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  • A、enter
  • B、get
  • C、over
  • D、embark


更多 “登船()A、enterB、getC、overD、embark” 相关考题
考题 Herbloodpressureisonehundredninety,whichisnormal.() A.toB.ofC.overD.and

考题 Shall we get straight ________to business? A.inB.downC.overD.for

考题 Andy was one of the few reporters who had dared to ________ the war zone. A.enterB.getC.goD.arrive

考题 Inrecentyearsmuchmoreemphasishasbeenput_____________developingthestudentsproductiveskills.A)ontoB)inC)overD)on

考题 Their task is to (驾驶) the ship safely.A.navigateB.operateC.take overD.drive

考题 WhichHTTPmethodhasthecharacteristicthatmultipleindentialrequestsmayproducesideeffectbeyondthoseofasinglerequest()? A.PUTB.GETC.INFOD.POSTE.HEADF.TRACE

考题 登船A.enterB.getC.overD.embark

考题 boarding cardA.登船卡B.登船记录C.身份证D.海员证

考题 boarding timeA.登船卡B.登船时间C.下地时间D.巡视时间

考题 Aperson’scalorierequirementsvary________hislife.A)acrossB)throughoutC)overD)within

考题 A onB outC overD off

考题 在登船处,须有良好的登船设备及灯光,严禁闲散人员及吸烟、醉酒人员登船。此题为判断题(对,错)。

考题 Maybe the Chief Officer is ______ in his calculations.A.upB.outC.overD.down

考题 I should think it over before I( )on such a hazardous project.A.commence B.start C.begin D.embark

考题 embark()A、上船B、下船C、上岸D、下岸

考题 The two firms agreed to()a joint venture in China.A、embark onB、intendC、engageD、enter into

考题 The ship has to () out of harbour.A、beB、getC、let go anchorD、anchor

考题 boarding card()A、登船卡B、登船记录C、身份证D、海员证

考题 Excuse me, may I ()your file?A、doB、getC、lendD、borrow

考题 boarding time()A、登船卡B、登船时间C、下地时间D、巡视时间

考题 下列关于登船梯用途描述不正确的是()A、登船梯是用于系缆人员上下船的通道B、登船梯是用于装卸人员上船作业的通道C、登船梯是用于执行联合检查工作人员的通道D、登船梯是用于船员上下船的通道

考题 登船梯滑动液压缸是控制登船梯上下动作。

考题 单选题下列关于登船梯用途描述不正确的是()A 登船梯是用于系缆人员上下船的通道B 登船梯是用于装卸人员上船作业的通道C 登船梯是用于执行联合检查工作人员的通道D 登船梯是用于船员上下船的通道

考题 单选题Embark on the ()(登艇甲板).A embarkation deckB disembarkation ladderC fenderD boat plug

考题 单选题When()the pilot embark?A willB shallC canD may

考题 单选题boarding time()A 登船卡B 登船时间C 下地时间D 巡视时间

考题 单选题THE SPEED OF A VESSEL ADJUSTED TO THAT OF A PILOT BOAT AT WHICH THE PILOT CAN SAFELY EMBARK is ().A Ground speedB Boarding speedC Relative speedD Speed of the vessel