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四天后仍没发现失踪的徒步旅行者的踪迹时, 救援队就不再抱希望了。(give up)


这两个分句可以用由when引导的时间状语从句连接成为一句。不再抱希望意即放弃希望:give up hope。
更多 “问答题四天后仍没发现失踪的徒步旅行者的踪迹时, 救援队就不再抱希望了。(give up)” 相关考题
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考题 ______you pick up the case , you wi11 never give up. A.OnceB./C.Only

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考题 ---- Sorry, I have to ______ now. It’s time for class.---- OK, I’ll call back later.A. hang up B. break up C. give up D. hold up

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考题 He was made__his working because of his poor health.A.to give up B.given up C.give up D.giving up

考题 We should not give up hope so easily.A:give away B:abandon C:give in D:give out

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考题 I have been trying to quit smoking.A:pick up B:give up C:build up D:take up

考题 I have been trying to quit smoking.A:give up B:pick up C:build up D:take up

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