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坐小汽车用“in a car”;坐公共汽车、火车、飞机用“on a bus/train/plane”;由介词“in”可知“in a car”,故选D。
更多 “单选题A busB trainC planeD car” 相关考题
考题 VRP的全称是什么()。A.Versatile Routine PlatformB.Virtual Routine PlatformC.Virtual Routine PlaneD.Versatile Routing Platform

考题 In order to cut down on the carbon emission, more people choose to travel_.A.by electric car, bicycle or planeB.by private car, bicycle or busC.by bus, electric car or planeD.by bicycle, bus or electric car

考题 The first thing George did at the training school was ______.A. to take an experienced pilot in a planeB. to be taken up into the air in a plane by an officerC. to fly a commercial planeD. to talk about his ideas

考题 14.A. busB. truckC. bikeD. Car

考题 Whichofthefollowingnetworktopologiesoffersthegreatestprotectionagainstnetworkoutagesduetoasinglelinebreak?() A.BusB.StarC.MeshD.Ring

考题 22..What kind of car does Mrs Hill have?A. A fast and new car.B. A fast but old car.C. A slow and old car.D. A fast but small car.

考题 29. When people travel on business(出差) ,they usually take _________ .A. a train or a planeB. a boat or a trainC.a car or a boat .D.a plane or a car

考题 In order to cut down on the carbon emission,more people choose to travel______.A.by electric car,bicycle or planeB.by private car,bicycle or busC.by bus,electric car or planeD.by bicycle. bus or electric car

考题 下面哪一些是合法的C++标识符? extern,_book,Car,car_1,ca1r,1car,friend,car1_Car,Car_Type,No.1,123

考题 Which two Cisco router functional planes are protected by Control Plane Policing (COPP)?()A、data planeB、control planeC、service planeD、management planeE、hyper plane

考题 Your ERX Edge Router is constantly going to a boot## prompt. What is the most likely cause for this condition?()A、 bad SRPB、 low voltageC、 bad mid-planeD、 corrupted flashE、 bad line module

考题 在标准几何体中,唯一没有高度的物体是().A、BoxB、ConeC、PlaneD、Pyramid

考题 下列属于总线标准的是()。A、BUSB、IDEC、USBD、EIDE


考题 The most suitable mode of transport for the goods which have to be moved by a vessel from a port in one country to a port in another country and then by rail to a second port city in the second country is ().A、mini-bridgeB、sea trainC、sea/airD、piggyback

考题 单选题60 A trained B designed C planed D studiedA AB BC CD D

考题 单选题What is the teacher doing in terms of error correction? T: Make a sentence with have .! S: He have a car . T: He HA VE a car? S: He HAS a car . T: Very good . He HAS a car .A Direct correction.B Indirect correction.C Self-correction.D Peer correction.

考题 单选题以下哪项允许最快的打印机连接?()A 蓝牙B USB

考题 单选题The text indicates that the Canadian airport officials seem to have ______.A taken effective measures to solve the car-theft problemB overestimated the seriousness of the car-theft problemC failed to give proper attention to the car-theft problemD realized the seriousness of the car-theft problem

考题 单选题How did Mr. Baker get to work?A By train and by car.B Just by car.C On foot.

考题 单选题The purpose of the passage is to advertise _____.A car-renting services in the USB a special rate of car-rentingC the advantages of car-rentingD a US car-renting company

考题 单选题The car-renting rate remains $ 99 if you _____.A return the car to where you rent itB drive within the same cityC buy the insuranceD pay for the gas

考题 单选题Your ERX Edge Router is constantly going to a boot## prompt. What is the most likely cause for this condition?()A  bad SRPB  low voltageC  bad mid-planeD  corrupted flashE  bad line module

考题 单选题Unlike Jim, I go to work by foot instead of by car every morning.A Unlike JimB to workC by footD by car

考题 单选题What is the teacher doing in terms of error correction? T: Make a sentence with have ! S: He have a car. T: He HA VE a car? S: He HAS a car. T: Very good. He HAS a car.A Direct correction.B Indirect correctionC Self-correction.D Peer correction.

考题 单选题下列可以带电插拔的是:()A 硬盘B USB设备C 内存D 显卡

考题 单选题It is _____ he is determined.A buying a new car thatB to buy a new car thatC to buy a new car whatD buying a new car which

考题 问答题下面哪一些是合法的C++标识符? extern,_book,Car,car_1,ca1r,1car,friend,car1_Car,Car_Type,No.1,123