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下面哪一些是合法的C++标识符? extern,_book,Car,car_1,ca1r,1car,friend,car1_Car,Car_Type,No.1,123


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更多 “问答题下面哪一些是合法的C++标识符? extern,_book,Car,car_1,ca1r,1car,friend,car1_Car,Car_Type,No.1,123” 相关考题
考题 30. --- Can you tell me when _____?--- About two weeks ago.A. does he buy the car B. did he buy the carC. he bought the car D. he buys the car

考题 My friend was full of _____ for the way in which I had so quickly learned to drive a car. A.prideB.surpriseC.admirationD.jealousy

考题 In order to cut down on the carbon emission, more people choose to travel_.A.by electric car, bicycle or planeB.by private car, bicycle or busC.by bus, electric car or planeD.by bicycle, bus or electric car

考题 Her friend knows where he can ______ a good used car for her at a reasonable price.AchooseBpick outCpick upDreach

考题 请阅读以下技术说明、类图及C++代码,根据要求将(1)~(5)空缺处的内容填写完整。[说明]已知对某载客车辆(Car)进行类建模,如图4-19所示。其中,类Engine表示发动机引擎,类Wheel表示车轮,类Body表示车身,类Driver表示司机,类Passenger表示乘客。[C++代码]car.run();}

考题 阅读以下说明和C++程序,将应填入(n)处的字句写在对应栏内。[说明]下面程序是为汽车市场编制的一个程序的一部分。其中automobile是基类。[C++程序]//Auto.hifndef AUTO_Hdefine AUTO_Hclass automobile{(1):int miles_per_gallon; //汽车每加仑行驶公里数float fuel_capacity; //油箱容积public:void initialize(int in_mpg,int in_fuel);int get_mpg(void);float get_fuel(void);float travel_distance(void);}endif//Auto.cppinclude"auto.h"void automobile::initialize(int in_mpg,float in fuel){miles_per_gallon=in_mpg;fuel_capacity=in_fuel;)int automobile::get_mpg() //提供一辆特定汽车每加仑公里数{return miles per_gallon;}float automobile::get_fuel() //提供油箱容积{return fuel_capacity;}float automobile::travel_distance(){return (2) }//car.hifndef CAR_Hdefine CAR_Hinclude"auto.h"class car: (3){int Total_doors;public:void initialize(int in_mpg,float in_fuel,int doors=4);int doors(void);};endif//car.cppinclude"car.h"void car::initialize(int in_mpg,float in_fuel,int door){Total_doors=door;miles_per_galion=in_mpg;fuel_capacity=in_fuel;}int car::doors(void){return Total doors;}//Allauto.cppincludeinclude"auto.h"include"car.h"int main(){car sedan;sedan.initialize(24,20.0,4);tout<<"The sedan can travel"<< (4) <<"miles.\n";cout<<"The sedan has"<< (5) <<"doors.\n";return 0;}

考题 若已定义了类Vehicle,则下列派生类定义中,错误的是A.class Car:Vehicle{/*类体略*/);B.class Car:public Car{/*类体略*/);C.class Car:public Vehicle{/*类体略*/);D.class Car:virtual public Vehicle{/*类体略*/);

考题 下列可用于C语言用户标识符的一组是A.void, define, WORD B.a3_b3, _123,Car C.For, -abc, Case D.2a, DO, sizeof

考题 以下关于QoS中的CAR说法正确的是()。 A.使用CAR可以限制某类报文的流量B.CAR利用令牌桶技术来实现带宽的分配和测量C.CAR既可用于网络的入口也可用于网络的出口D.CAR技术和队列技术不冲突,可只在网络边缘接入层采用,保证核心不受到过多高优先级业务的影响

考题 22..What kind of car does Mrs Hill have?A. A fast and new car.B. A fast but old car.C. A slow and old car.D. A fast but small car.

考题 In order to cut down on the carbon emission,more people choose to travel______.A.by electric car,bicycle or planeB.by private car,bicycle or busC.by bus,electric car or planeD.by bicycle. bus or electric car

考题 What is the teacher doing in terms of error correction? T: Make a sentence with "have".t S: He have a car. T: He HA VE a car? S: He HA S a car. T: Very good. He HAS a car.A.Direct correction. B.Indirect correction. C.Self-correction. D.Peer correction.

考题 Why didn’t you come to my birthday party yesterday? --()A、Excuse me,my friend sent me a flowerB、Fine,I never go to birthday partiesC、Well,I don’t like birthday partiesD、Sorry,but my wife had a car accident

考题 下面哪一些是合法的C++标识符? extern,_book,Car,car_1,ca1r,1car,friend,car1_Car,Car_Type,No.1,123

考题 以下关于QoS中的CAR说法正确的是()。A、使用CAR可以限制某类报文的流量B、CAR利用令牌桶技术来实现带宽的分配和测量C、CAR既可用于网络的入口也可用于网络的出口D、CAR技术和队列技术不冲突,可只在网络边缘接入层采用,保证核心不受到过多高优先级业务的影响

考题 下列标识符合法的是()A、newB、$UsdollarsC、1234D、car.taxi

考题 下列哪一个是Java合法的标识符()A、newB、$UsdollarsC、1234D、car.taxi

考题 下列标识符不合法的有()A、newB、$UsdollarsC、1234D、car.taxi

考题 按C++标识符的语法规定,合法的标识符是()A、_abcB、newC、πD、"age"

考题 在java中,下列标识符不合法的有()。A、newB、$UsdollarsC、1234D、car.taxi

考题 单选题按C++标识符的语法规定,合法的标识符是()A _abcB newC πD age

考题 单选题What is the teacher doing in terms of error correction? T: Make a sentence with have .! S: He have a car . T: He HA VE a car? S: He HAS a car . T: Very good . He HAS a car .A Direct correction.B Indirect correction.C Self-correction.D Peer correction.

考题 单选题The text indicates that the Canadian airport officials seem to have ______.A taken effective measures to solve the car-theft problemB overestimated the seriousness of the car-theft problemC failed to give proper attention to the car-theft problemD realized the seriousness of the car-theft problem

考题 单选题What is the teacher doing in terms of error correction? T: Make a sentence with have ! S: He have a car. T: He HA VE a car? S: He HAS a car. T: Very good. He HAS a car.A Direct correction.B Indirect correctionC Self-correction.D Peer correction.

考题 单选题The purpose of the passage is to advertise _____.A car-renting services in the USB a special rate of car-rentingC the advantages of car-rentingD a US car-renting company

考题 单选题下面C++标识符中正确的是(  )。A _abcB 3abC intD +ab

考题 问答题下面哪一些是合法的C++标识符? extern,_book,Car,car_1,ca1r,1car,friend,car1_Car,Car_Type,No.1,123

考题 单选题It is _____ he is determined.A buying a new car thatB to buy a new car thatC to buy a new car whatD buying a new car which