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The charts sold are of ().

newly edition with up to date correction and in reasonable prices


the current edition and incorporate the last Notices to Mariners correction


the current edition and incorporate the latest Notices to Mariners correction at the time of sale


brand-new one with up to date correction and clean writing


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题The charts sold are of ().A newly edition with up to date correction and in reasonable pricesB the current edition and incorporate the last Notices to Mariners correctionC the current edition and incorporate the latest Notices to Mariners correction at the time of saleD brand-new one with up to date correction and clean writing” 相关考题
考题 单选题船舶航行中发生碰撞后,机舱破损面积较大,危及主、副机安全,应及时报告()。A 船长B 轮机长C 驾驶员D 政委

考题 单选题Which of the listed problems would be indicated by an accumulation of water in one cylinder, in addition to the crankcase of an idle diesel engine?()A Excessive cylinder linerB water in the fuel systemC Cracked cylinder linerD Leaking lube oil cooler

考题 单选题在北半球可航半圆的特点和可行的避台操纵法是:() Ⅰ风向左转Ⅱ左首顶风全速驶离Ⅲ右首受风顶风滞航Ⅳ右尾受风驶离A Ⅰ、ⅣB Ⅰ、ⅢC Ⅰ、Ⅲ、ⅣD Ⅱ~Ⅳ

考题 单选题柴油机主轴承的轴承合金烧熔的故障属于()故障。A 管理性B 突发性C 渐进性

考题 单选题根据SOLAS公约,下列证书中有效期能展期的是哪一种()。A 有效期为5年的货船构造安全证书B 有效期为5年的货船设备安全证书C 有效期为12个月的客船安全证书D A、B、C

考题 单选题A long blast to warn the vessels()vicinity.A inB onC atD for

考题 单选题船舶最大弯曲应力发生在哪里()。 Ⅰ、距船首四分之一船长处横剖面上甲板 Ⅱ、距船首四分之一船长处横剖面船底板 Ⅲ、距船尾四分之一船长处横剖面上甲板 Ⅳ、距船尾四分之一船长处横剖面船底板 Ⅴ、船中剖面上甲板 Ⅵ、船中剖面船底板A Ⅰ+ⅡB Ⅲ+ⅤC Ⅱ+ⅢD Ⅴ+Ⅵ

考题 单选题一般远洋船舶轮机部组织机构分为(),每个级别的成员都有自己的职责。A 管理级和支持级B 管理级和操作级C 操作级和支持级D 管理级、操作级和支持级

考题 单选题运行10000h后,今测得Sulzer 6S20型船用柴油机某缸气缸套缸颈测量结果为:D1x=200.26mm,D1y=200.50mm,D2x=200.216mm,D2y=200.30mm。气缸套最大内径增量为202mm,则本次气缸内径增量为()。A 0.25mmB 0.20mmC 0.12mmD 0.24mm

考题 多选题不同的货物应选择不同的集装箱,有关部分货物所适用箱型的说明,()是正确的。A笨重货物:可选择开顶集装箱、框架集装箱、平台集装箱B危险货物:可选择干货集装箱、框架集装箱、冷藏集装箱C贵重货物和易碎货物:可选择干货集装箱D动植物:可选择动物集装箱、通风集装箱

考题 问答题按照SOLAS公约的要求,GMDSS船用设备维修保障方案有哪几种形式?


考题 单选题下列()情况时驾驶台应提前通知机舱准备。 Ⅰ船舶进出港口,通过狭水道、浅滩、危险水域或抛锚等需备车航行时; Ⅱ遇雾或暴雨等突发情况时; Ⅲ等引航员、候潮、等泊等原因须短时间抛锚时; Ⅳ因机械故障不能执行航行命令时。A Ⅰ~ⅣB Ⅰ+Ⅱ+ⅣC Ⅰ+Ⅱ+ⅢD Ⅰ+Ⅲ

考题 单选题衡量曲轴轴颈磨损程度的指标是()和()。A 圆度/圆柱度B 圆度/锥度C 椭圆度/锥度D 椭圆度/圆柱度

考题 单选题制冷装置冷凝器和贮液器间平衡管上的截止阀应()。A 常开B 常闭,压力试验和抽空试验时开C 压缩机运转时开,停车时关D 长时间停用将制冷剂全收回时关

考题 单选题一船在航速、载况和舵角相同情况下,浅水中较深水中:()A 船舶转向惯性角变大,航向稳定性变好B 船舶转向惯性角变小,航向稳定性变好C 船舶转向惯性角变小,航向稳定性变差D 船舶转向惯性角变大,航向稳定性变差

考题 单选题气焊前,连接胶管时要注意颜色标志,接乙炔的应是(),不能反接。A 蓝色或黄色B 红色或黑色C 蓝色或黑色D 黄色或红色

考题 单选题()是我国的内海,暖流不易达到,因而雾相对较少。A 渤海B 南海北部C 黄海中南部D 长江口至舟山群岛

考题 单选题二冲程柴油机换气过程第Ⅱ阶段是强制排气与扫气阶段,它是从()。A 缸内压力等于扫气压力到扫气口关闭B 缸内出现最低压力到扫气口关闭C 活塞将扫气口打开到扫气口关闭D 开始进入新鲜空气到扫气口关闭

考题 单选题The needle valve in a fuel valve will () when the fuel pressure action on the needle valve tapered face exerts a force lower than that of the spring compression.A be jammedB be openedC be seatedD be broken

考题 单选题When evacuating a seaman by helicopter lift,which statement is TRUE?()A The vessel should be stopped with the wind dead ahead during the hoisting operationB Flags should be flown to provide a visual reference as to the direction of the apparent windC The drop line should be grounded first then secured as close to the hoist point as possibleD The hoist area should be located as far aft as possible so the pilot will have a visual reference while approaching

考题 单选题通常,对于因承运人可以免责的过失所引起的共同海损损失,应当由()分摊共同海损。A 货方按各自的分摊价值的比例进行分摊B 船货双方按各自的分摊价值的比例进行分摊C 船方及各货方按各自的分摊价值的比例进行分摊D 各受益方按各自的分摊价值的比例进行分摊

考题 单选题喘振是()流通部分出现气流与叶片强烈撞击和脱流的结果。A 压气机B 涡轮机C 增压器D 涡轮壳体

考题 单选题海图水面处所标水深注记“”表示()。A 干出高度B 深度不准或采自旧水深资料或小比例尺图的水深C 测到所标深度尚未着底的深度D 实测水深或小比例尺海图上所标水深

考题 单选题散粮船货舱设计成棱形的目的不是为了()。A 提高稳性B 便于清舱C 减少平舱工作D 增大舱容

考题 单选题活塞环槽端面磨损不仅使其活塞环的平面间隙增大,使P,和P:下降,还会使()。A 环的弹力下降B 环折断C 环的密封性下降D 环磨损

考题 判断题PSC检查中发现主要船员适任证书过期,将导致船舶被滞留。A 对B 错

考题 单选题To prevent the unnecessary loading of an air conditioning system while maintaining the designed dry bulb temperature and relative humidity in an air conditioning system, you should ()A admit only enough fresh outside air to provide proper ventilationB reduce the air reheating system loadC lower the compressor head pressureD operate the purge recovery unit continuously