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If you bring a credit card, make sure you take down the service number of the card company in case of loss or theft.____


由题干中“credit card”定位至F段。由本段可知,为防止小偷或信用卡丢失应该记下信用卡公司的客户服务热线,故匹配段落为F段。
更多 “填空题If you bring a credit card, make sure you take down the service number of the card company in case of loss or theft.____” 相关考题
考题 24. Could you______ these books to the classroom?A. put B. take C. bring D. make

考题 —May I use my credit card here? — A. You can’t.B. No one uses it.C. am afraid you can’t.D. Who told you?

考题 You can remember what you do if you(). A、take a diaryB、keep a diaryC、make a diary

考题 SECTION A MINI-LECTUREDirections: In this section you sill hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complete a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture. When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE. Use the blank sheet for note-taking.听力原文: Good morning, everyone. First about your second assignment. I'd like to remind you that your second assignment should be in by next Fri day. You can either put it in my pigeon hole, or leave it with the Department's secretary. Now, let's get down to the lecture.Today, the lecture is on credit, er, or to be more specific, on credit cards. I'm sure you must have heard of some credit cards, like the VI SA card, which is an internationally used card, or the Great Wall card issued by the Bank of China, In order to give a better understanding, we'll discuss it in some detail.Many businesses, such as department stores, restaurants, hotels and airline companies, use a credit system for selling their products and services. In a credit system, the seller agrees to sell something to the buyer without immediately receiving cash. He receives the goods or ser vices immediately and promises to pay for them later. This buy-now-pay later credit system is quite old.There are two types of credit cards. One type is issued directly by a store to a customer. Many large department stores issue credit cards to their customers. The store credit card can be used to make purchases only at a particular store. For example, if you have a credit card from Store A, then you can only buy things in that store. Other stores would not accept it. The other kind of credit card is issued by a credit company. Credit cards from credit companies can be used to buy things almost anywhere. If you have a major credit card, you can buy airplane tickets, stay at hotels and eat at restaurant with it. Most large credit companies are connected to large banks. So if you want a credit card from a credit company, you generally have to make an application at a bank. After an applicant receives a credit card, he or she can make purchases using thecard.The credit company sends the customer a statement of purchases at the end of each month. Generally the customer has to pay 25--50% of their credit hill every month. The customer pays directly to the credit company and the credit company pays to the store or hotel or restaurant.There are some advantages and some disadvantages to using credit cards. The biggest advantage for the consumer is expressed by the phrase "buy now, pay later". This means that the consumer can purchase what he wants when he wants it. There is no need to save up money in advance. Another advantage of having a credit card is that it protects the owner, ff a credit card is lost or stolen, the owner only has to call the credit company and the credit company will stop the credit card number. No one else can use it. So the owner doesn't have to worry about losing the card. Another advantage of the credit card system is that the consumer receives a record of his or her purchases. Every month the credit customer receives a bill. The bill has a list of all purchases from that month. This makes it easier to remember when and where purchases are made. And another advantage is that credit cards can be used when something unexpected happens. Many kinds of professional people—plumbers, taxidrivers, doctors and dentists—will accept credit cards in an emergency. This is very important if you don't have any cash with you.However, having said all that, using credit cards has one major disadvantage. That is, consumers tend to overspend their money. They spend more than they make. If a consumer buys a lot of th

考题 You are not allow()theroom if you don’t take the card with you A.enteredB.enterC.toenterD.enters

考题 阅读短文,判断句子正误,正确的写T,错误的写F。Save Money by Understanding Why You Spend ItTo save money, you simply need to spend less than you earn. It is easy to say, but why is it so difficult to do? To answer this question, you need to study the factors that keep you spending all the time.Easy access to creditFor most people, this is the biggest reason for overspending. People can easily get a credit card, simply by filling out a short form. in a bank or jumping on their website. They can borrow money from banks to go shopping, even buy cars or houses. When you arent physically handing someone money or a check for a purchase, you will feel you are spending free money or you arent spending money at all. Try using cash to get your spending under control.Misusing credit cardsA credit card is an interest free short-term loan. When used as planned, this can be a powerful financial tool. The problem is when you begin to let the balance continue from month to month. If you make a $200 purchase on your credit card and find out that at the end of the month you cant afford to repay the full amount, this is when the high interest rates on the cards really begin to hurt you. That is no way of saving money.Giving in to temptationWe all need to enjoy life, but dont waste your financial future for a few guilty pleasures today if they arent in your budget. When you know that you cant afford an activity, dont give in. Instead, invite your friends over for a home dinner party, game night, or some other activities where you can still enjoy time together, but without breaking your budget.( ) 26. For most people, easy access to credit is the biggest reason for overspending.( ) 27. Using credit card is an effective way to get your spending under control.( ) 28. You have to pay for the credit card loans by the end of each month.( ) 29. Using a credit card to pay is spending free money.( ) 30. Always pay attention to your budget while spending.

考题 听力原文:If you lose this credit card, you have to notify us as soon as possible, so that we can put a stop on your lost card.(3)A.We are the credit card holders.B.We are the bank who can encash the card.C.We are the credit card company.D.We stopped your card losing.

考题 You can take a horse to the water, A、but you cannot make him drink.B、but you cannot make him go back.C、but you cannot make him run fast.D、but you cannot make him walk fast.

考题 听力原文:M: I want to apply for a credit card. What are the common credit cards?W: Master Card, Visa, Discover, and American Express. Apply for the ones without annual fees. Some credit cards even pay you back about 1% - 2% of what you spend.Q: Which type of credit card is not mentioned in the conversation?(19)A.Smart Card.B.Master Card.C.Visa Card.D.American Express.

考题 —Can I borrow your camera for a week? —__________________. A.Yes,you can borrowB.Sure,here you areD.It doesn’t matterC.Yes,bring it with you

考题 If I were you, I would ______; there is no need to be so nervous A. keep fromB. hold tightC. take it easyD. bring down

考题 Would you like to _____?A、take bathB、take a bathC、make batheD、make a bathe

考题 if you make some mistakes as you put down the figures in the engine logbook , what will you do ?

考题 资料:No credit,bad credit Hear the terms often enough and they can blur together.These credit statuses aren’t one and the same,though. Whether you have no credit or bad credit,one thing’s for sure:You don’t have good credit.And without good credit,you’ll face an uphill battle any time you apply for a loan or credit card. Potential lenders will want to know that you will almost certainly repay any money that you borrow.They likely won’t risk loaning money or extending credit to those whose creditworthiness is a big question mark or,worse,who have a track record of poor money management. If you fall into either of these categories,it’s smart to focus on raising your credit scores. If you have no credit score,you don’t have a credit history.If you have bad credit,it’s likely that you’ve mishandled credit in the past.And these two less-than-ideal credit standings require different solutions. If you fall in the no-credit category,you haven’t necessarily made any financial mistakes.In this case,a good way to start building that history is to acquire a credit card for people with no credit.Secured credit cards (which require a security deposit)or college student credit cards are typically the easiest to qualify for if you have no credit.A credit-builder loan can also help you establish credit. Bad credit can be a result of financial missteps,including missing payments,defaulting on loans,or having accounts sent to collections.If you fall into this category and need credit,you’ll need to look for a bad-credit credit card.A secured card or credit-builder loan is a good option in this situation,as well.You also may qualify for a bad-credit personal loan.If you still have open accounts,pay down the balances but don’t close credit accounts if you can avoid it. People with no credit are just starting to build their financial reputation,while those with bad credit are doing damage control. Moving from one of these less desirable situations to a good credit standing may use different tools,but the method is much the same: Make your payments on time and keep your debt low.It takes diligence and dedication,but it can be done. The main purpose of the passage is to______.A.teach people how to have credit accounts B.suggest ways for people to keep good credit record C.present a concern about people’s bad credit nowadays D.explain the differences between no-credit and bad credit

考题 资料:No credit,bad credit Hear the terms often enough and they can blur together.These credit statuses aren’t one and the same,though. Whether you have no credit or bad credit,one thing’s for sure:You don’t have good credit.And without good credit,you’ll face an uphill battle any time you apply for a loan or credit card. Potential lenders will want to know that you will almost certainly repay any money that you borrow.They likely won’t risk loaning money or extending credit to those whose creditworthiness is a big question mark or,worse,who have a track record of poor money management. If you fall into either of these categories,it’s smart to focus on raising your credit scores. If you have no credit score,you don’t have a credit history.If you have bad credit,it’s likely that you’ve mishandled credit in the past.And these two less-than-ideal credit standings require different solutions. If you fall in the no-credit category,you haven’t necessarily made any financial mistakes.In this case,a good way to start building that history is to acquire a credit card for people with no credit.Secured credit cards (which require a security deposit)or college student credit cards are typically the easiest to qualify for if you have no credit.A credit-builder loan can also help you establish credit. Bad credit can be a result of financial missteps,including missing payments,defaulting on loans,or having accounts sent to collections.If you fall into this category and need credit,you’ll need to look for a bad-credit credit card.A secured card or credit-builder loan is a good option in this situation,as well.You also may qualify for a bad-credit personal loan.If you still have open accounts,pay down the balances but don’t close credit accounts if you can avoid it. People with no credit are just starting to build their financial reputation,while those with bad credit are doing damage control. Moving from one of these less desirable situations to a good credit standing may use different tools,but the method is much the same: Make your payments on time and keep your debt low.It takes diligence and dedication,but it can be done. The solution(s) for Bad-credit could be______.A.having accounts sent to collections. B.looking for a no-credit credit card. C.paying down the balance. D.closing your credit accounts.

考题 资料:No credit,bad credit Hear the terms often enough and they can blur together.These credit statuses aren’t one and the same,though. Whether you have no credit or bad credit,one thing’s for sure:You don’t have good credit.And without good credit,you’ll face an uphill battle any time you apply for a loan or credit card. Potential lenders will want to know that you will almost certainly repay any money that you borrow.They likely won’t risk loaning money or extending credit to those whose creditworthiness is a big question mark or,worse,who have a track record of poor money management. If you fall into either of these categories,it’s smart to focus on raising your credit scores. If you have no credit score,you don’t have a credit history.If you have bad credit,it’s likely that you’ve mishandled credit in the past.And these two less-than-ideal credit standings require different solutions. If you fall in the no-credit category,you haven’t necessarily made any financial mistakes.In this case,a good way to start building that history is to acquire a credit card for people with no credit.Secured credit cards (which require a security deposit)or college student credit cards are typically the easiest to qualify for if you have no credit.A credit-builder loan can also help you establish credit. Bad credit can be a result of financial missteps,including missing payments,defaulting on loans,or having accounts sent to collections.If you fall into this category and need credit,you’ll need to look for a bad-credit credit card.A secured card or credit-builder loan is a good option in this situation,as well.You also may qualify for a bad-credit personal loan.If you still have open accounts,pay down the balances but don’t close credit accounts if you can avoid it. People with no credit are just starting to build their financial reputation,while those with bad credit are doing damage control. Moving from one of these less desirable situations to a good credit standing may use different tools,but the method is much the same: Make your payments on time and keep your debt low.It takes diligence and dedication,but it can be done. It can be inferred that the potential lenders______A.will probably loan money bad-credit people as they still have open accounts. B.will probably loan money no-credit people as they haven’t made any financial mistakes. C.won’t risk loaning money or extending credit to no-credit person or bad-credit person. D.None of above

考题 资料:No credit,bad credit Hear the terms often enough and they can blur together.These credit statuses aren’t one and the same,though. Whether you have no credit or bad credit,one thing’s for sure:You don’t have good credit.And without good credit,you’ll face an uphill battle any time you apply for a loan or credit card. Potential lenders will want to know that you will almost certainly repay any money that you borrow.They likely won’t risk loaning money or extending credit to those whose creditworthiness is a big question mark or,worse,who have a track record of poor money management. If you fall into either of these categories,it’s smart to focus on raising your credit scores. If you have no credit score,you don’t have a credit history.If you have bad credit,it’s likely that you’ve mishandled credit in the past.And these two less-than-ideal credit standings require different solutions. If you fall in the no-credit category,you haven’t necessarily made any financial mistakes.In this case,a good way to start building that history is to acquire a credit card for people with no credit.Secured credit cards (which require a security deposit)or college student credit cards are typically the easiest to qualify for if you have no credit.A credit-builder loan can also help you establish credit. Bad credit can be a result of financial missteps,including missing payments,defaulting on loans,or having accounts sent to collections.If you fall into this category and need credit,you’ll need to look for a bad-credit credit card.A secured card or credit-builder loan is a good option in this situation,as well.You also may qualify for a bad-credit personal loan.If you still have open accounts,pay down the balances but don’t close credit accounts if you can avoid it. People with no credit are just starting to build their financial reputation,while those with bad credit are doing damage control. Moving from one of these less desirable situations to a good credit standing may use different tools,but the method is much the same: Make your payments on time and keep your debt low.It takes diligence and dedication,but it can be done. How to establish credit if you fall into the no-credit category?A.To have a credit-builder loan B.To acquire secured credit cards(which require a security deposit) or college student credit cards C.To acquire a credit card D.All of above

考题 资料:No credit,bad credit Hear the terms often enough and they can blur together.These credit statuses aren’t one and the same,though. Whether you have no credit or bad credit,one thing’s for sure:You don’t have good credit.And without good credit,you’ll face an uphill battle any time you apply for a loan or credit card. Potential lenders will want to know that you will almost certainly repay any money that you borrow.They likely won’t risk loaning money or extending credit to those whose creditworthiness is a big question mark or,worse,who have a track record of poor money management. If you fall into either of these categories,it’s smart to focus on raising your credit scores. If you have no credit score,you don’t have a credit history.If you have bad credit,it’s likely that you’ve mishandled credit in the past.And these two less-than-ideal credit standings require different solutions. If you fall in the no-credit category,you haven’t necessarily made any financial mistakes.In this case,a good way to start building that history is to acquire a credit card for people with no credit.Secured credit cards (which require a security deposit)or college student credit cards are typically the easiest to qualify for if you have no credit.A credit-builder loan can also help you establish credit. Bad credit can be a result of financial missteps,including missing payments,defaulting on loans,or having accounts sent to collections.If you fall into this category and need credit,you’ll need to look for a bad-credit credit card.A secured card or credit-builder loan is a good option in this situation,as well.You also may qualify for a bad-credit personal loan.If you still have open accounts,pay down the balances but don’t close credit accounts if you can avoid it. People with no credit are just starting to build their financial reputation,while those with bad credit are doing damage control. Moving from one of these less desirable situations to a good credit standing may use different tools,but the method is much the same: Make your payments on time and keep your debt low.It takes diligence and dedication,but it can be done. Which topic has not been covered in the passage?A.Next steps to take for people in different categories B.How no credit and bad credit are different C.How no credit and bad credit are similar D.All the above have been discussed in the passage

考题 What is implied in “if you do get on eventually,just make sure to take both ways before crossing the street!”?A You will be too excited to watch the traffic. B Enjoying electronic devices while walking may invite traffic accidents. C It is not possible for you to get such a backpack. D It is wise of you to have such a backpack.

考题 英译中:How would you like to pay, by credit card or in cash?

考题 You are maintaining a database of credit card transactions. You want the data to be returned automatically in the chronological order of the credit card numbers without using the ORDER BY clause in the query. Which type of cluster will you use to obtain the desired result?()  A、 Hash clusterB、 Index clusterC、 Sorted hash clusterD、 Real Application cluster

考题 You work as the IT professional in an international company which is named Wiikigo. You are experiencedin implementing and administering a network operating system. You are specialized in deploying servers,configuring Windows Server 2008 Terminal services and network application services, and configuring aweb services infrastructure. You have a Terminal Server that runs Windows Server 2008. You use Terminal Services RemoteApp (TS RemoteApp) to create a Windows Installer package for Microsoft OfficeWord 2007. You have the package installed on a client computer. You double-click on a Word documentand receive the following error. Windows cannot open this file. You have to make sure that you can openthe Word document by double-clicking on the file. So what action should you perform to make sure of this?()A、In order to make sure of this, use msiexec.exe to install the Windows Installer package.B、In order to make sure of this, the Microsoft Windows Installer package should be recreated.C、In order to make sure of this, the file association on the client computer should be modified.D、In order to make sure of this, the file association on the TS RemoteApp server should be modified.

考题 填空题If your credit(信誉) is good, you will be allowed (use) ____ the credit card.

考题 填空题If you bring a credit card, make sure you take down the service number of the card company in case of loss or theft.____

考题 单选题Delivery man: I have a package here for Beverly Beaver. Beverly: That is me. ______ Delivery man: Yes, please sign here on the line. Beverly: Thank you. These must be the new drapes I ordered.A Where is the receipt?B Do you have the sender’s address?C Do you take a credit card?D Do I have to sign for it?

考题 问答题Practice 9  If you want to get a driver’s license, you will have to apply at a driver’s license office. There you will be required to take a written test for driving in that area. You will also need to pass an eye test. If you need glasses, make sure you wear them. In addition, you must pass an actual driving test. If you fail the written or driving tests, you can take them again on another date.

考题 问答题Practice 4  The regulations make it safer for you to use your credit card for shopping on the Internet or over the phone. If someone else makes dishonest use of your credit card, you can cancel the payment and the card issuer(发卡机构) must refund the money to your account. The card issuer will want you to tell them as soon as possible if your card has been lost or stolen or if you find out that someone has used your card details dishonestly.

考题 单选题You are maintaining a database of credit card transactions. You want the data to be returned automatically in the chronological order of the credit card numbers without using the ORDER BY clause in the query. Which type of cluster will you use to obtain the desired result?()A  Hash clusterB  Index clusterC  Sorted hash clusterD  Real Application cluster