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57. A write          B writing         C wrote         D written









更多 “单选题57. A write B writing C wrote D writtenA AB BC CD D” 相关考题
考题 I _____ the wrong thing. Can I use your eraser?A. write B. wrote C. am writing D. will write

考题 It will take at least two weeks just to get the storyboard ______. A.write upB.writing upC.written up

考题 Which of the following statements is TrUE()。 A、You'll not write a good composition until you like the topicB、When Baker wrote the essay, he thought his teacher would like itC、Mr. Fleagle had liked Baker's compositions beforeD、Baker succeeded in writing two compositions

考题 I _____a letter when she ____. A.write, callsB. wrote, calledC.was writing, callsD. was writing, called

考题 One of the guidelines in writing the C code is as follows: write code that is as clear as(15).A.readableB.reusableC.possibleD.semantic

考题 Why not________your teacher for help when you can’t finish ________it by yourself?A.ask,write B.to ask,writing C.ask,writing D.asking,write

考题 He used to write with a writing brush.(改为否定句)He__________ __________to write with a writing brush.

考题 The_______approach to writing teaching pays attention to not only what to write, but also how to write. A.product-oriented B.process-oriented C.form-focused D.meaning-focused

考题 The _____ approach to writing teaching pays attention to not only what to write, but also how to write.A.product-oriented B.process-orienteD.C.form-focused D.meaning-focuseD.

考题 Write an essay based on the chart below.In your writing,you should(1)interpret the chart,and(2)give your comments.You should write about 150 words neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.(15 points)

考题 Directions:Write an essay based on the chart below.In your writing,you should interpret the chart,and give your comments.You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET.

考题 Write an essay based on the following chart.In your writing,You should interpret the chart,and give your comments.You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET.

考题 In this section, you are asked to write an essay based on the following chart. In your writing, you should interpret the chart, and give your comments. You should write at least 150 words. Write your essay on the ANSWER SHEET 2.

考题 Directions:Write an essay based on the chart below.In your writing,you should 1)interpret the chart,and 2)give your comments.You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET.

考题 Suppose you won a translation contest and your friend Jack wrote an email to congratulate you,and ask advice on translation.Write him a reply to thank him;give your advice.You should write neatly on the ANWSER SHEET.Do not sign you own name at the end of the letter,use"Li Ming’instead.Do not write the address.

考题 Write an essay hased on che chart below.In your writing,you should interpret the chart,and give your comments.You should write about 150 words neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.

考题 Write an essay based on the following chart.In your writing,you should 1)interpret the chart and 2)give your comments.You should write at least 150 words Write your essay on ANSWER SHEET 2.

考题 Write an essay based on the following table.In your writing,you should describe the table,and give your comments.You should write at least 150 words.You should write at least 150 words.

考题 Write an essay based on the chart below,In your writing,you should interpret the chart,and give your comments.You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET.

考题 Directions:Write an essay based on the following chart.In your writing,you should interpret the chart,and You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET.

考题 Writing about the following topic. It is a Chinese virtue that we are ready to help other. What is your opinion about it Please write a composition with the title of “Highlight the Spirit of Lei Feng”. You are required to write at least 150 words.

考题 In order to determine how efficiently an application is reading and writing data, which of the following utilities will report read and write sizes on disk I/O requests?()A、 tprofB、 iostatC、 svmonD、 filemon

考题 Which background process is responsible for writing the dirty buffers from the write list to the data files during a checkpoint?()A、CKPTB、SMONC、LGWRD、DBWnE、ARCn

考题 单选题57. A write B writing C wrote D writtenA AB BC CD D

考题 单选题When I first began writing poetry, I think the poems that I had studied at school ______ my approach and the things I wrote about.A communicated B impressedC influencedD discussed

考题 问答题Writing Task II (20 points)  Directions: Write a composition of no less than about 160 words, saying whether you agree or disagree with the following statement and giving examples: The biggest dangers to our health and environment come from cars. Remember to write your composition on the Answer Sheet.

考题 单选题In order to determine how efficiently an application is reading and writing data, which of the following utilities will report read and write sizes on disk I/O requests?()A  tprofB  iostatC  svmonD  filemon

考题 单选题Which background process is responsible for writing the dirty buffers from the write list to the data files during a checkpoint?()A CKPTB SMONC LGWRD DBWnE ARCn