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更多 “单选题柴油在气缸内燃烧是()。A 压燃B 点燃C 自燃D 压燃或点燃” 相关考题
考题 判断题制冷系统的气密试验合格可不再进行真空试验。A 对B 错

考题 单选题船舶的机动性是指()。A 船舶的快速性B 船舶的多功能性C 改变船舶状态的灵敏性D 对不同航区的适应性


考题 单选题按舵叶在舵杆前后的分布比例,舵可分为()。A 平衡舵、半平衡舵、襟翼舵B 不平衡舵、半平衡舵、倒车舵C 平衡舵、襟翼舵、倒车舵D 平衡舵、半平衡舵、不平衡舵

考题 单选题下列喷油泵凸轮外形较陡对喷油规律的影响因素中,错误的是()。A 喷射延迟角较小B 柱塞上升速度较快C 喷油持续角较大D 喷油压力上升较快

考题 单选题形成活塞环第二次密封的机理是()。A 环的弹力B 多道活塞环C 活塞环内圆柱表面的气体力D 环的半干摩擦状态

考题 单选题船舶吃水差曲线图中不包括装货后()。A 船舶重心位置B 尾吃水C 首吃水D 吃水差

考题 单选题下列说法正确的是()。①在遵守规则可以避免碰撞的情况下,绝不允许背离规则;②在遵守规则不仅不能避免碰撞甚至导致碰撞时,当事船舶可背离规则全部条款行动。A ①B ②C ①②都对D ①②都不对

考题 单选题If anything abnormal be found on the load change of main engine when the ship is entering in shallow waterway, before taking measuring the engineer on duty should ()A stop main engine immediatelyB ask the captain and the chief engineer’s permission for stopping the engineC initiatively inquire the bridge for the situationD stop engine and inform bridge

考题 单选题舵是舵设备中承受水动力以产生转舵力矩的构件,一般安装在:()A 机舱内B 舵机间C 尾尖舱中D 船尾螺旋桨后面

考题 单选题伺服油缸式舵机遥控系统的控制油缸设液控旁通阀是为了()。A 伺服活塞到位后使泵卸荷B 必要时锁闭控制油路C 停本系统时不妨碍其它方式控制伺服活塞D 油压过高时卸荷

考题 单选题锅炉运行中突然熄火应立即采取的措施是()。A 切断锅炉电源B 停止风机C 停止供油D B+C

考题 单选题Magnetic variation changes with a change in().A the vessel's headingB sea conditionsC seasonsD the vessel's position

考题 单选题采取激励的措施,()是行之有效的激励方法。  ①组织文化激励 ②感情激励 ③外在激励与内在激励相结合 ④按员工需要激励 ⑤评比、竞赛、竞争激励 ⑥危机激励 ⑦坚持民主公正的原则A ①②⑤⑥B ①②③④⑥C ①②③④⑤⑥D ①②③④⑤⑥⑦

考题 单选题通电后电动机不转且有嗡嗡声,原因有()。 ①熔丝截面过小; ②定、转子绕组有断路(一相断线)或电源一相失电; ③绕组引出线始末端接错或绕组内部接反; ④电源回路接点松动,接触电阻大; ⑤电源电压过高; ⑥电动机负载过大或转子卡住。A ①②③④B ①②⑤⑥C ②③④⑥D ②④⑤⑥

考题 单选题For a continuous operation diesel engine, a duplex filter unit would be the best arrangement because ().A changing filter elements would not interrupt engine operationB filtering occurs twice in each pass of oil through the systemC clogging will not occurD dropping pressure is half of that through a single filter unit

考题 单选题关于交流三速锚机的控制线路(利用主令控制手柄操作),下列说法正确的是()。A 当主令手柄从0位迅速扳到高速挡,控制线路应使电机也立即高速起动B 由于当接触器失压时,衔铁便释放,已经起到零压保护的功能;控制线路不需另设置其他零压保护环节C 控制线路中应设置短路、过载、失压、断相等保护环节D 当高速运行时过流继电器动作,则自动停机

考题 单选题The abandon ship signal sounded by the vessels whistle is ().A 6 short blasts and 1 long blastB long blast mare than 6 short blastsC more than 6 short blasts and 1 long blastD 1 long blast of at least 10 seconds

考题 单选题新造柴油机活塞环平面间隙过小的主要原因是()。A 环槽变形B 环高度太大C 环槽积炭D 量具精度低

考题 单选题最大系固负荷系指:()A 船上系固设备的许用负荷B 船上系固设备的试验负荷C 船上系固设备的破断负荷D 船上系固设备的验证负荷

考题 单选题某轮TC275°,测得右舷某一小岛的最小距离的陀螺方位GB006°,△G=1°E,则风流合压差γ为()。A +2°B -2°C +1°D -1°

考题 单选题设计一条30000吨散货船,如在同样船速下给右边Ⅰ和左边Ⅱ两条推进特性曲线,则得到两个机、桨工况配合点MPⅠ和MPⅡ,分析这两个配合点参数螺旋桨直径为(),螺旋桨转速为(),螺旋桨功率为()。A D1<D2/n1>n2/P1>P2B D1>D2/n1>n2/P1>P2C D1<D2/n1<n2/P1>P2D D1<D2/n1>n2/P1<P2

考题 单选题The margin plate is the().A outboard strake of plating on each side of an innerbottomB outer strake of plating on each side of the main deck of a vesselC plate which sits atop the center vertical keelD uppermost continuous strake of plating on the shell of a vessel

考题 单选题下列哪些元件可用于构成压力传感器?() ①滑变电阻; ②光电池; ③热电偶; ④金属应变片。A ①②B ②③C ③④D ①④

考题 单选题The () of the lubricant should be sufficient to hold the film together, but it should allow the lubricant to flow easily.A specific gravityB viscosityC acid valueD calorific value

考题 单选题我国国际航行船舶经船检机构丈量后签发()。A 中华人民共和国吨位证书B 吨位证书C 国际吨位证书D 仅使用于我国与缔约国之间的国际吨位证书

考题 单选题Which of the problems listed would came the discharge temperature of an R-12 refrigeration compressor to increase?()A Thermal expansion valve frozen openB Suction gas heat exchanger bypassedC Condenser clogged or fouledD High pressure cutout switch inoperative

考题 单选题A centrifugal fuel oil purifier should be shut down if ()A more sealing water is neededB the cover clamp needs tighteningC the purifier has a bad vibration when startedD water is discharged from the overflow line