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If the ship is alongside the wharf,what kind of()is used?

pilot ladder


rope ladder


rod ladder


accommodation ladder


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更多 “单选题If the ship is alongside the wharf,what kind of()is used?A pilot ladderB rope ladderC rod ladderD accommodation ladder” 相关考题
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考题 My ship is ______ No.5 Berth for loading.A.onto the wharfB.moved asternC.into the dockD.moored alongside

考题 When do sailors make the ship fast? ()A、When a ship is unmooring.B、After a ship is in position alongside a wharf.C、Before a ship is loading.D、A and C

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考题 A ship is ()to the quayside by moorings.A、make fastB、be made fastC、made fastD、got alongside

考题 The ship is going ()the wharf slowly.A、nearB、onC、alongsideD、in

考题 As soon as the ship gets alongside the()(码头),you should lower the gangway and put a safety net below it.A、shoreB、wharfC、harbourD、port

考题 On which side shall we get alongside the wharf?()A、On port side .B、On right side.C、On left side.D、On deck.

考题 According to the report, the ship hit the wharf when ().A、moorB、berthingC、berthD、berthed

考题 有时风大流急,船舶靠码头时必须掉头顶流。()A、A ship has to turn to stem the tide because the wind is strong when she is getting alongside a wharf.B、Sometimes the wind is strong and the current is rough, so a ship has to turn to stem the tide when she is getting alongside a wharf.C、The wind is big, a ship must get alongside a wharf so she has to turn to stem the tide.D、A ship has to turn to stem the tide so she can get alongside a wharf.

考题 When a ship is in port, who will keep gangway watch?()A、An officer.B、A sailor on duty.C、Wharf man.D、An engineer.

考题 单选题On which side shall we get alongside the wharf?()A On port side .B On right side.C On left side.D On deck.

考题 单选题When the ship is alongside a wharf, we put the ()on the moorings.A rat guardsB anchor ballC deck lightD bollard

考题 单选题If the ship is alongside the wharf,what kind of()is used?A pilot ladderB rope ladderC rod ladderD accommodation ladder

考题 单选题When a vessel is alongside the wharf, it’s necessary for the ship to keep a ()hour gangway watch to guarantee the safety of the ship and the cargo.A 12B 8C 24D 48

考题 单选题As soon as the ship gets alongside the wharf, you should lower the gangway and put a ()below it.A safety netB safety beltC safety lampD safety device

考题 单选题The ship is going to ()the wharf.A go onB get alongsideC get toD get in

考题 单选题My ship is()No.5 berth for loading.A onto the wharfB moved asternC into the dockD moored alongside

考题 单选题VHF Channel 6 is used exclusively for what kind of communications?()A Radio checks and time checksB Inter-vessel safety and search and rescueC Working with helicoptersD Radio direction finding

考题 单选题A ship is ()to the quayside by moorings.A make fastB be made fastC made fastD got alongside

考题 单选题当船舶停靠码头时,为了保证船货安全,有必要24小时值班。()A When a vessel is alongside the wharf, it’s necessary for the ship to keep a 24-hour deck watch to guarantee the safety of the ship and the cargo.B When a vessel is alongside the wharf, t’s necessary for the ship to keep a 24-hour gangway watch to guarantee the safety of the ship and the cargo.C When a vessel is alongside the port, it’s necessary for the ship to keep a 24-hour deck watch to guarantee the safety of the ship and the cargo.D When a vessel is alongside the port, it’s necessary for the ship to keep a 24-hour gangway watch to guarantee the safety of the ship and the cargo.

考题 单选题The ship is going to get()wharf.A onB inC fromD alongside

考题 单选题When do sailors make the ship fast? ()A When a ship is unmooring.B After a ship is in position alongside a wharf.C Before a ship is loading.D A and C

考题 单选题When does a pilot say make all lines fast ? He says it when().A the ship is very close to the pierB the ship is about to be in positionC the ship is in positionD the ship is getting alongside the pier

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考题 单选题According()the report,the ship hit the wharf when berthing.A ofB toC forD on

考题 单选题有时风大流急,船舶靠码头时必须掉头顶流。()A A ship has to turn to stem the tide because the wind is strong when she is getting alongside a wharf.B Sometimes the wind is strong and the current is rough, so a ship has to turn to stem the tide when she is getting alongside a wharf.C The wind is big, a ship must get alongside a wharf so she has to turn to stem the tide.D A ship has to turn to stem the tide so she can get alongside a wharf.