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Which of the following is used to invoke a Web service from an unmanaged client?()

JAX-WS dispatch API


Deployment descriptor


@Resource annotation


@WebServiceRef annotation


Service and Interface classes


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “多选题Which of the following is used to invoke a Web service from an unmanaged client?()AJAX-WS dispatch APIBDeployment descriptorC@Resource annotationD@WebServiceRef annotationEService and Interface classes” 相关考题
考题 Which of the following protocols is used to encrypt data between web servers and web browsers?() A.SMTPB.SIPC.HTTPD.SSL

考题 Which of the following is used to create multiple networks from one large network?() A.PATB.NATC.MulticastD.Subnetting

考题 Which of the following ports are used by default for web servers? ()(Select TWO) A.80B.110C.123D.143E.443

考题 What is the use of an "all configuration" backup in Cisco UCS?()A、 Can be used to migrate from a 6120 to a 6140 and retain the same service profilesB、 Can only be used on the fabric interconnect on which it was createdC、 Can be used to migrate from a 6120 to 6140 and retain system IP addresses and cluster informationD、 Can be used to match firmware versions between 6120 and 6140 during a migration

考题 Which of the following dbx commands should be used to obtain a stack trace from a coredump file?()A、trace B、where C、status D、which

考题 When creating a Web service which requires reliable delivery of SOAP messages, which transport should be used?()A、 SOAP/TCPB、 SOAP/JMSC、 SOAP/HTTPD、 SOAP/SMTPE、 SOAP/HTTPS

考题 Which design phase service component includes the development and documentation of the test case or cases used to verify that a deployed infrastructure meets operational, functional, and interface requirements? Select exactly 1 answer(s) from the following:()。A、Implementation PlanB、Business PlanC、Staging PlanD、Detailed Design DevelopmentE、Systems Acceptance Test Plan Development

考题 Which of the following commands would be used to go from c:/windows to c:/windows/system32?()A、RDB、MDC、DIRD、CD

考题 A technician installs a local web server which is not accessible from the network. Which of the following is the local IP address that the web server should be using on the loopback adapter?()A、、、、

考题 Which of the following utilities would a technician use to prevent a service from starting duringsystem startup?()A、Event ViewerB、System File CheckerC、MSCONFIGD、Task Manager

考题 Which of the following technologies can be used as a means to isolate a host OS from some types of security threats?()A、Intrusion detectionB、VirtualizationC、KitingD、Cloning

考题 Which of the following ports are used by default for web servers? ()(Select TWO)A、80B、110C、123D、143E、443

考题 Which of the following commands would be used to move the working directory from C:/ to C:/Windows?()A、CDB、RDC、MDD、SFC

考题 Which of the following kdb commands is used to obtain a stack trace from a dump? ()A、 trb B、 his C、 f D、 trace

考题 Which of the following commands is used to restore the VIO server from a backup image?()A、ddB、tarC、restoreD、installios

考题 Which of the following resources could be used to obtain the latest IBM DS Storage ManagerUser’s Guide?()A、InfoCenter web siteB、Announcement letterC、IBM Redbook web siteD、IBMTechline/Partnerline

考题 Which of the following is used to invoke a Web service from an unmanaged client?() A、 JAX-WS dispatch APIB、 Deployment descriptorC、 @Resource annotationD、 @WebServiceRef annotationE、 Service and Interface classes

考题 You are creating a web form with this HTML: 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Which HTTP method is used when sending this request from the browser?()A、GETB、PUTC、POSTD、SENDE、FORM

考题 You have a Web server that runs Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 (SP2).You attempt to start the World Wide Publishing Service and receive the following error message.You need to identify which services must be started before you can start the World Wide Web Publishing Service.  What should you do?()A、From Event Viewer, view the application log.B、From Windows Explorer, open the %systemroot%/system32/drivers/etc/services file.C、From the Services snap-in, view the properties of the World Wide Web Publishing Service.D、From the command prompt, run Net config server /srvcomment:”World Wide Web Publishing Service”.

考题 单选题When creating a Web service which requires reliable delivery of SOAP messages, which transport should be used?()A  SOAP/TCPB  SOAP/JMSC  SOAP/HTTPD  SOAP/SMTPE  SOAP/HTTPS

考题 单选题What is the use of an "all configuration" backup in Cisco UCS?()A  Can be used to migrate from a 6120 to a 6140 and retain the same service profilesB  Can only be used on the fabric interconnect on which it was createdC  Can be used to migrate from a 6120 to 6140 and retain system IP addresses and cluster informationD  Can be used to match firmware versions between 6120 and 6140 during a migration

考题 多选题Which of the following is used to invoke a Web service from an unmanaged client?()AJAX-WS dispatch APIBDeployment descriptorC@Resource annotationD@WebServiceRef annotationEService and Interface classes

考题 单选题A technician installs a local web server which is not accessible from the network. Which of the following is the local IP address that the web server should be using on the loopback adapter?()A

考题 单选题A developer is designing a multi-tier web application and discovers a need to hide the details of establishingand maintaining remote communications from the client. In addition, the application needs to find,in a transparent manner,the heterogeneous business components used to service the client’s requests. Which design patterns, working together, address these issues?()A Business Delegate and Transfer ObjectB Business Delegate and Service LocatorC Front Controller and Business DelegateD Intercepting Filter and Transfer Object

考题 单选题Which of the following protocols is used to encrypt data between web servers and web browsers?()A SMTPB SIPC HTTPD SSL

考题 单选题You are creating a web form with this HTML: 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Which HTTP method is used when sending this request from the browser?()A GETB PUTC POSTD SENDE FORM

考题 单选题Which of the following is an identity service that runs in the cloud as the trust broker and is used by Exchange Server?()A Federated Organization IdentifierB Microsoft Federation GatewayC Application IdentifierD Federation Trust