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The primary duty of lube oil is to reduce () between the working parts of an engine.

power output


friction and wear


indicated pressure


rated horsepower


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更多 “单选题The primary duty of lube oil is to reduce () between the working parts of an engine.A power outputB friction and wearC indicated pressureD rated horsepower” 相关考题
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考题 单选题One advantage of a flash distilling plant when compared to a submerged tube distiller is()A greater distillate purity through high temperature evaporationB cold shocking for scale removal is not requiredC less internal corrosion because of lower brine densityD less feed-water is required for equal plant capacity

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考题 单选题某一干电池,当外电阻RL为1Ω时,电流为1A,当外电阻R?L为2.5Ω时,电流为0.5A。则电池的电动势()V、内阻为()Ω。A 1.5/1.5B 1.5/0.5C 2.5/1.5D 2.5/0.5

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考题 单选题船舶破损进水后,保持船体平衡的措施有:() ①、移载法;②、排出法;③、对称灌注法A ①、②B ①、③C ②、③D ①、②、③

考题 单选题目标的位置(距离和方位)数据在捕获后即可显示,目标的CPA在()左右(性能标准规定在1min之内)才能显示。A 10sB 20sC 30sD 40s

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考题 单选题To counteract these undesirable effects cylinder oils usually contain additives formulated to impart a high degree of () and detergency.A salinityB alkalinityC acidD sanitary

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考题 单选题轮机长在调动时在下列项目中,向接班轮机长应重点介绍()。 a.机炉舱安全规定; b.有关应急设备技术状况和使用方法; c.轮机部人员情况; d.核对或测量燃、润油料的实际存量。A a+b+dB b+cC a+b+c+dD a+b+c

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考题 单选题船舶减摇装置有()。A 旁龙骨B 舭龙骨C 中龙骨D 平板龙骨

考题 单选题波长为3厘米的雷达,其频率为()GHz左右A 3B 6C 9D 10

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考题 单选题泵控型液压舵机通常采用()作为补油阀。A 溢流阀B 单向阀C 节流阀D 三通阀

考题 单选题常用的有机溶剂有()。 1汽油, 2透平油, 3柴油, 4润滑油, 5煤油。A 1+2+5B 3+4+5C 1+3+4D 1+3+5

考题 单选题2006年海事劳工公约规定,应禁止雇用或聘用()岁以下的海员从事可能损害其健康或安全的工作。A 15B 16C 17D 18

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