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be coupled with与……结合在一起,为固定搭配。
更多 “填空题____” 相关考题
考题 单选题Effective communication between a dog and its owner is _____.A essential to solve the dog’s behavior problemsB the foundation for dogs to perform tasksC a good way to teach the dog new tricksD an extreme measure in obedience training

考题 问答题Practice 1Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Key Factors to Success. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

考题 填空题In today’s libraries, the librarians are people who provide tech support for the public.____

考题 填空题Among the typically essential debts in our lives, the most costly one is credit card debt.____

考题 填空题The actual invention brought by the telephone was the Network.____

考题 单选题It can be concluded from the passage that _____.A rubbish is a potential remedy for the shortage of raw materialsB local governments in the U.S. can expect big profits from recyclingC recycling is to be recommended both economically and environmentallyD landfills will still be widely used for waste disposal

考题 填空题In astrology, the earth is regarded as the center of the solar system.____

考题 填空题Another interpretation to Senju’s findings is that contagious yawning is thought to be cued by changes around the yawning person’s eyes.____

考题 填空题____

考题 单选题The studies on stress in the early 1970’s led to _____.A widespread concern over its harmful effectsB great panic over the mental disorder it could causeC an intensive research into stress-related illnessesD popular avoidance of stressful jobs

考题 填空题The author thinks the electricity is something existed all along that can’t be described as an invention.____

考题 填空题Dragon Dictate is the software which is used to help the disabled in library use.____

考题 填空题In order to make white paper and card, the makers will add bleach.____

考题 填空题____

考题 填空题4500 synthetic chemicals can be classified as POPs.____

考题 单选题A Highway crime.B Poor traffic control.C Confusing road signs.D Drivers’ errors.

考题 问答题Practice 3  有个卖盾和矛的楚国人,夸他的盾说:“我的盾坚固得没有一个东西刺得破啊。”又夸他的矛说:“我的矛锋利得没有一个东西刺不破啊。”有人说:“用您的矛来刺您的盾,会怎么样?”那个人可就回答不出来啦。刺不破的盾和什么东西都刺得破的矛不可能同时存在。

考题 单选题The main cause of the layoffs in the pottery industry is _____.A the increased value of the poundB the economic recession in AsiaC the change in people’s way of lifeD the fierce competition at home and abroad

考题 问答题Practice 6  金融体制改革是我们经济体制改革的重头戏。中国金融体系存在许多问题,最主要的就是银行不良贷款比例较高,存在着很大的金融隐患。主要原因在于体制,必须加快对银行体制的改革。我们的目标是建立现代银行制度,使银行能够成为自主经营、自负盈亏、真正的商业银行。我们要创造条件实行银行公司治理结构的改造,实行股份制(share-holding system),具备条件的,允许上市。

考题 单选题A For a change.B To earn more money.C To get a promotion.D To have new challenge.

考题 单选题A They attend a house-sitter’s party.B They check a house-sitter’s references.C They interview a house-sitter’s friends.D They read a house-sitter’s guarantee.

考题 单选题By saying “... but the impact of a degree washes out after five years” (Line 3, Para.3), the author means _____.A most MBA programs fail to provide, students with a solid foundationB an MBA degree does not help promotion to managerial positionsC MBA programs will not be as popular in five years’ time as they are nowD in five years people will forget about the degree the MBA graduates have got

考题 填空题Winter Solstice means spring is coming when it comes around Dec. 21st.____

考题 单选题It may be inferred from the passage that _____.A customer service in Israel is now improvingB wealthy Israeli customers are hard to pleaseC the tourist industry has brought chain stores to IsraelD Israeli customers prefer foreign products to domestic ones

考题 单选题A Employ them as lab assistants.B Teach classes at their schools.C Help them with their studies.D Pay them for participating in the study.

考题 填空题____

考题 单选题A 13.B 23.C 22.D 15.

考题 填空题The scale of the energy is one to ten.____