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A good dictionary will help you up in your reading.
固定搭配题。help sb. out是固定搭配,意为“帮助解决困难/难题”,所以答案为选项B。
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问答题中国印度经贸关系取得新进展 近年来,中国印度双边关系发展顺利。2005年温家宝总理访问印度时,两国宣布建立面向和平与繁荣的战略合作伙伴关系,2005年3月,双方完成了《中印全面经贸合作五年、规划》联合研究,该规划也成为中印经贸关系发展的指导性文件。2006年是中印友好年,也是中印交往史上具有里程碑意义的一年。 近年来,两国贸易发展较快,贸易额持续保持高速增长。中印双边贸易额由2000年的29.14亿美元增长到2005年的187.03亿美元,年均增长45%。2006年,双边贸易额达到249亿美元,提前实现两国领导人确定的目标。根据中方统计,2006年印度是中国第10大贸易伙伴。根据印方统计,2005/06财年,中国已成为印度第2大贸易伙伴。 近年来,印度大力发展基础设施建设,尤其是大量私营企业积极投资,计划新建公路、桥梁、铁路、港口和电站等一批基础设施,工程承包市场巨大。中国企业在上述领域具有一定优势,经过多年开拓,中国企业在印度工程承包市场特别是现汇或业主融资项目取得重大进展。
问答题The Threatened Environment In recent years we have come to realize that several threats to the environment are fundamental. One is acid rain, which is created by the millions of tones of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides spewed out of North American smokestacks and automobile exhaust pipes1. The oxides mix with water vapor in the air to form weak sulphuric and nitric acid, which later falls as acid rain. The result is increased acidity in lakes, which has curtailed the ability of many fish to reproduce, and in the soil, which has slowed the growth of trees and increased their vulnerability to disease.2 With every news report, the externality dimension of environmental problems3 seems to become clearer. For instance, it was recently reported that Lapp villagers in northern Sweden and Norway were forbidden to eat local reindeer meat after their herds became contaminated by fallout from the nuclear accident at ChernobyI5 in far-off Ukraine. Similarly, Canadian wildlife scientists have found high levels of PCBs6 and other contaminants in polar-bear livers. But some pollution problems involve such dramatic externalities that the whole world is affected. One example is the greenhouse effect. The steadily rising and essentially irreversible concentration7 of carbon dioxide in the earth’s atmosphere causes it to trap increasing amounts of the heat radiated by the planet. The general warming trend is expected to have disastrous effects, including mass starvation in some less developed countries, flooding of entire coastal areas, and severe droughts on the Canadian Prairies, perhaps within the next fifty years. Another worldwide threat is in the upper atmosphere—the thinning of the layer of ozone, a bluish gas that shields the earth from the sun’s ultraviolet rays. Synthetic chemicals called chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are depleting the ozone layer. One estimated result is that the chance of getting skin cancer is now 8 to 16 percent greater than it was in 1950. Hazardous wastes (such as those from nuclear plants, industrial manufacturing, laboratories, and medical institutions) represent yet another critical environmental problem improperly disposed, they can threaten all forms of organic life. Unfortunately, little has been done so far to solve this problem. Indeed there are many instances in which industrialized countries have literally just shipped the problem off to the poorest of the less developed countries—countries unequipped with the necessary storage and treatment facilities, and certainly too poor to deal with the serious environmental problems that will follow. For example, in 1988 the government of Guinea-Bissau13 signed a contract with two British firms to receive 15 million tones of pharmaceutical wastes over a five-year period. While this arrangement was very inexpensive from the firms’ point of view, the payments to Guinea-Bissau totaled more than four times that county’s national product. It makes it difficult to solve the problem when parts of the world are so poor that they are forced to regard such transactions as “good deals”. The users of the world’s resources simply must be made to take the external costs of their actions into consideration when making their decisions. The people who are hacking down the world’s rain forests at the rate of 1200 hectares an hour are literally cutting away the lungs of the earth, since rain forests contribute a large percentage of the oxygen in the earth’s atmosphere. But these individuals are not necessarily evil: in many cases, they are forced to overuse the environment for their own or their country’s immediate survival. For example, some developing countries’ needs for foreign exchange to pay for imports compel them to cut timber faster than it can be regenerated. They simply cannot afford to worry about the future. Obviously, many of these problems cannot be solved without political decisions to redistribute income to the less developed countries, and to define property rights. But the right kinds of political and institutional changes will be forthcoming only if they are rooted in an understanding of the externality dimension of environmental issues.
单选题These observations indicates the extreme difficulty in cultivating this precious thing called democracy.A
elaborate B
treasonable C
valuable D
问答题为应对国际金融危机冲击、保持经济平稳较快发展,中国及时调整宏观经济政策,果断实施积极的财政政策和适度宽松的货币政策,形成了进一步扩大内需、促进经济增长的一揽子计划。我们大规模增加政府支出,实施总额4万亿元人民币的两年投资计划,实行结构性减税政策,多次降息和增加银行体系流动性,大范围实施产业调整振兴规划,大力推进科技创新和技术改造,大力加强节能减排和生态环境保护,继续调整国民收入分配格局,大力拓展国内市场特别是农村市场,大幅度提高社会保障水平。现在,这些措施已取得初步成效、呈现出积极迹象,国内消费需求比较旺盛,投资需求稳步提高,社会大局保持稳定。这表明中国的应对思路是符合实际的,政策是积极有效的。中国为应对国际金融危机冲击采取的一系列举措不仅对本国经济、而且对区域经济乃至世界经济都将产生积极影响。 面对国际金融危机冲击,我们将继续坚持对外开放的基本国策,始终不渝奉行互利共赢的开放战略。我们坚信,一个充满活力、更加开放的中国,不仅有利于保持中国经济平稳较快发展势头,而且有利于国际社会共同应对国际金融危机、促进世界和平与发展。
单选题The passage specifically states that __________.A
direct experiences are more valuable than indirect onesB
whatever attitudes a child learns in school have already been introduced at homeC
teachers should always conceal their own attitudesD
teachers can sometimes have an unwholesome influence on children
单选题The scenery on the way was truly spectacular , with beautiful mountains, rivers and valleys, and I took a lot of pictures from the window.A
notorious B
amazing C
noble D
单选题The farmers know that fertilizer can accelerate the growth of these tomato plants.A
accommodate B
accord C
quicken D
单选题To say that all Americans wear dazzlingly colored clothes is a generalization.A
well B
gloriously C
brightly D
单选题The Navajo people of Arizona and New Mexico build their hogans, cone-shaped dwellings made of logs and earth, during the summer.A
stadiums B
residences C
stacks D
单选题The author implies that __________.A
the teacher should guide all discussions by revealing her own attitudeB
in some aspects of social studies a greater variety of methods can be used in the upper grades than in the lower gradesC
people usually act on the basis of reasoning rather than emotionD
children’s attitudes often come from those of other children
单选题Stop dwelling on your problems and do something about them!A
abiding B
lingering C
expatiating D
问答题随着社会主义市场经济的逐步完善,中国大多数企业的社会责任意识也在不断增强。它们恪守诚信,合法经营,努力为国内外消费者提供高质量的商品,注重节约,保护环境,努力履行社会义务。一些企业还主动发布社会责任报告,公开履行社会责任状况,自觉接受社会监督。当然,受经济发展水平和发展阶段的制约,中国经济增长方式还比较粗放,能源资源消耗多,环境保护压力大,少数企业还存在一些片面追求经济效益、忽视社会责任的行为。 企业社会责任运动自上世纪80年代兴起后,已经成为世界潮流。强调企业社会责任,就是要求企业对投资者负责的同时,对员工负责,对消费者负责,对商业伙伴负责,对环境和社会负责。国内外企业的成功经验表明,社会责任也是企业的品牌,是企业核心竞争力的组成部分,是企业长盛不衰的重要法宝。企业要生存和发展,就必须增强社会责任意识,积极履行社会义务。我们有理由相信,未来的企业竞争,将不再仅仅是产品的竞争、技术的竞争和人才的竞争,更是履行社会责任的竞争。“赠人玫瑰,手有余香”。企业在履行社会责任、促进社会和谐的同时,自身也会得到更大的发展。
单选题What impact did color printing have on children’s books?A
Sales increased by the middle of the 19th century.B
Rough illustrations were now more appealing.C
Illustrations told more of the story and were more appealing.D
Books became more amusing.
单选题The mass production of goods from the Industrial Revolution in the 1800’s made person-to-person selling less efficient than mass distribution.A
influential B
effective C
sensible D
问答题Ban Ki-moon Stepped on the Stage On January 1 Ban Ki-moon, the new secretary-general, moved into the office on the 38th floor of United Nations headquarters in New York. Most of the talk has focused on whether it is appropriate that the world’s regions should take turns in holding such a key post. But the more important issue is what consequences will flow from having an Asian in the top job at the precise moment that Asia emerges into the geopolitical sun. A certain historical distance has always existed between the Asian region and the international organization. Most of New York’s energy is consumed by the Middle East and Africa, not Asia. The UN is Atlanticist in structure and sometimes in orientation. There have been several signs in recent years, however, of a quickening of interactions between the UN and Asia. First, the end of the cold war broke the superpower deadlock in the Security Council, conjured up new confidence about the organization’s place in international relations and was followed by the establishment of two of the UN’s largest and most complex peace operations, in Cambodia and East Timor. Second, the emergence of new and interconnected5 security threats in the region, including infectious diseases, resource scarcity, environmental catastrophes such as the 2004 tsunami, trafficking in drugs and people, and state failure, has demonstrated the advantages of international cooperation. As these threats escalate, so will the work of the UN and its agencies. Third, as the focus of international power moves towards them6, Asian states are stepping up their engagement with the world body. The top five contributors of peacekeeping personnel are all from the UN’s Asian regional group. Both Japan and India remain intent on permanent membership of the Security Council. Most striking of all is China’s increasingly practical behavior in New York. China was once poorly represented, defensive in the Council and uninterested in peacekeeping: now it is ably represented, confident and skillful in the chamber8 and before the media, and deploys more peacekeeping personnel than any other permanent member. This is the stage onto which Mr. Ban stepped.
问答题Pollution and Ecocrisis The problem of pollution is also of great social concern. Continued population increase, accompanied by a rise in the level of living standards, not only threatens to exhaust American resources but pollutes the environment to such an extent that production in the thickly settled area is impossible without damaging the health of the local residents. Smog, once an urban annoyance, is now recognized as a health risk, and the automobile has been pinpointed as the principal culprit. Heavy industries have been blamed for river, soil, air, noise and visual pollutions. DDT and other chemical remedies have been doing more ecological harm than the good that they may have brought along. Several decades ago, Americans dumped raw sewage into rivers and many industrial plants are now still dumping chemical pollutants into lakes, rivers and oceans. Oceans used to be and are still being considered to be a reserve of seafood. Today, after the oceans have become the home of all pollutants, this use of the oceans is being reduced at an alarming rate. The worst pollution threat is concentrated in and near large cities. There the people-made pollutants increasingly surpass the ability of air and water to dilute (冲淡;稀释) the contaminants (污染物) to safe levels. The natural ecological cycle depends on plants, which absorb some pollutants and release oxygen to the air. But near large cities, natural vegetation becomes scarce, and introduced trees, ornamental shrubs and gardens are far from adequate in absorbing motor vehicle and industrial air pollutants. Finally, some pollutants, most notably atomic waste, may continue to contaminate air, land, and water for thousands of years. Therefore, ecocrisis—ecocatastrophe or ecocide—has been for some time one of the major concerns of not only the ecoactivists and environmentalists, but of many scientists of other fields and the government authorities of many countries as well. Last but not least, there is the question of whether the people will eventually be able to solve all these problems. The American continent is a wealthy land inhabited by many able and well- educated people. There today, people have originated a life-style which is known to the world as being characteristic of a society of consumption—a life-style based on the prodigal (挥霍浪费的) use of material goods. They are using up many times their share of the earth’s resources at a rate unparalleled in history. And I am sorry to say that this life-style of American has been copied by the people of many developed countries, leading to the greatest problem of the modem world as a whole. So I must ask: Are the Americans apt enough to cooperate with other peoples to prevent over-population, resource exhaustion, the catastrophe of pollution and the wanton waste of wealth — problems which are basic to the solution of many outstanding economic, social and political problems? Only time will tell.
单选题The reason why turtles are imported into China lies in that _________.A
turtles are famous only in ChinaB
people in other parts of the world don’t have the habit of eating turtlesC
the demand is greater than supply in ChinaD
these countries are rich in wild turtles
单选题Most tachometers measure the speed of rotation of a spinning shaft or wheel in terms of revolutions per minute.A
pumping B
wavering C
floating D
单选题Some advanced economies, notably Japan and Germany, fared better than others during the 1970s and 1980s.A
got onC
单选题In the coming years, people will __________.A
have more machines at their disposalB
experience starvationC
never workD
have fewer machines at their disposal
单选题A tamarin can be called any of the following exceptA
a monkeyB
a primateC
a house catD
a lion tamarin
问答题新型工业化 我们要推进产业结构优化升级,坚持走新型工业化道路。依靠科技进步,围绕提高自主创新能力,推动产业结构调整。加快开发对经济增长有重大带动作用的高新技术,以及能够推动传统产业升级的共性技术和关键技术。抓紧制定若干重大领域关键技术创新的目标和措施,务求尽快取得新突破。完善鼓励创新的体制和政策体系。坚持引进先进技术和消化吸收创新相结合,增强自主开发能力。大力发展高新技术产业,积极推进国民经济和社会信息化。加快用高新技术改造提升传统产业。以重大工程为依托,推动装备制造业振兴。在专门项目指导下,继续加强能源、重要原材料等基础产业和水利、交通、通信等基础设施建设。积极发展现代配送、旅游、社区服务等第三产业。既要加快发展资金技术密集型产业,又要继续发展劳动密集型产业。
问答题Green Gene Technology For the past 10,000 years humans have influenced the plants they use at first unknowingly, later by design. Today’s crops have been created by a process of selection and classical breeding. More specific improvements in breeding will be possible in future. Science has cracked the genetic information code. Green gene technology is an effective tool in crop breeding, enabling us to develop new crops even more rapidly and specifically. We can make them more efficient, optimizing their contents and valuable substances to suit the wishes and requirements of customers and the processing industry. Their metabolism can be individually modified, making them produce starch, protein and fats with special properties. Through gene transfer plants can be made more resistant to viruses, bacteria, harmful fungi and insect pests. Genetically modified plants can be cultivated to possess improved stress behavior, with the result that they absorb water better in dry locations and can make more efficient use of soil nutrients. We can also optimize weed control. To do so, we make crops tolerant to environmentally sound and easily degradable herbicides. This is not as simple as it sounds. But we have been successful: Innovator has been on the Canadian market since 1995. This is the first oilseed rape variety to contain the glufosinate tolerance gene, facilitating the use of AgrEvo’s broad-spectrum herbicide liberty. We are committed to green gene technology, with which we aim to make crop breeding even more efficient and environmentally friendly. Before being brought on to the market these genetically modified plants are researched and tested for years until the questions posed regarding their safety have been answered. This is a great opportunity for us to realize our vision: the use of faster methods to breed varieties which will continue to provide us with sufficient food and raw materials in future. Our fossil reserves will soon be exhausted. Experts estimate that we only have enough oil for another 43 years and natural gas for less than 60. This means we must rethink and act accordingly, using new crop varieties to step up the move to replenishable sources of raw materials and energy. In other words, green gene technology is the key technology for sustainable agriculture.