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更多 “单选题脊髓灰质炎三价混合疫苗开始接种的时间是()A 新生儿B 2个月C 3个月D 8个月E 4岁” 相关考题
考题 单选题患儿男,6岁。系脑性瘫痪,其进行治疗时,下列哪项不重要?(  )A 对有语言障碍、智力低下者进行语言训练、特殊教育B 全面关心患儿,注意合理营养和护理C 运动障碍应采用综合治疗D 早期发现,早期治疗E 静脉注射或肌内注射脑活素

考题 多选题Which of the following are valid methods of providing a router with information concerning thelocation of the RP? (Choose all that apply.)()AStatically defined RPBBootstrap RouterCAuto-RPDRP Discovery Protocol (RDP)ERP HeliosFRPARP(RARP)

考题 单选题患儿,男性,6岁,以急性肾炎收入院。目前水肿消退,血压正常,肉眼血尿消失。此时护士可以告诉患儿(  )。A 应当绝对卧床B 在室内轻微活动C 恢复上学D 恢复体育活动E 适当参加劳动

考题 单选题患儿肺水肿,可吸入酒精湿化的氧气,每次吸入不宜超过多长时间()A 10分钟B 15分钟C 30分钟D 25分钟E 20分钟

考题 单选题该患儿应隔离至(  )。A 出疹后3天B 疱疹全部结痂C 不再出现新疹D 发病后2周E 痂皮脱落

考题 单选题该小儿一天应用的剂量是(  )。A 700mgB 400mgC 600mgD 500mgE 800mg

考题 多选题Which two statements are true about the rendezvous poin t (RP) in a multicast network?()AThe multicast sources must register with the RP to form the multicast distribution tree.BAn RP is required only in networks running Protocol Independent Multicast dense mode (PIM DM).CThe multicast receivers must register with the RP to form the multicast distribution tree.DAn RP is required only in networks running Protocol Independent Multicast sparse mode (PIM SM).EAn RP is required only in networks running Protocol Independent Multicast sparse - dense mode (PIM - SDM).FTo form the multicast distribution tree, the multicast sources register with and the receivers join the RP.

考题 单选题In the wireless advanced feature set using lightweight access points, a virtual interface is used when supporting which of the following features?()A psk authenticationB eap authenticationC wpa authenticationD web authentication

考题 单选题某女,胎龄36周,体重2000g,生后5d出现哭声低,皮肤发凉。查体:体温35℃、小腿皮肤暗红、按之如硬橡皮状,考虑为()A 新生儿败血症B 新生儿硬肿症C 新生儿破伤风D 新生儿窒息E 新生颅内出血

考题 问答题请比较CBWFQ队列和LLQ队列?

考题 单选题Which service component in the implement phase is typically performed prior to the handover of awireless solution to the customer’s operations organization?()A Systems IntegrationB Skill AssessmentC Systems Acceptance TestingD Wireless CheckE Project Close Out

考题 多选题Which three functions are associated with a Cisco Unified CallManager? ()Aconnects traditional telephony devices to voice over IP infrastructureBconverts analog signals to digital formatCperforms voice compressionDperforms call processingEperforms dial plan administrationFperforms signaling and device control

考题 多选题What are two characteristics of the relationship between the Cisco PIN architecture and Cisco Validated Designs? ()(Choose two.)ACisco is focusing on Cisco Validated Designs as a means to driving integrated networks.BCisco is focusing on the PIN architecture as a means to driving integrated networks.CThe Cisco PIN architecture is a critical mechanism for supporting integrated markets because it can be implemented quickly.DThe Cisco Validated Designs program provides critical mechanisms for supporting integrated markets because the mechanisms can be implemented quickly.ECisco Validated Designs can be implemented quickly without customer input.

考题 多选题What characteristics make ADSL the likely choice among DSL technologies for Teleworker?()Amost widely deployed by service providersBprovides asymmetrical bandwidth, including high speed downlinkCdata rate is affected by distance to the Central OfficeDprovides the furthest reach at T1 speedsEsupports connection of two routers without the use of a DSL access concentrator

考题 多选题Refer to the exhibit. Which three statements accurately describe the result of applying the exhibited route map?()AThe map prohibits the redistribution of all type 2 external OSPF routes with tag 6 setBThe map prohibits the redistribution of all type 2 external OSPF routesCThe map redistributes into EIGRP all routes that match the pfx prefix list and the five metric values40000, 1000, 255, 1, and 1500DThe map prohibits the redistribution of all external OSPF routes with tag 6 setEAll routes that do no match clauses 10 and 20 of the route map are redistributed with their tags set to 8FThe map permits the redistribution of all type 1 external OSPF routes

考题 单选题What is the Flush Input Buffer setting used for in the Input tab of the Menu step?()A to release memory held by the prompt variable  B to clear the value of the menu choice before the prompt is played  C to prevent the previous value from being used again on the menu choice  D to prevent the caller from entering a menu choice before the prompt has played

考题 单选题You are configuring a wireless LAN controller for QoS. Which 802.11e user priority tag should you apply to voice applications?()A 1B 3C 4D 6

考题 单选题Context-Based Access Control (CBAC) is the algorithm of the Cisco IOS firewall feature. How does CBAC improve Teleworker security?()A Inbound packets are permitted only if they are part of a legitimate data flow initiated by a device on the Teleworker home network.B All packets are checked for integrity by analyzing their checksum.C Every packet is checked to see if it was sent through the VPN tunnel.D Every packet is inspected to see if any disallowed URLs are included. URLs are forwarded to the security cache engine for authorization.

考题 单选题Choose the false statement concerning the use of CiscoWorks Internetwork Performance Monitor (IPM) in a Teleworker deployment.()A IPM should not be run on a production network. B IPM helps verify if a Service Provider is meeting the Service Level Agreement. C IPM contains a database that can store data on latency, jitter, and drops of voice packets over a period of weeks or months. D The QoS service policy should contain an allocation of sufficient bandwidth in the priority queue (LLQ) for both the SAA probe simulating a voice call and the voice call. If not, voice quality will suffer.

考题 单选题心力衰竭患儿应用强心苷时不正确的是(  )。A 可同时静脉补钙B 配药时需用1ml注射器准确抽吸药物C 不与其他药物混合注射D 每次注射前测定患儿心率1分钟E 多补充含钾食物

考题 单选题该患儿为下列哪一心脏病?(  )A 室间隔缺损B 法洛四联症C 房间隔缺损D 动脉导管未闭E 右位心

考题 单选题早产儿病室环境温度为()A 20~22℃B 22~24℃C 24~26℃D 26~28℃E 28~30℃

考题 单选题When configuring QoS on a wireless controller, the per-user, real-time bandwidth contract isenforced for which of the following protocols?()A IPXB IPC UDPD TCP

考题 单选题How do you start an event-triggered debug session?()A Select Start from the Debug menu in CRS Script Editor.  B Select Reactive Script... from the Debug menu in CRS Script Editor.  C Select Debugging from the Trace menu in CRS Application Administration.  D Select Start Trace from the Trace menu in CRS Application Administration.

考题 单选题患儿皮肤同一区域出现丘疹、水疱疹,有的水疱内含清亮液体,也有的呈浊性液。考虑发生的疾病是()A 脓疱疹B 水痘C 带状疱疹D 手足口病E 丘疹样荨麻疹

考题 单选题A new router is added to an existing HSRP standby group. One of the existing routers is in anactive state, the other is in a standby state. Under what circumstance will the new router becomethe active router?()A The new router will become active immediately because it’s the newest router introduced intothe groupB The new router can become active only when the existing active router and the existing standbyrouter become unavailableC The new router has a lower priority valueD The new router will never become active unless the existing active router becomes unavailableE The new router has preempt configured and a higher priorityF The new router has a higher priority value

考题 单选题If the dispersion of a given fiber is 17ps/nm*km at 1550 nm and zero at 1310 nm, then what is the accumulated dispersion of an ITU wavelength after it travels 200 km?()A 0 ps/nmB 340 ps/nmC 200 ps/nmD 3400 ps/nmE More information is needed.

考题 单选题患儿女,11个月。出现弛张高热,咳嗽5天,精神差,食欲不振,时有呕吐,查体:烦躁不安,面色苍白,气促,见三凹征,皮肤可见猩红热样皮疹,两肺可闻及中小湿啰音,血WBC26×109/L。 该患儿最可能是()A 腺病毒肺炎B 肺炎支原体肺炎C 金黄色葡萄球菌肺炎D 肺炎链球菌肺炎E 呼吸道合胞病毒肺炎