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更多 “单选题_____A towardsB withC overD onto” 相关考题
考题 Herbloodpressureisonehundredninety,whichisnormal.() A.toB.ofC.overD.and

考题 He is hostile () reform. A、forB、withC、atD、to

考题 Shall we get straight ________to business? A.inB.downC.overD.for

考题 I would inevitably err at time or another and operate on someone who didn't need surgery or sit__________ someone who did. A. uponB. withC. overD. on

考题 your speech class will give you an opportunity to gain confidence and make your nervousness work ______ you. A. towardsB.onC. againstD. for

考题 Inrecentyearsmuchmoreemphasishasbeenput_____________developingthestudentsproductiveskills.A)ontoB)inC)overD)on

考题 The hunter took a good aim ( ) the bear and fired A、towardsB、toC、atD、against

考题 She leaned ( ) the wall while she spoke to her friend. A、towardsB、toC、fromD、against

考题 We are offering a general agency () our textiles in Canada. How about you?A、towardsB、inC、forD、to

考题 In comparison, women’s representation is inversely proportional ()the men’s .A、towardsB、againstC、withD、to

考题 I couldn't __________ his temper.A、 put up inB、 put up withC、put up overD、put up on

考题 Their task is to (驾驶) the ship safely.A.navigateB.operateC.take overD.drive

考题 People will think well of the actions that () the will of theirs. A、go againstB、go withC、turn overD、destroy

考题 A) onB) withC) toD) by

考题 Itisusefultobeabletopredicttheextent______whichapricechangewillaffectsupplyanddemand.A)fromB)withC)toD)for

考题 Aperson’scalorierequirementsvary________hislife.A)acrossB)throughoutC)overD)within

考题 A onB outC overD off

考题 19.A.onB.withC.nearD.at

考题 请选择(6)处最佳答案( )。A.offB.behindC.overD.along

考题 Maybe the Chief Officer is ______ in his calculations.A.upB.outC.overD.down

考题 Her car collided with a tree yesterday evening.A:met B:ran into C:knocked over D:encountered

考题 Please stop getting()me and I have done nothing wrong.A、onB、atC、overD、off

考题 Which of the following is the process a scanner uses to scan images to a computer?()A、Light is shown through the image and onto the scanner headB、Light is reflected off a mirror onto the Charged Coupled Device (CCD)C、Light is flashed off a mirror onto the CCDD、Light is reflected off the image and into a camera

考题 登船()A、enterB、getC、overD、embark

考题 单选题以下几个事件中代表“鼠标滑到”的事件是()A  OnMouse DownB  OnMouse OutC  OnMouse OverD  Onouse  Up

考题 单选题The full utilization of berths can be achieved if().A ships arrive at randomB cargo-handling time varies greatlyC ships have to queue to get onto berthsD ships do not have to wait to get onto berths

考题 单选题70 A beside B in C onto D alongA AB BC CD D

考题 单选题Which of the following is the process a scanner uses to scan images to a computer?()A Light is shown through the image and onto the scanner headB Light is reflected off a mirror onto the Charged Coupled Device (CCD)C Light is flashed off a mirror onto the CCDD Light is reflected off the image and into a camera