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The worst atmospheric condition for dispersion of H2S is().

heavy rain


gusty winds with rain


nearly calm,clear nights or early morning


full sun with high winds


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题The worst atmospheric condition for dispersion of H2S is().A heavy rainB gusty winds with rainC nearly calm,clear nights or early morningD full sun with high winds” 相关考题
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考题 单选题当操舵人员听到按导标操舵口令时应:() ①、复述;②、让导标与本船正横;③、让船首对准导标,并将新航向报告指挥员A ②、③B ①、②C ①、③D ①、②、③

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考题 单选题直接驱动螺旋桨的低速柴油机,在各种转速下所允许达到的最大功率超过(),其经济性和可靠性将显著下降。A 限制特性B 负荷特性C 全负荷速度特性D 推进特性

考题 单选题视情维修与定时维修相比,维修的针对性()。A 前者强B 后者强C 都很强D 都不强

考题 单选题对于CO2灭火系统,施放CO2前,首先应()。A 打开通往着火舱室的控制阀B 打开通往分配阀的主阀门C 严密封舱D 发警报,撤离人员

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考题 单选题在中央冷却系统中下列选项中用海水冷却的是()。A 滑油B 增压空气C 低温淡水D 主机气缸套

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考题 单选题单千斤索单吊杆作业时的稳索主要是克服()。 Ⅰ吊杆承座处的摩擦力; Ⅱ船舶倾斜时货物摆动的惯性力; Ⅲ刮风下雨时的作用力。A Ⅰ、Ⅱ对B Ⅱ、Ⅲ对C Ⅰ、Ⅲ对D Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ对

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考题 单选题在救助遇险船舶或遇险艇筏上人员时,船长()的提法有误或不妥。A 在到达遇险船或遇险艇筏前,应督促大副带领船员做好救人的准备工作B 在到达遇险船或遇险艇筏后,应亲自操纵船舶,并指挥对遇险的人员施救C 在对遇险船上或艇筏上人员进行救助时,应充分考虑遇险方的要求D 在施救过程中,应该同时考虑本船和遇险船或遇险艇筏的安全

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考题 单选题If you change from a low pour point lubricant to a high pour point lubricant in a refrigeration system, ().A compressor lubrication will be improvedB oil will not leave the crankcaseC compressor valves will be damagedD oil may congeal in the evaporator

考题 单选题In a married falls rig at the after end of a hatch,a boom is rigged in a fore and aft line through its heel.Stresses on the outboard guy will be LEAST if the guy is made fast at a point().A Abreast the heelB At right angles to the boom when viewed from aboveC Aft of the heelD Forward of the spiderband

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考题 单选题磨料的硬度是指磨粒表面抵抗()的能力。A 外力B 局部外力C 局部塑性变形D 局部弹性变形

考题 单选题According to Annex V to MARPOL 73/78,garbage containing plastic is permitted to be disposed of by().A Incinerating offshoreB Discharging when at least 12 nautical miles from nearest landC Grinding to less than 1 and discharging at least 12 nautical miles from nearest landD Grinding to less than 1 and discharging at least 25 nautical miles from nearest land

考题 单选题在班轮运输条件下,船方应根据()的内容收取货物。A 留底联B 装货单C 收货单D 货物清单

考题 单选题在双位控制系统中,用YT-1226压力调节器检测压力信号,若压力下限调在0.45MPa,幅差旋钮调在3格上,则压力上限值是(幅差范围0.07~0.25MPa)()。A 0.56MPaB 0.60MPaC 0.65MPaD 0.70MPa

考题 单选题采用10公分雷达可以()。A 提高方位分辨力B 增强反射性能C 缩小波束宽度D 提高抗雨雪干扰能力

考题 单选题调距桨船舶可以用来改变航速的因素有()。A 调节主机转速、改变螺距比B 改变螺距比C 改变转速比、进程比D 改变螺距比和进程比

考题 单选题排气烟度测量计有()。 Ⅰ.烟迹式烟度计; Ⅱ.消光式烟度计; Ⅲ.质量式烟度计。A Ⅰ+ⅡB Ⅰ+ⅢC Ⅱ+ⅢD Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ