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更多 “单选题制冷压缩机吸气腔最低处所开的通轴箱的孔道,作用不包括()。A 让吸气带回的滑油返回曲轴箱B 必要时抽空曲轴箱C 抽走漏入曲轴箱的制冷剂D 减少吸气压力波动” 相关考题
考题 单选题Symptoms of heat stroke are().A cold and moist skin,high body temperatureB cold and dry skin,low body temperatureC hot and moist skin,high body temperatureD hot and dry skin,high body temperature

考题 单选题()this the Chief Officer agreed not to put any remarks.A AtB ByC ForD Upon

考题 单选题当船舶的实际配员低于《船舶最低安全配员证书》的要求时,港监可()。A 禁止其离港B 对其处以警告C 对其处以罚款D A、B、C都是

考题 单选题A tug may be in danger of tripping when().A towed sideways by an overwhelming force on the towlineB her tow moves parallel to and forward on either side of the tugC the tow is no longer directly astern but moves up on her quarterD All of the above

考题 单选题INMARSAT-B系统中岸站的接收频率范围是()A 6414.0~6425.0MHzB 1626.5~1646.5MHzC 4192.5~4200.0MHzD 1525.0~1545.0MHz

考题 单选题The temperature () a liquid changes its state from liquid to gas depends upon the liquid itself and upon the pressure () it is subjected in the containing vessel.A at which/to whichB from which/at whichC to which/from whichD in which/on which

考题 单选题就大多数情况而言,船舶载运出口危险品时,至少应持有()。A 船、货申报单B 船申报单和装箱证明C 船、货申报及装箱证明D 港监核发的有关单证

考题 单选题航行中交接班时间已到,但船舶正在进行避让、转向等,值班水手()交接班。A 立即B 可以C 不能D 应该

考题 判断题方位标志有北方位标、南方位标、东方位标、西方位标四种。A 对B 错

考题 单选题K-Chief 500系统的操作界面出现“ALARM SUMMARY”时,其表示的意思是()。A 历史报警B 分组报警C 显示当前报警的汇总列表D 显示以前发生的警报

考题 单选题根据STCW公约中有关船舶在港值班应遵循的原则规定,()的船长对值班安排要予以特殊要求。A 具有特种型式推进系统或辅助设备的船舶B 载有危险品、有毒害货物的船舶C 载有其他特种货物的船舶D ABC都是

考题 单选题Seamless mild steel is used for steam (also copper for moderate pressure and temperature), h-pair, feed discharge and all oil fuel pressure pipingsAccording to the above sentence, which of the following statements is not true?()A Both seamless mild steel and copper may be used for middle pressure steamB hpair means high pressure airC The feed piping of the boilers can be made of seamless mild steelD All oil pipings are made of mild steel

考题 单选题不能作为泵舱固定灭火系统的是()且可在泵舱外的一个随时可到达的位置进行操作。A 二氧化碳灭火系统B 高倍泡沫系统C 固定式压力水雾系统D 便携式灭火设备

考题 单选题不会使锅炉给水泵吸入压力降低的是()。A 热水井滤层严重堵塞B 吸入阀未开足C 泵转速增大D 排出阀未开足

考题 单选题当船舶由使用热带载重线海区航行至使用夏季载重线海区时,且热带载重线段油水消耗量小于两载重线对应的排水量之差,则允许使用的总载重量应根据()确定。A 夏季载重线B 热带载重线C 夏季载重线时的总载重量加上热带载重线航段的油水消耗量D 热带载重线时的排水量减去夏季载重线航段的油水消耗量

考题 单选题An axial piston, variable stroke pump is used in a vessels hydraulic steering gearUnder pressure, oil continually leaks out from between the valve plate/cylinder barrel and will().A cause loss of hydraulic oil from the systemB result in extreme damage to the pumpC cause damage to the pump ff not continually drained from the pump casingD result in the system high side pressure to substantially drop off

考题 单选题配电装置是对电源、电力网和负载进行()的装置。A 保护、控制B 监视测量C 控制、测量D 保护、监视测量、控制

考题 问答题如果公司的安全管理体系文件缺少某一具体的操作规程,是否定为重大不符合?

考题 单选题ARPA按显示被跟踪目标的动态方式可分为()A 矢量型和图示型B 真矢量和相对矢量C 园扫描和光栅扫描D 光栅扫描和TV扫描

考题 单选题When working on a high voltage circuit, you should always have another person present with you.This person should have a good working knowledge of ()A the circuit being worked on and the location of all switches and circuit breakers controlling itB first-aid techniques for treating electrical shockC cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)D All of the above

考题 单选题高速船主机两台为M400型柴油机,由俄罗斯红星集团制造,其额定转速为()。A 400r/minB 500r/minC 1600r/min

考题 单选题加强扣合法适用于修理承受()的零件。A 高冲击B 高载荷C 高温D 高振动

考题 单选题下列碰撞双方各负50%的赔偿责任().A 不可抗力引起的碰撞B 双方过失程度不明的碰撞C 原因不明的碰撞D 意外事故引起的碰撞

考题 单选题通常采用相对水深的概念来表示水深的大小,即水深吃水比(H/d);对于一般运输船舶,从对船体前进时阻力的影响来区分,低速船以(),即可作为浅水域对待。A H/d≤4B H/d≤6C H/d≤8D H/d≤10

考题 单选题The function of the hydraulic telemotor transmitter used in an electro-hydraulic steering gear system is to ().A transmit the rudder angle to the bridge indicatorB prevent the control linkage from striking the stops when hard overC automatically purge all entrained air from the systemD send hydraulic signals to the receiving unit

考题 判断题不能满足主管机关的有关安全配员的要求可导致船舶滞留。A 对B 错

考题 问答题柴油机吊缸后,装配时应注意些什么?

考题 单选题国际标准,以下()属于重大件货物。 ①货物单重超过40t ②货物单重超过5t ③货物单件长度超过12m ④货物单件高度超过3m ⑤货物单件宽度超过3m ⑥货物单件长度超过9mA 除②⑤B ①③⑤C ②③⑥D 除①③