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解析: 化脓性脑膜炎患儿降温后30分钟测体温一次,并用降温曲线标明。
更多 “单选题患儿,女,2岁,诊断为化脓性脑膜炎,体温39℃,降温处理后测体温的时间是()A 30minB 60minC 90minD 120minE 180min” 相关考题
考题 多选题What components are required to directly connect two PCs so they are able to participate in a simple peer-to-per network?()AStraight-through cableBCompatible network interfacesCNetworking protocolDHubECrossover cableFrouter

考题 单选题25天女婴,刚出生时反应尚好,以后逐渐出现少吃少动,喂养困难。查体:体温35℃,皮肤轻度黄染,心率100次/分,心音较低,腹胀,四肢凉。应采取哪项治疗措施?(  )A B C D E

考题 单选题患儿女,7岁。低热、轻咳3周。查体:体温38.5℃,营养差,左背下部听诊呼吸音减低,接种过卡介苗,PPD试验(+++)。最佳治疗方案是()A 青霉素B 异烟肼C 利福平+异烟肼D 红霉素E 利福平

考题 单选题低血钾的临床表现不包括(  )。A 心率失常B 恶心、呕吐C 腹胀、肠鸣音减弱D 肌张力增高E 心电图显示T波平坦或倒置

考题 单选题You are logged into a router and with to view the layer 3 information about your neighboring Cisco routers. What IOS command gives layer 3 information for of the directly connected router interfaces?()A show ip linksB show cdp neighborC show cdp neighbor detailD show ip clientsE show ip routeF None of the above

考题 单选题What value is primarily used to determine which port becomes the root port on each nonroot switch in a spanning-treetopology?()A lowest port MAC addressB port priority number and MAC address.C VTP revision numberD highest port priority number.E pathcost

考题 单选题心跳、呼吸骤停的患者现场急救时清理呼吸道后,应首先采用()A 口对口呼吸B 简易呼吸机C 气管插管D 插管后连接呼吸机E 气管切开

考题 单选题心跳呼吸骤停的患者应最先进行的抢救措施是()A 气管切开B 建立静脉通路C 简易呼吸机D 气管插管E 口对口人工呼吸

考题 单选题设置主接口由up转down后延迟30秒切换到备份接口,主接口由down转up后60秒钟切换回主接口的配置为()。A standby timer 30 60B standby timer 60 30C standby timer enable-delay 60 disable-delay 30D standby timer enable-delay 30 disable-delay 60

考题 单选题What is the key objective of the plan phase?()A Identify the activities involved in installing and configuring equipment at a customer’s site or sitesB Describe the day-to-day activities required to support, manage, and monitor a newly implemented systemC Access current network readiness, site readiness, and operational readiness in preparation for designing a solution proposalD Gain an understanding of high-level business and technical requirements

考题 单选题Which command sets and automatically encrypts the privileged enable mode password?()A enbale password c1scoB secret enable c1scoC password enable c1scoD enable secret c1sco

考题 单选题What would be able to handle IP telephony and e-business applications concurrently?()A  Cisco Catalyst switchesB  Cisco SOHO routersC  Cisco 7000 Series WAN edge routersD  Cisco integrated Services Routers

考题 单选题A router has two FastEthernet interfaces and needs to connect to four vlans in the local network.How can you accomplish this task,using the fewest physical interfaces and without decreasing network performance?()A Add two more FastEthernet interfaces.B Add a second router to handle the vlan traffic.C Use a hub to connect the four vlans with a FastEthernet interface on router.D Implement a router-on-a-stick configuration.

考题 单选题How many subnetworks and hosts are available per subnet if you apply a /28 mask to the class C network?()A 30 networks and 6 hosts.B 6 networks and 30 hosts.C 8 networks and 32 hosts.D 32 networks and 18 hosts.E 14 networks and 14 hosts.F None of the above

考题 多选题Which are valid modes for a switch port used as a VLAN trunk? ()AtransparentBautoConDdesirable

考题 单选题顺产女婴,胎龄40周,日龄13天,出生体重3200g。生后6天背部皮肤出现小脓疱,并伴有精神萎靡、少哭、拒奶。体检:体温39.5℃,呼吸50次/分,心率160次/分,背部散在脓疱,脐部稍有红肿,血常规示WBC21×109/L。 该患儿最可能发生()A 新生儿肝炎B 新生儿黄疸C 新生儿败血症D 新生儿硬肿症E 新生儿腹泻

考题 单选题Which implement phase service component consists of explaining the benefits and limitations of purchased support options to a customer and ensuring that the customer understands operational processes and responsibilities? Select exactly 1 answer(s) from the following:()。A Staging and System MigrationB Post Implementation Support Handoff MeetingC Detailed Design DevelopmentD Staff Training

考题 单选题MAC地址的前24位叫什么?()A  NICB  BIAC  OUID  VAI

考题 单选题In a switched environment, what does the IEEE 802.1Q standard describe?()A the operation of VTPB a method of VLAN trunkingC an approach to wireless LAN communicationD the process for root bridge selectionE VLAN pruning vlan

考题 单选题患儿女,4岁,患急性多发性神经根炎入院,今日突然呼吸困难,并伴点头样呼吸,面部青紫,需立即急救,采取下列最适当的方法是()A 洛贝林B 尼可刹米C 气管插管D 气管切开E 口对口呼吸

考题 单选题以下关于急性白血病化疗治疗原则的叙述不正确的是()A 单一用药B 足量C 间歇D 交替E 长期

考题 单选题Which command displays EIGRP-related router activities as they occur?()A TestKing# show ip route *B TestKing# debug eigrp routeC TestKing# debug ip eigrpD TestKing# debug ip protocols eigrpE TestKing# show ip route eigrp

考题 单选题患儿5岁。自幼口唇发绀,生长发育落后,活动后喜蹲踞。今晨突然发生意识障碍,惊厥。该患儿最可能发生()A 颅内出血B 化脓性脑膜炎C 高血压脑病D 法洛四联症脑缺氧发作E 低血糖

考题 单选题对该患儿采取首要的护理措施包括(  )。A 纠正酸中毒B 供氧C 保暖、复温D 预防感染E 供给足够的营养

考题 单选题“frame-relay map ip 102 broadcast”被输入路由器上。以下哪项关于这个命令的陈述是正确的?()A 广播选项允许数据包,如RIP更新,转发访问PVCB 命令768,16从戈布尔配置模式下执行C 102是他的远程DLCI,将recive的信息D IP地址10.121.16.8是用来转发日期本地路由器端口E 该命令要求所有帧依靠配置

考题 单选题10个月小儿体重,按公式计算应为(  )。A 7.0kgB 7.5kgC 8.0kgD 8.5kgE 9.0kg

考题 单选题What command verifies connectivity between two hosts by sending and receiving ICMP echo messages?()A pingB tracertC netstatD show cdp neighbors detailE show ip routeF traceroute

考题 多选题国际上负责分配IP地址的专业组织划分了几个网段作为私有网段,可以供人们在私有网络上自由分配使用,以下属于私有地址的网段是()。A10.0.0.0/8B172.16.0.0/12C192.168.0.0/16D224.0.0.0/8