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考题 填空题____

考题 单选题A potential factor affecting scientists in their efforts to control the overgrowth of world population is that _____.A state administrators do not have confidence in their workB humanists usually cannot cooperate well with themC they haven’t been trained to consider social effects of their workD they do not have enough time to tackle the problem

考题 单选题The relationship between the first and second paragraphs is that______.A each presents one side of the picture.B the second is the logical result of the first.C the first gives examples and the second generalizes.D both present the problems that customers encounter.

考题 填空题____

考题 单选题We learn from Para. 8 and Para. 9 that______.A diabetes patients must take medication upon diagnosis.B medication is the first line of defense against Type 2 diabetes.C both lifestyle and medication are important for diabetes patients.D diabetes patients have no difficulties accepting medical cure.

考题 填空题____

考题 单选题Which of the following is CORRECT about employment this year?A 3/4 percent American workers are potential applicants.B 1.3 million jobs were created last year.C 40 percent of companies will take on part-time staff.D The service sector does not contribute to job creation.

考题 问答题Why does the author dwell upon the concept of science in this article?

考题 单选题We can learn from the interview that Juliet is a (n) ______mother.A uncaring B strict C affectionate D permissive

考题 单选题In his secret hours, the author______.A noted down the lines he liked.B imitated the passages that impressed him.C edited the passages for publication.D read works written by great writers.

考题 问答题我们每天丢弃的垃圾都被送到哪里去了?我国的垃圾处理方法主要以填埋为主;而垃圾在土地中自然降解的时间非常漫长,而且有毒害的物质还有可能渗透到我们的饮用水中。如果我们把垃圾分类回收再利用,将大大缓解垃圾对环境的危害。  让我们都做具有环保意识的消费者,身体力行“三个再”:即再节约、再利用、再循环。环境保护要从我做起,从小事做起。

考题 问答题Few people would defend the Victorian attitude of children,       (1) _______but if you were a parent in those days, at least you know where         (2) _______you stood; children were to be seen and not heard. Freud andcompany did away with all that and parents have been bewilderedever since. The child’s happiness is all-important, the psychologists say,but what about the parents’ happiness? Parents suffer constantly with     (3) _______fear and guilt while their children gaily romp about pull the          (4) _______place apart. A good old-fashion spanking is out of the question         (5) _______no modern child-rearing manual would permit such barbarity.The trouble is you are not allowed even to shout at: Who knows          (6) _______what deep psychological wounds you might inflict? The poorchild may recover from the dreadful traumatic experience. Soit is that parents bend over backwards to avoid to give their          (7) _______children complexes which a hundred years ago hadn’t even beenheard of. Certainly a child needs love, and a lot of it. But theexcessive permissiveness of modern parents is surely doing moreharm than good. Psychologists have succeeded in underminingparents’ confidence in their own authority. And it has taken children      (8) _______long to get wind of the fact. There are countless articles inmagazines and newspapers. With so much unsolicited advicefly about, parents do nothing at all. And the children take complete      (9) _______control. What else can the poor parents do but obey? But thepsychologists have much to answer. They should keep their mouths        (10) _______shut and let the parents get on with the job. This will at least helpthe children to develop vigorous views of their own and give themsomething positive to react against.

考题 单选题Apart from achieving his desired results, a child should also learn to______.A behave properlyB attain his goal as soon as possibleC show his affection for his parentsD talk quietly

考题 问答题We have to ask ourselves: who really give the most value to society? Many college graduates could not find suitable jobs when they finish their higher education. What are the job problems for college graduates? Write a composition to state your view on this issue.

考题 填空题____

考题 单选题What’s the meaning of “This is a business philosophy, not a social philosophy” in the fourth paragraph?A Wal-Mart predicts huge profits in its green activity.B Wal-Mart aims to solve its health-insurance practice.C Wal-Mart’s green activity is just a window dressing.D Wal-Mart doesn’t have any social responsibility at all.

考题 单选题A The jobs are around the country.B The jobs are overseas.C The jobs are on the other side of the state.D They are local jobs.

考题 问答题Recently a group of college girls have aroused a heated debate in the United States because they wore flip-flaps when visiting the White House. While the girls think their choice was ok, many criticized them of being too disrespectful. Here in China, a boy student sued a female classmate who sat in front of him in a important examination because she wore too little, which distracted him so much that he failed in the exam. Do you think universities students now have sufficient awareness of what is proper to wear? Do you think university should make an explicit dress code for students? Write a composition of about 400 words on this topic. You should supply a title for your composition.  In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement .with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.  Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a toss of marks.

考题 填空题____

考题 单选题The sentence in the sixth paragraph “You don’t get it, and you never will” implies that _____.A the teenagers think that their parents will never understand themB it’s teenagers’ excuse to disguise their vulnerability of being under custodyC the generation gap cannot be shortened despite their parents’ effortsD the parents do not necessarily force into the world of their children

考题 单选题The author thinks good scientists are those who have all the following EXCEPT _____.A some general cultural backgroundB some acquaintance with history or literature or the artsC the knowledge in purely scienceD the support for nationalism

考题 填空题____

考题 单选题A potential factor affecting scientists in their efforts to control the overgrowth of world population is that _____.A state administrators do not have confidence in their workB humanists usually cannot cooperate well with themC they haven’t been trained to consider social effects of their workD they do not have enough time to tackle the problem

考题 填空题____

考题 单选题Why can’t the cars made by European manufacturer sell well in China?A The quality of the cars is not good enough.B The price of the cars is too high for Chinese buyers.C The cars do not cater for the Chinese buyers.D The Chinese buyers do not quite know what good cars are.

考题 问答题More people die of tuberculosis than of any other disease caused by asingle agent. This has probably been the case in quite a while. During the     1._______early stages of the industrial revolution, perhaps one in every seventh      2._______deaths in Europe’s crowded cities were caused by the disease. From       3._______now on, though, western eyes, missing the global picture, saw the trouble     4._______going into decline. With occasional breaks for war, the rates of death andinfection in the Europe and America dropped steadily through the 19th and     5._______20th centuries. In the 1950s, the introduction of antibiotics strengthened thetrend in rich countries, and the antibiotics were allowed to be imported to     6._______poor countries. Medical researchers declared victory and withdrew.  They are wrong. In the mid-1980s the frequency of infections and deaths   7._______started to pick up again around the world. Where tuberculosis vanished, it came  8._______back; in many places where it had never been away, it grew better. The World    9._______Health Organization estimates that 1.7 billion people (a third of the earth’spopulation) suffer from tuberculosis. Even when the infection rate was falling,population growth kept the number of clinical cases more or less constantly at 8 10._______million a year. Around 3 million of those people died, nearly all of them in poorcountries.

考题 填空题____

考题 问答题Now Internet has almost become the symbol of information age. Some think that it is a very great invention because by it, they can do many things that were impossible before. But some view Internet with much disapproval because it distracts people's attention rather than help people do things better. What is your opinion about the influence of Internet on the modern society? Write an essay of about 400 words on the following topic:Internet and the Modern SocietyIn the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement, with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have .written to a natural conclusion or a summary.  Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.