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解析: 保护性隔离时,凡患呼吸道疾病或咽部带菌者均应避免接触患者。
更多 “单选题患者李某,40岁,因恶性淋巴瘤进行干细胞移植术,术后进行保护性隔离。下列措施错误的是()A 患者应住单间病室隔离B 病室内空气应保持正压通风C 患呼吸道疾病的医护人员应戴口罩护理患者D 未经消毒处理的物品不得带入病室E 接触患者前后均应洗手” 相关考题
考题 多选题Which two of these are recommended practices with trunks? ()Ause ISL encapsulationBuse 802.1q encapsulationCset ISL to desirable and auto with encapsulation negotiate to support ILS protocol negotiationDuse VTP server mode to support dynamic propagation of VLAN information across the networkEset DTP to desirable and desirable with encapsulation negotiate to support DTP protocol negotiation.

考题 单选题外科手消毒时刷洗手臂的范围是()A 从指尖到腕上10cmB 从指尖到腕上20cmC 从指尖到肘部D 从指尖到肘上10cmE 从指尖到肘上20cm

考题 单选题严重烧伤病人应用(  )。A B C D E

考题 单选题对此患者应采用何种隔离?(  )A 肠道隔离B 接触隔离C 呼吸道隔离D 空气隔离E 微粒隔离

考题 单选题The network administrator would like to generate synthetic traffic using the Service AssuranceAgent contained in Cisco IOS. Which CiscoWorks network management application will be used toreport the latency and availability for configured traffic operations on an end-to-end and hop-by-hop (router-to router) basis?()A  nGenius Real-Time MonitorB  CiscoViewC  Device Fault ManagerD  Internetwork Performance Monitor

考题 单选题保健-激励理论对护理管理者的基本启示是()A 激励是没有终点的B 设置激励目标应加大效价综合值C 提供充分的激励因素是激发积极性的有效途径D 需要分层次是有极点的E 期望是永无止境的

考题 单选题导管管尖培养阳性说明细菌菌落数超过()A 每平板≥5cfuB 每平板≥10cfuC 每平板≥15cfuD 每平板≥10cfu/mlE 每平板≥15cfu/ml

考题 单选题用紫外线灯作空气消毒,其紫外线灯安装数如何计算?(  )A 每10m2的房间安装30W的紫外线灯管1支B 每10m3的空间安装30W的紫外线灯管1支C 每立方米的空间装紫外线灯瓦数≥1.5w,计算出装灯数D 每立方米的空间装紫外线灯瓦数≥1.0W,计算出装灯数E 以上都不是

考题 单选题直接接触了微生物后,手的正确处理方法是(  )。A 脱下手套即可B 用流动水清洗C 用洗手液清洗D 用含氯消毒剂浸泡双手E 含碘类手消毒剂搓擦2min后再用肥皂流动水洗手

考题 单选题医院各部门送消毒供应室压力蒸汽灭菌的各种自备包必须符合要求,其中脉动预真空压力蒸汽灭菌器灭菌包体积不宜超过(  )。A B C D E

考题 单选题提出公平理论的是()A 赫兹伯格B 马斯洛C 弗隆姆D 珀恩士E 亚当斯

考题 单选题与传统"卫生宣教"不同,健康教育的前提是()A 传播信息B 调查研究C 预防疾病D 系统干预E 开展讲座

考题 单选题主要用于病人知识掌握程度和情感方面的测评是(  )。A B C D E

考题 单选题Why is STP required when VLANs span access layer switches?()A to ensure a loop-free topologyB to protect against user-side loopsC in order to support business applicationsD because of the risk of lost connectivity without STPE for the most deterministic and highly available network topology

考题 单选题用压力蒸气灭菌的物品包装,下列哪项不可使用?(  )A 市售搪瓷盒B 一次性无纺布C 全棉布D 纸塑包装E 带孔玻璃容器

考题 多选题The Schuyler and Livingston Iron Works has been working on getting its network security under control.It has set up VPN with IPSec links to its suppliers. It has installed network vulnerability scanners to proactively identify areas of weakness, and it monitors and responds to security events as they occur. It also employs extensive access control lists, stateful firewall implementations, and dedicated firewall appliances. The company has been growing very fast lately and wants to make sure it is up to date on security measures. Which two areas of security would you advise the company to strengthen?()Aintrusion protectionBidentityCsecure connectivityDsecurity management

考题 单选题属于强化沟通能力的方法是()A 平等待人B 传达有效信息C 尽量排除外界干扰D 重视沟通细节E 进行反复沟通

考题 单选题下列哪项不属于护理健康教育学的主要基础理论?(  )A 行为学理论B 预防学理论C 传播学理论D 心理学理论E 教育学理论

考题 多选题Users of a site-to-site VPN are reporting performance problems. The VPN connection employsIPSec and GRE and traverses several Ethernet segments. The VPN packets are being fragmented as they traverse the links. What would be two methods to overcome this problem?()AEmploy path MTU discovery.BSet the MTU higher than 1500 bytes.CTurn off pre-fragmentation for IPSec.DSet the MTU value to 1400 bytes.

考题 单选题正式沟通的优点包括(  )。A B C D E

考题 单选题医院感染管理科应该多长时间对监测资料进行汇总、分析(  )。A 每日B 每周C 每月D 每季度E 每半年

考题 单选题In which tunnel-less VPN topology do group members register with a key server in order to receivethe security association necessary to communicate with the group?()A  Easy VPNB  GRE tunnelingC  Virtual Tunnel InterfacesD  Dynamic Multipoint VPNE  Group Encrypted Transport VPN

考题 单选题影响人体微生态平衡的因素应排除(  )。A 免疫调节受抑制B 机体的疾病状态C 应用潜入性器械D 手术治疗E 使用大量广谱抗生素

考题 单选题As an experienced technician, you are responsible for infrastructure design and globalconfiguration changes. You are asked to deploy a Voice over Wireless LAN for your company. Ifthe cells have the same channel, the separation between them should be()A  19dbmB  10dbmC  67dbmD  86dbm

考题 单选题职能型组织结构的缺点是上述哪项?(  )A B C D E

考题 单选题he requirement for high availability within the Data Center network may cause the designer toconsider which one of the following solutions?()A  Construct a hierarchical network design using EtherChannel between a server and two VDCsfrom the same physical switchB  Utilize Cisco NSF with SSO to provide intrachassis SSO at Layers 2 to 4C  Define the Data Center as an OSPF NSSA area, advertising a default route into the DC And summarizing the routes out of the NSSA to the Campus CoreD  Implement network services for the Data Center as a separate services layer usingactive/active model that is more predictable in failure conditions

考题 单选题Sun Stable is a global insurance company with headquarters located in Houston, Texas. Thecampus there is made up of a number of office buildings located within the same vicinity. In 2003,a new building. Building 331B was added. The additional building houses approximately 1000 employees. Ratherthan deploy a private branch exchange (PBX) in the new building, Sun Stable has decided toimplement an IP telephony solution. External calls will be carried across a MAN link to anotherbuilding, where a gateway connects into the worldwide PBX network of Sun Stable. Voice mail andunified messaging components are required and all IP phones and workstations should be on separate VLANs and IP subnets. ActualTests.comWhich IP telephony deployment best suits their need?()A  single-siteB  multisite with centralized call processingC  multisite with distributed call processingD  clustering over the WAN

考题 单选题Which of the following is a characteristic of a data center core?()A Server-to-server traffic always remains in the core layer.B The recommended practice is for the core infrastructure to be in Layer 3.C The boundary between Layer 2 and Layer 3 should be implemented in the aggregation layer.D The Cisco Express Forwarding hashing algorithm is the default, based on the IP address and Layer 4 port.E Core layer should run BGP along with an IGP becauseiBGP has a lower administrative distance than any IGP.