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The word hang in line 21 primarily serves to suggest that ______.

rendering drapery is one of the most difficult aspects of drawing for an artist to master


it is considered scandalous in Ghirlandaio's time to draw a figure without drapery


Ghirlandaio draws from his observations of actual draped models in his art


Ghirlandaio's drawings would be less convincing if he worked more slowly


Ghirlandaio's drawing is so realistic it appeared three-dimensional


更多 “单选题The word hang in line 21 primarily serves to suggest that ______.A rendering drapery is one of the most difficult aspects of drawing for an artist to masterB it is considered scandalous in Ghirlandaio's time to draw a figure without draperyC Ghirlandaio draws from his observations of actual draped models in his artD Ghirlandaio's drawings would be less convincing if he worked more slowlyE Ghirlandaio's drawing is so realistic it appeared three-dimensional” 相关考题
考题 The line was engaged and the operator asked if I’d like to ____. A.hang aboutB.hang backC.hang onD.hang out

考题 In the last sentence, the word "bust" most probably means ______.A.the upper part of one's bodyB.self-portraitC.paintingD.clothes

考题 What is considered as a measure of how much one has remembered?A The length of the listB The type of list itemsC The time difference of relearningD The time difference of brain working

考题 The word “tough”(Line 7, Paragraph 2) most probably means_____.[A] piercing to the truth[B] using vulgar language[C] mean and hostile[D] difficult to understand

考题 Considering the number of minutes in the class hour, the lesson should be appropriately timed.However, the timing is not one of the most difficult aspects of lesson planning to control.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 Learning a foreign language are one of the most difficult yet most rewarding experiences.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 Parents can have a great impact on the development of their children's creativity in art. But first,they have to know how. They may find the following advice interesting and instructive.Encourage free drawing rather than coloring books. Coloring books stop the possibility of self-expression. A child may just enjoy colorful pictures and never learn how to express himself. As an art teacher says,“Children have a very powerful instinct to draw freely and roughly. Such practice makes them learn language easily. ”In fact,a child expresses himself in rough drawing. This is the beginning of literacy and creativity. Also,parents should not teach their kids“how”to draw and they should not make their kids draw realistic pictures to entertain themselves. Experience tells us that such teaching from the parents will discourage children,making them think they can't do it the “right”way.Competition and rewards should also be avoided in the process of artistic creation. A child's natural instinct to create will disappear if he or she thinks about prize while drawing.Parents should be role models for their kids. They should not say things like,“I can't draw a straight line. ”Instead,they should learn to say,“I love to create. ”This teaches children that the process of creation is more important than the product. If children see their parents drawing,cooking or building creatively,they will do the same.Buy a notebook for your child to use every day. This can be a journal for making up stories,writing ideas and drawing pictures. Even the youngest child can use it to draw freely and roughly,expressing himself.Take your child to places that promote ideas and creativity. Art museums,science centers,libraries and children's museums all are great places to see other people's creativity. That will inspire children to make their own creations and inventions.Give children choices and free time. Some of the best ideas come from daydreaming and imagining.In short,parents should allow their kids to have the freedom to invent for themselves. That means not always teaching and commanding.To develop their artistic creativity,children should be encouraged to______.A.draw freely and roughlyB.learn to draw realistic picturesC.know how to draw before they startD.learn to draw good pictures to get prizes

考题 The word “crisis” (in the last line but one, paragraph 3) most probably implies _________.[A] a dangerous moment[B] the last decision[C] the crucial point[D] a brave engagement

考题 We may draw a conclusion that______.A. latchkey children enjoy having such a large amount of time aloneB. latchkey children try to hide their feelingC. latchkey children often watch TV with their parentsD. it's difficult to find out how many latchkey children there are

考题 According to the passage, it is true that ________.[A] in the late 19th century in the United States the dividing line between adolescence and adulthood no longer existed[B] no one can marry without the permission of his parents until the age of twenty-one[C] one is considered to have reached adulthood when he has a driver’s license[D] one is not free from the restrictions of child labor laws until he can join the arm

考题 共用题干 第三篇No one knows exactly how many disabled people there are in the world,but estimates suggest the figure is over 450 million.The number of disabled people in India alone is probably more than double the total population of Canada.In the United Kingdom,about one in ten people have some disability. Disability is not just something that happens to other people.As we get older,many of us will become less mobile,hard of hearing or have failing eyesight.Disablement can take many forms and happen at any time of life.Some people are born with disabilities.Many others become disabled as they get older. There are many progressive disabling diseases.The longer time goes on,the worse they become.Some people are disabled in accidents. Many others may have disability in the form of a mental illness.All are affected by people's attitude towards them.Disabled people face many physical barriers.Next time you go shopping or to work or visit friends,imagine what would you do if you could not get up steps,or on to buses and trains?What would you do if you could not see where you were going or could not hear the traffic?But there are other barriers:prejudice(偏见)can be even harder to break down and ignorance represents by far the greatest barrier of all.It is almost impossible for the able-bodied to fully understand what the disabled go through,so it is important to draw attention to these barriers and show that it is the individual person and their ability,not their disability,which counts.The last word of the passage "counts" most probably means________.A:is most important B:is consideredC:is included D:is numbered

考题 共用题干 Words and Word OriginsWhen you are learning languages,what do you think is the most interesting?One of the most interesting of all studies is the study of words and word origins.Each language is_________(51)of several earlier languages and the words of a language can sometimes be traced__________(52)through two or three different languages to their origins.Again a word from one language may pass into other languages and___________(53)a new meaning.The word"etiquette,"which is__________(54)French origin and originally meant a label(标志),or a sign,passed into Spanish and kept its original meaning. So in Spanish the word"etiquette" today is used to _________(55) the small tags(标签)which a store __________(56) to a suit,a dress or a bottle.The word"etiquette"in French, _________(57), gradually developed a different meaning. It________(58)became the custom to write directions on small cards, or "etiquette",as to how visitors should dress themselves and act during an important ceremony at the royal court.________(59)the word"etiquette"began to indicate a system of correct manners for people to follow. With this meaning,the word passed into English.Consider the word"breakfast"."To fast"is to go for some period of time without________ (60).Thus in the morning after many hours during the night without food,one_________(61)one's fast.Consider the everyday English_________(62) "Goodbye".Many many years ago,people would say to each _________(63)on parting "God be with you".As this was ________(64)over and over millions of times,it gradually became________(65)to "Goodbye"._________(56)A:lays B:attachesC:binds D:gives

考题 单选题The most common method of securing a line to a cleat is a().A half hitch,then round turnsB round turn,then figure eightsC figure eight,then round turnsD figure eight,then half hitches

考题 单选题In line 12, the sentence Consider hemoglobin serves most nearly to ______.A introduce a new argumentB extend a metaphorC introduce an exampleD provide a summaryE determine a pattern

考题 单选题The word rapture;' as used in line 26, most nearly means ______.A ambitionB euphoriaC prayerfulnessD concentrationE understanding

考题 问答题The British queue up and the Americans wait in line, except for New Yorkers, who wait on line. No one seems to know the reason for this social idiom. It is something to ponder while waiting in/on line. Queues are a grim reality of city life. While there seems to be no consensus on the city’s worst line, the ones mentioned most often in talks here and there were lunchtime lines at banks and post offices and, among younger people, movie lines and college-registration lines. “Bank lines.” said Mark Sloan, an investor.” No matter what time of day you bank, the number of tellers is inadequate to the number of patrons. Even when the bank is open you see long lines in front of the money machine outside.” “Supermarkets,” said Ed Frantz, a graphic artist, who once abandoned a full shopping cart in the middle of a long checkout line. It was not a political act.” The line was filled with coupon clippers and check writers,” he recalled. “And suddenly I had to walk away. Food no longer mattered.”

考题 单选题_____ construction is one whose distribution is functionally equivalent to that of one or more of its constituents, i.e., a word or a groups of words, which serves as a definable Center or Head.A ConstituentB EndocentricC ExocentricD Connective

考题 单选题The author's depiction of Rachel in lines 11-21 (Her daughter,. Edwards) primarily serves to illustrate her ______.A prospects for a fortunate marriageB resemblance to the great fallen Phineas EdwardsC enviable style and intelligenceD recognition of the contrast between her and AphraE desire to excite jealousy in her friends

考题 单选题Which one of the following aspects of Hughes’s poetry does the author appear to value most highly?A its novelty compared to other works of African American literatureB its subtle understatement compared to that of other kinds of folk literatureC its virtuosity in adapting musical forms to languageD its expression of the folk culture of Black People

考题 单选题The opponents mentioned in Passage 2 (line 14) would be most likely to respond to the last sentence of Passage 1 (Originally,. regime.) by ______.A agreeing that communism posed a threat to the stability of Vietnam's governmentB pointing out the costliness of .interfering in the affairs of foreign countriesC implying that using force against another nation is never justifiedD demonstrating the influence the Soviet Union had in unstable countries in Southeast AsiaE contending that one country may adopt another's style of government without becoming its ally

考题 单选题According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?A Smell is the most emotional of the senses.B Smell stimulates our memory more than the other senses.C Smell is considered to be mysterious, as it is untouchable.D Smell is the most difficult sense to identify.

考题 单选题The author’s attitude toward most European historians who have studied the Saint-Simonians is primarily one of _____.A approval of the specific focus of their researchB disapproval of their lack of attention to the issue that absorbed most of the Saint-Simonians’ energy after 1832C approval of their general focus on social conditionsD disapproval of their lack of attention to links between the Saint-Simonians and their American counterparts

考题 单选题Lines 19-21 suggest that Ghirlandaio believes that feet ______.A are too difficult for an apprentice to attempt to drawB help to convey a figure's individuality and characterC do not appear in his frescoes and therefore do not merit inclusion in his sketchesD are not important enough to include in a mere sketchE are so ungainly that they would detract from the grace of his figures

考题 单选题It can be inferred from the passage that Michelangelo and Ghirlandaio differ over whether ______.A Masaccio is an acceptable role model for a young artistB drawing constitutes an intrinsically valuable art formC it is proper for an artist to display such eagerness and excitementD an artist should draw preliminary sketches before creating a frescoE Michelangelo will someday become a superior artist to Ghirlandaio

考题 单选题In line 38, the word mark most nearly means ______.A blemishB etchingC indicationD symbolE portent

考题 单选题In Passage 2, the word check (line 60) most nearly means ______.A validateB constrainC directD encourageE compete

考题 单选题The primary purpose of lines 1-8 ('Why are you prying' ,. the boy's eyes) is to ______.A illustrate Michelangelo's concern about the pace of Ghirlandaio's instructionB establish Ghirlandaio as a wrathful taskmasterC raise the question of Michelangelo's right to pry into the bundleD convey Michelangelo's interest in drawing for its own sake and indifference to creating frescoesE relate an incident foreshadowing Michelangelo's future role as the greatest artist of his era