉着,有瘢痕

考题 单选题Which command shows your active Telnet connections?()A show sessionB show cdp neighborsC show usersD show queue

考题 多选题What is the alert message generated by SNMP agents called ? ()AtrapBinformCgetDset

考题 单选题常用驱虫药不包括()A 哌嗪B 噻嘧啶C 洛赛克D 左旋咪唑E 甲苯咪唑

考题 单选题水合氯醛中毒可以引起(  )。A 呼吸带有大蒜味B 喉头水肿C 瞳孔缩小D 皮肤潮红E 惊厥

考题 单选题The Channel Partner Program falls under which section of Cisco.com?()A  Products and SolutionsB  OrderingC  Technical Support and DocumentationD  Partner Central

考题 单选题患儿男,6岁,系脑性瘫痪,主要治疗措施不包括(  )。A 对有语言障碍、智力低下者进行语言训练、特殊教育B 全面关心患儿,注意合理营养和护理C 运动障碍应采用综合治疗D 早期发现,早期治疗E 静脉注射或肌内注射脑活素

考题 多选题Which two of these statements regarding RSTP are correct?()ARSTP cannot operate with PVST+.BRSTP defines new port roles.CRSTP defines no new port states.DRSTP is a proprietary implementation of IEEE 802.1D STP.ERSTP is compatible with the original IEEE 802.1D STP.

考题 单选题Which IPv6 address is the equivalent of the IPv4 interface loopback address ::1B ::C 2000::/3D 0::/10

考题 单选题添加菜汤、水果汁、蛋黄等泥状食物的年龄为()A 1~3个月B 4~6个月C 7~9个月D 10~12个月E 1~2岁

考题 多选题系统日志配置了一个3级的陷阱。将会产生哪3种类型的日志()A紧急情况B警报C关键D错误E警告

考题 单选题如果将允许使用中继链路的VLAN范围设置为默认值,表示允许哪些VLAN?()A 允许所有VLAN使用中继链路。B 只允许VLAN1使用中继链路。C 只允许本征VLAN使用中继链路。D 交换机将通过VTP来协商允许使用中继链路的VLAN。

考题 单选题蛔虫对人体危害最严重的是()A 引起消化道功能紊乱B 成虫产卵量大C 虫体代谢产物和分泌物引起超敏反应D 成虫引起的外科并发症E 嗜酸粒细胞增多症

考题 多选题What are the characteristic of link state routing protocols?()AThe exchange of advertisement is triggered by a change in the network.BAll routers exchange routing tables with each other iIn a multipoint network.CPackets are routed based upon the shortest path to the destination.DPaths are chosen depending on the cost efficiency factor.EEvery router in an OSPF area is capable of representing the entire network topology.FOnly the designated router in an OSPF area can represent the entire network topology.

考题 单选题Which location will be recommended for extended or extended named ACLs?()A when using the established keyword,a location close to the destination point to ensure that return trafficis allowedB an intermediate location to filter as much traffic as possible ActualTests.comC a location as close to the source traffic as possibleD a location as close to the destination traffic as possible

考题 单选题What will happen if a private IP address is assigned to a public interface connected to an ISP?()A Addresses in a private range will be not routed on the Internet backbone.B Only the ISP router will have the capability to access the public network.C The NAT process will be used to translate this address in a valid IP address.D Several automated methods will be necessary on the private network.E A conflict of IP addresses happens, because other public routers can use the same range.

考题 单选题佝偻病患儿早期的临床表现主要是()A 睡眠不安、多汗、枕秃B 颅骨软化C 方颅D 前囟晚闭E 出牙延迟

考题 单选题When a packet is sent from Host 1 to Server 1, in how many different frames will the packet be  encapsulated as it is sent across the internetwork?()A 0B 1C 2D 3E 4

考题 单选题婴儿期引起无热惊厥最常见的原因是()A 高血钙B 高血钾C 低血钠D 低血钾E 低血钙

考题 单选题对风湿热患儿使用青霉素抗链球菌感染,用药时间应不少于()A 1周B 2周C 3周D 4周E 6周

考题 单选题小儿结核性脑膜炎中期主要的临床表现为()A 颈项强直,克氏征阳性B 昏迷C 频繁惊厥D 神情淡漠E 发热、盗汗

考题 单选题该白色斑点又称(  )。A 鹅口疮B 溃疡面C 疱疹D 麻疹粘膜斑E 猩红热粘膜内疹

考题 多选题A single 802.11g access point has been configured and installed in the center of a square office. A few wireless users are experiencing slow performance and drops while most users are operating at peak efficiency. What are three likely causes of this problem?()Amismatched TKIP encryptionBnull SSIDCcordless phonesDmismatched SSIDEmetal file cabinetsFantenna type or direction

考题 单选题小儿肥胖症的正确饮食结构()A 以蛋白质为主B 以碳水化合物为主C 以脂肪为主D 以纤维素为主E 以维生素和矿物质为主

考题 单选题患儿男,7岁。8月份外出旅游时发病。表现高热、惊厥3次急诊入院。体温39.5℃,面色苍白,四肢厥冷,意识模糊。为尽快做出诊断,医生急查大便,护士正确的做法是()A 患儿无大便时,口服泻剂留取大便B 标本多次采集,集中送检C 如标本难以采集,可取隔日大便送检D 开塞露灌肠取便E 选取大便黏液脓血部分送检

考题 单选题Which switch would STP choose to become the root bridge in the selection process?()A 32768: 11-22-33-44-55-66B 32768: 22-33-44-55-66-77C 32769: 11-22-33-44-55-65D 32769: 22-33-44-55-66-78

考题 单选题哪项辅助检查对诊断最有帮助?(  )A 血常规B X线胸片C 结核菌素试验D 咽拭培养E 血气分析