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考题 多选题教材编辑是落实培训目标,搞好培训的核心,具体体现在()。A教学指导思想和教学目标,要通过教材编辑将其贯彻落实B是将社会最新科技知识记载传承的手段C是保证培训顺利进行、提高培训质量的重要措施D是依据法律法规确定教材E是依据国际职业资格标准确定教材

考题 多选题按银行外汇贷款利率管理规定,是以()利率为基础制定外币贷款利率。A美国联邦基金利率B纽约同业拆放利率CHIBORDLIBORE小额外币存款利率

考题 单选题下列选项中,不属于个人消费贷款的是()。A 个人经营性贷款B 个人汽车贷款C 国家助学贷款D 个人留学贷款

考题 单选题根据GB/t11457-2006的规定,使客户能确认是否接受系统的正式测试为( )。A 合格性测试B 验收测试C 运行测试D 系统测试

考题 判断题按经济业务发生的时间先后顺序,逐日逐笔进行登记的账簿是明细分类账。A 对B 错

考题 问答题教师如何促进学生科学概念的掌握。

考题 名词解释题种群密度

考题 多选题《山东省信访条例》有利于信访群众的哪些权利的实现?()A知情权B参与权C表达权D监督权

考题 单选题下面哪个字常用作表示顺序的第五位()A 戊B 戍C 戌

考题 单选题补全短文:下面的短文有5处空白,短文后有6个句子,其中5个取自短文,请根据短文内容将其分别放回原有位置,以恢复文章原貌。 Wrongly Convicted Man and His Accuser Tell Their Story。 NEW YORK,NY, January 5,2010. St.Martin’s Press has announced the release of the paperback edition of Picking Cotton, a remarkable true story of what novelist John Grisham calls an “account of violence, rage, redemption(救赎),and, ultimately forgiveness.”   The story began in 1987, in Burlington, North Carolina, with the rape of a young while college student named Jennifer Thompson. During her ordeal, Thompson swore to herself that she would never forget the face of her rapist, a man who climbed through the window of her apartment and assaulted her brutally.________(1) When the police asked her if she could identify the assailant(袭击者) from a book of mug shots, she picked one that she was sure was correct, and later she identified the same man in a lineup. Based on her convincing eyewitness testimony, a 22-year-old black man named Ronald Cotton was sentenced to prison for two life terms. Cotton’s lawyer appealed the decision, and by the time of the appeals hearing, evidence had come to light suggesting that the real rapist might have been a man who looked very like Cotton, an imprisoned criminal named Bobby Poole._______ (2) Jennifer Thompson looked at both men face to face, and once again said that Ronald Cotton was the one who raped her. Eleven years later, DNA evidence completely exonerated(证明……清白) Cotton and just as unequivocally(明确地) convicted Poole, who confessed to the crime. ________(3) “The man I was so sure I had never seen in my life was the man who was inches from my throat, who raped me, who hurt me, who took my spirit away, who robbed me of my soul,” she wrote. “And the man I had identified so surely on so many occasions was absolutely innocent.” _______ (4) Remarkably both were able to put this tragedy behind them, overcome the racial barrier that divided them, and write a book, which they have subtitled “Our memoir of injustice and redemption.” Nevertheless, Thompson says, she still lives “with constant pain that my profound mistake cost him so dearly______ (5)” 4 (单项选择题)()A Thompson was shocked and devastated.B Another trial was held.C I cannot begin to imagine what would have happened had my mistaken identification occurred in a capital case.D During the attack, she made an effort to memorize every detail of his face , looking for scars , tattoos (纹身) or other identifying marks.JenniferE Many criminals are sent to prison on the basis of accurate testimony by eyewitnesses.F Jennifer Thompson decided to meet Cotton and apologize to him personally.

考题 判断题胸腔就是胸廓的内腔。A 对B 错

考题 单选题《中华人民共和国消防法》规定,消防产品必须符合______;没有该标准的,必须符合_______。禁止生产、销售或者使用不合格的消防产品以及国家明令淘汰的消防产品。A 国家标准、企业标准B 国家标准、行业标准C 行业标准、企业标准D 国家标准、地方标准

考题 填空题如果经济中有更好更多的投资机会这种过程就会继续导致利率进一步上升最终把劣质投资完全挤出经济实现健康增长最终消除()。

考题 多选题根据《汽车贷款管理办法》,借贷双方应当遵循()的原则。A平等B自愿C诚实D守信

考题 多选题HSDPA关键技术()A引入16QAM高阶调制,提供更高的调制效率。BAMC可使数据传输很好的适应无线信道的变化。CHARQ可以根据无线链路的状况快速调整信道速率,实现数据的纠错和重传。D快速调度可以使无线资源在多用户间实现共享。

考题 单选题第三个利润源的主要源泉是()。A 仓储B 运输C 配送D 送货

考题 判断题站在物流活动承担主体的角度看,产生于工商企业生产经营的物流需求,只能委托给专业的物流服务供应商,采用社会化物流的方式来完成。A 对B 错

考题 多选题2015年中央一号文件指出,必须加快完善农业农村法律体系,同步推进城乡法治建设,善于运用()做好“三农”工作。A法律法规B法治思维C法治方式

考题 单选题浆液性卡他的病变部位()A 关节B 心包C 皮肤D 粘膜E 肺泡壁

考题 名词解释题刚毅ɡānɡ yì

考题 多选题下列会计等式中,正确的有()。A资产=权益B资产=负债+所有者权益C收入-费用=利润D资产=负债+所有者权益+收入-费用

考题 判断题全额到账费用由邮政银行代提供全额到账服务的账户行向客户收取。A 对B 错

考题 多选题甲欲加入乙、丙的普通合伙企业。以下各项要求中,甲入伙时满足的条件有()。A除合伙协议另有约定外,乙、丙应-致同意,并与甲签订书面的入伙协议B乙、丙向甲告知合伙企业的经营状况和财务状况C甲应向乙、丙说明自己的个人负债情况D甲对入伙前的该合伙企业的债务不承担连带责任

考题 多选题树干涂白,可预防()等。A冻伤B日灼伤C病害D虫害

考题 单选题党的十七届五中全会指出,()是“十二五”中国经济社会发展的主题。A 协调发展B 科学发展C 统筹发展

考题 单选题凸轮机构中的压力角是指()间的夹角。A 凸轮上接触点的法线与从动件的运动方向B 凸轮上接触点的法线与该点线速度C 轮上接触点的切线与从动件的运动方向

考题 多选题在压力反应导向的管理中对于压力生理反应的消除,主要是通过一系列的心理训练,使个体学会控制自己的生理反应,从而消除或减轻紧张反应。这些心理训练方法有()。A放松训练B生物反馈训练C自生训练D冥想E练太极拳

考题 单选题我国《行政处罚法》规定:“行政机关在调查或进行检查时,执法人员不得少于两人,并应当向当事人或有关人员出示证件。”这体现了行政程序法中()A 调查制度 B 告知制度 C 表明身份制度 D 说明理由制度