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The best method of protecting that portion of a fiber anchor line nearest the anchor from chafing on the bottom is by().

using a small scope ratio


replacing that portion with a short length of chain


using a hockle to keep that portion of the anchor line off the bottom


using a synthetic line


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题The best method of protecting that portion of a fiber anchor line nearest the anchor from chafing on the bottom is by().A using a small scope ratioB replacing that portion with a short length of chainC using a hockle to keep that portion of the anchor line off the bottomD using a synthetic line” 相关考题
考题 单选题某地经度为120°E,7月26日,该地区时ZT=1200,则太阳()A 已中天B 未中天C 正好中天D 无法判断

考题 单选题In each inflatable rescue boat,what piece of equipment is provided to make quick,emergency,temporary repairs to a large hole in a raft?().A No equipment is providedB Glue and rubber patchesC Several various-sized sealing clampsD Self-adhesive rubberized canvas patches

考题 填空题在办理甲板或轮机值班的交接班时如正在进行重要操作,除非()或()另有指令外,该操作应由()完成。

考题 单选题When a vessel changes course from one cardinal heading to another cardinal heading whilea djusting the compass,which action should be taken?()A The course change should be made rapidly to prevent transient induced magnetism while passing the intercardinal headingsB After the new heading is reached,the vessel should steam on that course for at least two minutes before the adjustmentC During the course change,you should gently tap the compass to remove any error caused by friction on the pivot bearingD After steadying on the new heading,the compass card should be slewed by a magnet and allowed to oscillate freely to remove any gaussin error

考题 单选题空气漏入制冷系统不会:()。A 使冰塞可能性增加B 使排气压力、温度升高C 使机器运转时间延长D 使机器起停频繁

考题 单选题放在罗经柜两侧支架上的自差校正器是(),用来校正()。A 软铁球;象限自差B 佛氏铁;半圆自差C 垂直磁棒;倾斜自差D 横磁棒;半圆自差

考题 单选题NBDP可实现的功能有()。①遇险报警;②海上安全信息的播发;③遇险后续通信;④船台之间的常规通信;⑤遇险船舶的定位;⑥现场通信A ①②③B ②③④C ③④⑤D ④⑤⑥

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考题 单选题中点接地的三相四线制系统,中点接地线属于()。A 工作接地B 保护接地C 工作接地或保护接地D 屏蔽接地

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考题 单选题A bridge over a navigable waterway is being repaired. There is a traveller platform under the bridge’s deck that significantly reduces the vertical clearance. If required by the CG district commander,how will this be indicated at night?()A Illumination by flood lightsB A quick flashing red light at each lower cornerC A strobe light visible both up and downstreamD Fixed amber lights under the extreme outer edges of the traveller

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考题 单选题A vessel,which does not normally engage in towing operations,is towing a vessel in distress.She().A need not show the lights for a vessel engaged in towing,if it is impractical to do soB may show the lights for a vessel not under commandC must show a yellow light above the stern lightD must show the lights for a vessel towing

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考题 单选题冰中护航中的航速,冰量为4/10时,可维持8kn航速:().A 冰量每增1/10则减速1节B 冰量每增1/10则减速2节C 冰量每增1/10则增速1节D 冰量每增1/10则增速2节

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考题 单选题堆焊翻修适用于()材料零件。A 钢B 钢,铸铁和铜及其合金焊接C 铸铁D 钢,铸铁和铜,铝及其合金

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考题 单选题AC-C20遥控系统中,从集控室转到驾驶台操作时,首先(),这将使集控室和驾驶台车钟上“Bridge” 按钮的LED闪光且使蜂鸣器响,然后在驾驶台按下“Bridge”按钮,两地的“Bridge”按钮的LED变为平光,且蜂鸣器停响。A 按下驾驶台车钟上的“Bridge”按钮B 按下驾驶台车钟上的“ECR”按钮C 按下集控室车钟上的“Bridge”按钮D 按下集控室车钟上的“ECR”按钮

考题 单选题A vessel using a traffic separation scheme is forbidden to().A proceed through an inappropriate traffic laneB engaged in fishing in the separation zoneC cross a traffic laneD enter the separation zone,even in a emergency

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考题 单选题二冲程柴油机的单独增压系统适用于()。A 脉冲增压直流扫气式柴油机B 定压增压直流扫气式柴油机C 定压增压弯流扫气式柴油机D A和B

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