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As the trial went on the story behind the murder slowly _____ itself.









句意:随着审判的继续。谋杀案背后的故事慢慢展现开来。unfolded展现,显露常与反身代词连用,指事物自身显示出来。unfold oneself则表示“故事、情节等展开或披露”,符合句意。convicted宣判有罪,证明有罪不符合convict sb. of sth.这一用法。haunted萦绕,缠绕的主语通常为“思绪”或“鬼魂”等。released释放,透露,发布,用法为release sb./sth. from sth.将某人或某物从某处释放,release sth. to sb.向某人透露某事。
更多 “单选题As the trial went on the story behind the murder slowly _____ itself.A convictedB hauntedC unfoldedD released” 相关考题
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