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解析: 甲亢手术治疗并发呼吸困难和窒息的原因有: ①出血及血肿压迫气管 ②喉头水肿 ③气管塌陷 ④双侧喉返神经损伤。
更多 “多选题以下属于导致甲亢术后呼吸困难的原因有:()A喉头水肿B出血血肿C气管塌陷D双侧喉返神经损伤” 相关考题
考题 单选题破伤风的潜伏期通常是()天A 7~10B 10~15C 15~20D 20~30

考题 单选题糖皮质激素抗炎作用不包括下列哪项?()A 非特异性作用B 抗菌作用C 作用快D 不受给药途径影响

考题 单选题关于锁骨下动脉错误的说法是()A 锁骨中点上方锁骨上窝为该动脉的止血点B 在颈根部行经前、中斜角肌之间C 在颈根部斜 越胸膜顶前方D 右侧锁骨下动脉起自头臂干E 所有分支均分布于上肢

考题 单选题人体发育成熟最晚的系统是()A 神经系统B 淋巴系统C 消化系统D 呼吸系统E 生殖系统

考题 单选题一般患者使用暖水袋的温度是:()A 70℃~80℃B 60℃~70℃C 50℃~60℃D 40℃~50℃

考题 单选题越是高层管理者,在决策中所起的作用越大,越应该具有较强的(  )。A 技术技能B 业务技能C 人际技能D 概念技能

考题 单选题下列表述,正确的一句是(  )。A 报告是下行性公文,主要用于对下级机关做报告B 报告属于陈述性报告C 报告这种公文的语言一定要形象生动D 报告这种公文可以根据需要展开议论

考题 判断题温水擦拭的目的是为体温在39.5度以上的高温病人降温。A 对B 错

考题 单选题能使氧化磷酸化加速的物质是(  )。A ATPB ADPC CoASHD VC

考题 单选题冠状动脉的起始处()A 主动脉窦B 肺动脉窦C 腔静脉窦D 左心房窦E 冠状窦

考题 单选题鼻泪管开口于()A 下鼻道B 上鼻道C 中鼻道D 泪点E 泪囊

考题 单选题患者突发心绞痛,此时可指导其()A 静脉注射维拉帕米B 口服卡托普利C 舌下口服硝酸甘油D 口服可乐定

考题 单选题滴鼻剂滴鼻时头部应()A 向左倾斜5~10sB 向右倾斜5~10sC 向前倾斜5~10sD 向后倾斜5~10sE 保持不动

考题 单选题以下关于疾病与相关检查对应关系正确的一项是:()A 压头试验阳性,常见于神经根型颈椎病B 上肢牵拉试验阳性,常见于肩关节脱位C 搭肩试验阳性,常见于颈椎病D 骨盆挤压分离试验阳性,常见于膝关节积液E 浮髌试验阳性,常见于骨盆骨折

考题 单选题以下哪项不是外周免疫器官()A 脾B 淋巴结C 阑尾D 扁桃体E 甲状腺

考题 单选题关于新生儿的特点,不正确的是()A 病死率高B 发病率高C 适应能力较差D 生活能力较差E 各器官功能发育完善

考题 单选题正常情况下,人体空腹血糖浓度(葡萄糖氧化酶法)是()。A 1.89~3.89mmol/LB 3.89~6.11mmol/LC 6.11~10.89mmol/LD 3.89~8.89mmol/L

考题 填空题动脉圆锥的下界为( ),前壁为( ),内侧壁为( )。

考题 单选题私人参与公共产品生产和提供的必要条件不包括(  )。A “免费搭车”B “政府失败”C 政府腐败D “寻租”现象普遍

考题 多选题下列关于脑瘤转移的说法,正确的是()。A甲状腺癌可出现颅骨转移B交界性肿瘤不出现转移C乳癌可转移至锁骨上淋巴结D肺癌可出现脑转移

考题 单选题窦房结功能衰竭并发心脏骤停的心跳复苏药是()。A 异丙肾上腺素B 去氧肾上腺素C 去甲肾上腺素D 普萘洛尔E 氯化钙

考题 单选题如果患者是大咯血窒息,应立即采取的体位是()A 平卧位B 俯卧位C 半卧位D 坐位E 头低脚高位

考题 单选题最易引起暂时或永久性耳聋的利尿药是()A 依他尼酸B 布美他尼C 呋塞米D 氢氯噻嗪E 氯酞酮

考题 单选题下列选项中,不符合铺床节力原则的是()A 将用药备齐B 按使用顺序放置物品C 铺床时身体靠近床沿D 先铺远侧,后铺近侧

考题 单选题真核细胞的蛋白质可经历泛酰化修饰,被修饰的氨基酸残基是(  )。A GlyB AlaC LysD ArgE Gln

考题 单选题苯二氮卓类类药物抗惊厥作用的机制是()A 增加Cl-通道开放的时间B 加强大脑皮层的抑制过程C 激动GABAB受体D 增加Cl-通道开放频率

考题 问答题Practice 3  A woman in Native American clothes is sitting in the sun, sewing a dress from skin. Inside a building, a colonist is making a wooden chair, using very simple tools. And all around, tourists are taking pictures with their digital (数码的) cameras. This is Jamestown Settlement today.  Jamestown, Virginia, was one of the first places in the world where people from Europe, America, and Africa came together in 1608. Today, it is a living history museum, where children and adults come to experience history. In a living history museum, actors wear clothes from the past and demonstrate many of the activities of daily life back then. The actors also talk to the visitors and explain everything they do.  At a Living History museum, there are always many things to touch, hear, and smell Visitors at Jamestown Settlement can walk through copies of the three small sailing ships that carried colonists to Virginia and even lie down in a colonist’s bed. The colonists stayed on the crowed, dangerous ships for more than four months. When they got to Virginia they built an area of houses with a high wall around it in today’s fort(堡垒),you can see houses, a church, and even a garden with foods that the colonists ate. Women in long dresses work inside their homes, and visitors can help them with their sewing and cooking.  There is also an Indian Village at Jamestown Settlement, and it looks very different from the fort. It shows how the Indians lived in long houses and grew corn and other crops in large fields. Actors there make pottery(陶器) and teach visitors how to play Indian games. You can even help them make an Indian boat from a tree.  Today the living history museum of Jamestown is very popular, especially with children and families. People come here to have fun, but also to learn. Many school classes visit to experience old ways of getting things done. A living history museum is the best way to understand how people lived in the past.

考题 多选题支气管扩张症的X线表现是()。A轨道往下B腹部可见液平C膈肌升高D卷发样阴影