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This is a ()(罗兰).



direction finder






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更多 “单选题This is a ()(罗兰).A compassB direction finderC loranD sextant” 相关考题
考题 This is a radio ___(测向仪).A.compassB.direction finderC.loranD.sextant

考题 This is a ___ (罗兰).A.compassB.direction finderC.loranD.sextant

考题 Given:Which code, inserted at line 14, allows the Sprite class to compile?() A.Direction d = NORTH;B.Nav.Direction d = NORTH;C.Direction d = Direction.NORTH;D.Nav.Direction d = Nav.Direction.NORTH;

考题 Calibration Stations give special transmissions for the calibration of ship’s ______.A.gyro-compassB.marine radarC.DFD.navigational satellite

考题 ()是目前最为成熟的GNSS定位系统。A、中国北斗CompassB、美阁GPSC、欧盟GalileoD、俄罗斯GLOASS

考题 The emergency alarm is sounded on ()(汽笛) according to master’s order.A、VHFB、whistleC、broadcastD、sextant

考题 A ()is very much like an ordinary telephone.A、VHF setB、radarC、GPSD、sextant

考题 This is a ()(罗兰).A、compassB、direction finderC、loranD、sextant

考题 The emergency alarm is sounded on ()according to master’s order.A、VHFB、broadcastC、radioD、sextant

考题 sextant()A、望远镜B、步话机C、六分仪D、舵机

考题 This is a radio ()(测向仪).A、compassB、direction finderC、loranD、sextant

考题 定义枚举如下:  public  enum  Direction{      EAST,SOUTH,WEST,NORTH      }  下列正确使用该枚举类型的语句是哪项?()    A、Direction Direction=EAST;B、Direction direction=Direction.WEST;C、int a- Direction.NORTH;D、Direction direction=2;

考题 单选题In the absence of a route leading from seaward,the conventional direction of buoyage generally follows().A an anti-clockwise direction around land massesB a clockwise direction around land massesC an anticlockwise direction around sea massesD a clockwise direction around sea masses

考题 单选题When two AC generators are being paralleled, the breaker should be closed with the synchroscope pointer mating in the ()A slow direction, just before the 12 o'clock positionB fast direction, just after the 12 o'clock positionC fast direction, just before the 12 o'clock positionD slow direction, just after the 12 o'clock position

考题 单选题During the manufacture of line,yarns are twisted together in the().A opposite direction from which the fibers are twisted together to form strandsB same direction the fibers are twisted to form strandsC opposite direction from which the fibers are twisted together to form the lineD opposite direction from which the fibers are twisted together forming cables

考题 单选题()是目前最为成熟的GNSS定位系统。A 中国北斗CompassB 美阁GPSC 欧盟GalileoD 俄罗斯GLOASS

考题 单选题定义枚举如下:  public  enum  Direction{      EAST,SOUTH,WEST,NORTH      }  下列正确使用该枚举类型的语句是哪项?()A Direction Direction=EAST;B Direction direction=Direction.WEST;C int a- Direction.NORTH;D Direction direction=2;

考题 单选题Ocean currents are well defined and().A create large waves in the direction of the currentB change direction 360°during a 24 hour periodC remain fairly constant in direction and velocity throughout the yearD are characterized by a light green color

考题 单选题10. class Nav{  11. public enum Direction { NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST }  12. }  13. public class Sprite{  14. // insert code here  15. }  Which code, inserted at line 14, allows the Sprite class to compile?()A  Direction d = NORTH;B  Nav.Direction d = NORTH;C  Direction d = Direction.NORTH;D  Nav.Direction d = Nav.Direction.NORTH;

考题 单选题The Benguela Current flows in a().A SW'ly direction along the NW coast of AfricaB S'ly direction off the East Coast of AustraliaC NW'ly direction along the SW coast of AfricaD SW'ly direction along the SE coast of Greenland

考题 单选题The overall set in Malacca straight is to the NW, but from May to September there is a tendency for SE sets to prevail in some N and central parts.In this sentence,“set”refers to().A The direction of traffic flowB The direction of currentC The direction of monsoonD The direction of wind

考题 单选题In the Northern Hemisphere a wind is said to veer when the wind().A Changes direction clockwise,as from north to east,etcB Changes direction violently and erraticallyC Remains constant in direction and speedD Changes direction counterclockwise,as from south to east,etc

考题 单选题Given: Which code, inserted at line 14, allows the Sprite class to compile?()A Direction d = NORTH;B Nav.Direction d = NORTH;C Direction d = Direction.NORTH;D Nav.Direction d = Nav.Direction.NORTH;

考题 单选题Apparent altitude is sextant altitude corrected for().A parallax and personal errorB inaccuracies in the reading and reference levelC visibility and magnitudeD All of the above are correct

考题 单选题A sextant having an index error that is off the arc has a().A positive correctionB dip errorC negative correctionD semidiameter error

考题 单选题A marine sextant has the index arm set at zero and the reflected image of the horizon forms a continuous line with the actual image. When the sextant is rotated about the line of sight the images separate. The sextant has().A error of perpendicularityB side errorC prismatic errorD centering error

考题 单选题A phase correction may be applicable to correct the sextant altitude correction of().A any starB the SunC third magnitude stars onlyD some planets

考题 单选题When reporting wind direction, you should give the direction in().A true degreesB magnetic compass degreeC relative degreesD isobaric degrees