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If the Shipowner has agreed to receive deck cargo,()must contribute to the loss,provided the owner of the jettisoned goods is the sole cargo owner.

the ship


the ship and the freight


the freight


neither the ship nor the freight


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更多 “单选题If the Shipowner has agreed to receive deck cargo,()must contribute to the loss,provided the owner of the jettisoned goods is the sole cargo owner.A the shipB the ship and the freightC the freightD neither the ship nor the freight” 相关考题
考题 If the Shipowner has agreed to receive deck cargo, ________ must contribute to the loss, provided the owner of the jettisoned goods is the sole cargo owner.A.the shipB.the ship and the freightC.the freightD.neither the ship nor the freight

考题 The fact that a part of the cargo has already been discharged will not ________ the owners of the rest, under all circumstances, from claiming a general average contribution from the Shipowner.A.precludeB.includeC.diluteD.pollute

考题 The Chief Mate must ascertain that the deck loads are stowed in such a manner as ______.A.not to affect the draught trimB.not to affect the cargo ventilationC.not to affect the free surfaceD.not to affect the vessel's stability

考题 The chief officer has the responsibility for ______.A.supervising the handling of cargoB.the upkeep of the ship and her equipmentC.supervising the handling of cargo and the upkeep of the shipD.supervising the handling of cargo and the upkeep of deck equipment

考题 The Shipowner must not stow goods on deck ______ there is a trade usage to that effect or the Charterer has given his express or implied consent.A.whetherB.ifC.unlessD.that

考题 In the absence of a special custom or the consent of the other interests in the adventure,the owner of deck cargo ______ claim for a general average contribution if it is jettisoned.A.is notB.has notC.is noD.has no

考题 The master of a ship must collect general average contributions for the benefit of those entitled to them,whether they are cargo owners or ship owner,and ______ the Shipowner's lien on the cargo,where necessary,until they are paid.A.exerciseB.takeC.makeD.have

考题 The Shipowner cannot claim contribution from ______ if,after general average expenditure has been incurred,the ship and cargo are lost before the conclusion of the voyage.A.the CharterersB.the carriersC.the cargo ownersD.the persons of the property damaged

考题 At common law the Shipowner has possessory liens on the cargo for ______.A.advance freightB.freight payable on deliveryC.freight not earnedD.freight payable after delivery

考题 To earn lump sum freight,either ______ must complete the voyage,or else the cargo must be transshipped,or forwarded by some means other than the ship in which it was originally loaded,and delivered by the Shipowner or his agents at its destination.A.the ShipownerB.the shipperC.the consignorD.the consignee

考题 Unless the Shipowner carries the goods to the destination agreed on,he ______ entitled to any part of the freight.A.isB.hasC.is notD.has not

考题 The charterer has completed loading the vessel in 3 days instead of the 5 days agreed to in the charter party.As a result of this,the ______.A.Shipowner may charge for two laydaysB.Charterer may receive dispatch moneyC.Stevedore may collect demurrageD.Consignee may be required to pay a ceaser fee

考题 All deck cargo must be ______ in addition to being shored,blocked,and braced.A.lashedB.carefully prestowedC.nestedD.properly supervised

考题 It is possible,and sometimes necessary,to strengthen the deck of a vessel for carriage of deck cargo by ______.A.placing bunker on the deckB.building a stage on which to place the cargoC.welding steel feet to the deck,on which the cargo is placedD.erecting vertical pillars under the deck to support the cargo

考题 材料:In a bill of lading there might be a clause known as general liberty to carry on deck clause which reads“Carrier has liberty to carry GOODs on deck”.This clause frequently gives the carrier the option of stowing the cargo either on or under deck,while also exempting the carrier from all liability for loss of or damage to cargo stowed on deck.A clause of this type is an option,not a statement.The problem arises when the bill of lading contains this clause,but the face of the bill of lading does not state that the cargo was loaded on deck.Under such circumstances,it would appear that deck carriage is unjustifiable for at least two reasons:a)The general liberty to carry on deck clause is merely an option to carry on deck,a choice which the carrier ordinarily does not make.If the bill of lading does not bear a statement on its face giving notice that the cargo is actually stowed on deck,then by default the option has been exercised in favour of under deck carriage.b)The typewritten or handwritten wording on the face of a bill of lading has precedence over the bills printed clauses.And a clean bill of lading,because it implies under-deck stowage,is functionally equivalent to a typewritten or handwritten notation on the face of the document calling for carriage below deck.A clean bill of lading therefore overrides the printed liberty to carry on deck clause.A general deck carriage clause without a statement on the face of the bill of lading that cargo is carried on deck is merely an option not exercised and the deck carriage is therefore a fundamental breach of the contract and the Rules.问题:A clause which reads“Carrier has liberty to carry GOODs on deck”contained in B/L is ________.A.a statementB.a problemC.an optionD.a typewritten or handwritten wording on its faceIf there is no deck stowage statement on the face of B/L,it is implied that ________.A.all cargoes are stowed under deckB.all cargoes are stowed on deckC.cargoes are stowed either on or under deckD.it can not be decided whether cargoes are stowed on or under deckIf a handwritten wording on the face of B/L is in conflict with one of its printed clause,________.A.the handwritten wording shall prevailB.the printed clause shall prevailC.both the handwritten wording and the printed clause shall be ignoredD.the B/L shall become null and voidThe deck carriage is justifiable only when ________.A.there is a general liberty to carry on deck clause in the B/L and a statement on its face that the cargo is actually stowed on deckB.there is either a general liberty to carry on deck clause in the B/L or a statement on its face that the cargo is actually stowed on deckC.there is neither general liberty to carry on deck clause in the B/L nor a statement on its face that the cargo is actually stowed on deckD.only when the carrier is exempted from all liability for loss of or damage to cargo stowed on deck请帮忙给出每个问题的正确答案和分析,谢谢!

考题 ()(湿货)must be kept away from dry cargo.A、Light cargoB、Wet cargoC、Heavy cargoD、Deck cargo

考题 单选题Cargo handlers should take the following precautions with the exception of()to avoid damage from shifting.A Keep the loads as close to the rail or deck as possibleB If cargo is likely to settle,make provisions to secure it after it has settledC Thoroughly secure and shore all cargo so that it cannot moveD hen stowing cargo,avoid leaving empty paces

考题 单选题The Shipowner cannot claim contribution from()if,after general average expenditure has been incurred,the ship and cargo are lost before the conclusion of the voyage.A the CharterersB the carriersC the cargo ownersD the persons of the property damaged

考题 单选题That the Shipowner has broken a condition precedent will()the Charterer from the liability to provide a cargo.A dischargeB pertainC retainD remain

考题 单选题It is possible,and sometimes necessary,to strengthen the deck of a vessel for carriage of deck cargo by().A placing bunker on the deckB building a stage on which to place the cargoC welding steel feet to the deck,on which the cargo is placedD erecting vertical pillars under the deck to support the cargo

考题 单选题The chief officer has the responsibility for().A supervising the handling of cargoB the upkeep of the ship and her equipmentC supervising the handling of cargo and the upkeep of the shipD supervising the handling of cargo and the upkeep of deck equipment

考题 单选题If the carrier and the shipper have agreed that the goods shall or may be carried on deck,the carrier must()in the bill of lading a statement to that effect.A desertB dessertC insertD reseat

考题 单选题To “shore up” the main deck for the stowage of deck cargo means to().A weld pad eyes on deck in proper position to secure the cargoB strengthen the main deck by placing pillars underneath it in the tween-decksC distribute the weight of the cargo by placing fore-and-aft planks on the main deckD package the cargo in wooden crates so it will not damage the deck

考题 单选题The Shipowner must not stow goods on deck()there is a trade usage to that effect or the Charterer has given his express or implied consent.A whetherB ifC unlessD that

考题 单选题You are on a containership. The cargo includes a container of small arms ammunition,a container of lead-acid storage batteries and bottles of methyl acetylene. Which statement is TRUE?().A The storage batteries must be stowed on deck away from the ammunitionB The storage batteries must be at least ten horizontal feet away from the methyl acetylene if in the same spaceC The ammunition must be separated from the methyl acetylene by at least one holdD The methyl acetylene may be stowed on deck or under deck with under deck stowage to be used if available

考题 单选题To earn lump sum freight,either()must complete the voyage,or else the cargo must be transshipped,or forwarded by some means other than the ship in which it was originally loaded,and delivered by the Shipowner or his agents at its destination.A the ShipownerB the shipperC the consignorD the consignee

考题 单选题Where advance freight is agreed upon,payment does not depend on delivery and must be made ()the ship is lost and the cargo never delivered.A UnlessB WhenC BecauseD Even though

考题 单选题At common law the Shipowner has possessory liens on the cargo for().A advance freightB freight payable on deliveryC freight not earnedD freight payable after delivery