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解析: 根据患儿临床表现初步诊断患儿可能有泌尿道感染,尿细菌培养及菌落计数是诊断尿路感染的主要依据。
更多 “单选题患儿女,3岁。近日尿频,但坐上便盆并未排尿,体检发现尿道口充血,有臭味。此时最重要的护理是()A 增加营养B 给患儿穿开裆裤C 鼓励多饮水D 消毒患儿会阴部E 留取尿标本送检” 相关考题
考题 单选题1岁小儿血象:Hb70g/L,MCV75fl,MCH26pg,MCHC30%。首先考虑()A 营养性缺铁性贫血B 营养性巨幼细胞贫血C 失血性贫血D 遗传性球形红细胞增多症E 慢性感染性贫血

考题 单选题在使用过程中需适时查血尿酸的是()A 异烟肼B 利福平C 链霉素D 乙胺丁醇E 吡嗪酰胺

考题 单选题新生儿肺透明膜病患儿使用肺表面活性物质时正确的体位是()A 平卧-左侧卧-右侧卧-再平卧B 平卧-左侧卧-右侧卧C 平卧-左侧卧-平卧-右侧卧D 平卧-左侧卧-再平卧E 平卧-右侧卧-再平卧

考题 单选题以下关于惊厥的护理措施不正确的是()A 就地抢救B 保持呼吸道通畅C 束缚四肢,以防坠床D 将舌轻轻外拉E 严重者给予吸氧

考题 单选题男婴,4个月,母乳喂养,母亲突患急性乳腺炎,患侧有硬结,伴红、肿、热、痛,无全身感染症状,来门诊咨询。为保证其还能继续哺乳,母亲应()A 积极治疗,继续哺乳B 积极治疗,暂停哺乳C 积极治疗,患侧暂停哺乳,健侧可继续哺乳D 人工喂养,但定时将乳汁挤出E 采用混合喂养法

考题 单选题以下关于营养性缺铁性贫血的叙述正确的是()A 起病急、常表现为苍白、乏力、异食癖B 为小细胞正色素性贫血C 实验室检查胞浆发育与胞核发育相近D 骨髓象显示早幼红细胞增生E 治疗要点为祛除病因、补充铁剂

考题 单选题The following line of output was gathered on Enterprise Router Ent1 using the command show ip route. Which of the following answers is most likely to be true, based on thi s output?() B [20/10] via, 00:02:18A This router has set the Weight of this route to 10.B This router's BGP table lists this route as an iBGP route.C This router's MED has been set to 10.D This router's BGP table lists an AS_Path length of 10 for this route.

考题 单选题How many wlans can a reap support when actively connected to a wireless controller?()A 8B 32C 4D 16

考题 单选题患儿,女,生后3天。皮肤、巩膜出现黄染,精神、食欲尚好,大便黄色糊状,查血清胆红素浓度128μmol/L,血常规无异常,小儿血型为O型,其母为B型。对该女婴最主要的观察重点是()A 尿量B 瞳孔C 体温变化D 体重E 皮肤、巩膜黄染的程度

考题 单选题Which Cisco PIX and ASA feature provides reliable, comprehensive security against virus and worm propagation, as well as data theft?  ()A  WebVPN for SSLB  IPSecC  AIMD  Stateful packet inspection

考题 多选题Which three statements about the EIGRP routing protocol are true?()AEIGRP supports five generic packet types, including hello, database description (DBD), link state request (LSR), link - state update (LSU), and LSAck.BEIGRP sends periodic hello packets to the multicast IP address will not form a neighbor relationship with another peer when their K values are mismatched.DEIGRP sends periodic hello packets to the multicast IP address IGRP will form a neighbor relationship with another peer even when their K values are mismatched.FEIGRP supports five generic packet types, including hello, update, query, reply, and ACK packets.

考题 多选题When assigning a standalone access point a non-root role, which two parameters, other than Rolein the radio network settings,must be configured on the SSID Manager page?()AForce Infrastructure Devices to associate only to this SSIDBSet Infrastructure SSIDCMultiple BSSIDDSet Data Beacon RateEEnable IP redirection on this SSID

考题 多选题What are two features of WLSE-Express wireless management?()Acentralized management for autonomous access pointsBcentralized management for lightweight access pointsCcentralized management that requires an external AAA serverDcentralized management with integrated AAA serverEintegration with the Location Appliance to expand real time tracking to 1500 devices for 30 daysFintegration with the Location Appliance to expand real time tracking to 2500 devices for 30 days

考题 单选题What is the MAC address that comes from the multicast address 01 - 00 - 5e - 7f - 00 - 01B 01 - 01 - ef - ff - 00 - 01C 00 - 00 - 00 - 7f - 00 - 01D 10 - 00 - ef - ff - 00 - 01

考题 单选题1个月男婴,生后至今经常出现呕吐、腹胀,便秘明显,有时持续1周以上不能自行排便,需使用开塞露才能排出,便秘期间腹胀明显,可见肠型并触及充满粪块的结肠袢,其可能的诊断是()A 生理性腹泻B 先天性巨结肠C 急性坏死性小肠结肠炎D 肠套叠E 病毒性肠炎

考题 多选题Which three of the following network features are methods used to achieve high availability()ASpanning Tree Protocol(STP)BDelay reductionCHot Standby Routing Protocol(HSRP)DDynamic routing protocolsEQuality of Service(QoS)FJitter management

考题 单选题What is an advantage of an externally modulated laser over a directly modulated laser? ()A  lower costB  higher chirpC  easier to manufactureD  higher dispersion toleranceE  higher optical signal-to-noise ratio

考题 多选题What are the three main parts of a syslog message? ()(Choose three.)Aseverity levelBfacilityClog message nameDtime stampEerror codesFaccess privilege

考题 单选题需立即采取下列哪项措施?(  )A 抽血送培养做药敏B 改用敏感性高的抗生素C 诊断性胸穿D 毛花苷CE 肾上腺皮质激素

考题 单选题In a network using Cisco autonomous access points running WDS, what port is used for authentication by the local authentication service on an access point?()A 1813B 1645C 1646D 1812

考题 单选题脱水患儿经补液后血容量已恢复的主要临床表现是()A 皮肤弹性恢复B 血压恢复正常C 眼窝凹陷恢复D 口腔湿润,无口渴E 尿量增多

考题 单选题A blinking green power LED indicates which of the following conditions on a Cisco Series 1000 lightweight access point?()A lost connection to the controllerB duplicate IP addressC startupD site survey mode

考题 单选题4个月患儿,低热,轻咳,惊厥4~5次,发作后意识清,枕部压之有乒乓球感,肺部少量湿啰音。惊厥的原因是()A 支气管肺炎B 败血症C 婴儿手足搐搦症D 低血糖E 癫痫

考题 单选题During the installation of the Cisco WCS version 4.0, an error occurs. Where would you look for theinstallation log, in order to learn more about this error?()A at the root of the installation driveB in the Cisco WCS installation directoryC on the desktop of the serverD in the Cisco WCS/Logs directory

考题 单选题A network administrator enters the command clear ip route * and as a result he sees the message,"Please update the network documentation to record why the ip routing table was cleared." Which router feature was used in this case?()A NetFlowB SNMPC DebugD SysLogE EEMF CEF

考题 单选题To keep performance optimal on a lightweight access point,what can be done?()A disable auto rf and configure manually.B disable all 802.11b data rates.C power access point to full power.D hard code the channel.

考题 单选题How many WLANs can a Cisco Aironet 1242 in H-REAP mode support when actively connected to awireless controller?()A 4B 8C 16D 32

考题 单选题8个月婴儿,因重型腹泻入院,经输液6小时后开始排尿,脱水情况有所好转,但又出现精神萎靡,四肢无力,心音低钝,腹胀,经进一步检查,确诊为低钾血症,在使用氯化钾纠正低钾时,应稀释成何种浓度进行静脉点滴()A 0.15~0.3%B 0.4~0.6%C 0.8~1%D 1~1.5%E 1.5~3%