网友您好, 请在下方输入框内输入要搜索的题目:

题目内容 (请给出正确答案)
You want to enable the user, Scott, to change to the GRP1 consumer group by issuing the following code:        SQL> EXEC DBMS_SESSION.SWITCH_CURRENT_CONSUMER_GROUP  (’SCOTT’,       ’GRP1’, FALSE);   How will you grant the switch privilege to the user, Scott?()

 by using the DBMS_SESSION package


 by granting the DBA role


 by using the DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER package


 by using the DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER_PRIVS package


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题You want to enable the user, Scott, to change to the GRP1 consumer group by issuing the following code:        SQL EXEC DBMS_SESSION.SWITCH_CURRENT_CONSUMER_GROUP  (’SCOTT’,       ’GRP1’, FALSE);   How will you grant the switch privilege to the user, Scott?()A  by using the DBMS_SESSION packageB  by granting the DBA roleC  by using the DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER packageD  by using the DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER_PRIVS package” 相关考题
考题 Youwanttoenabletheuser,Scott,tochangetotheGRP1consumergroupbyissuingthefollowingcode:SQLEXECDBMS_SESSION.SWITCH_CURRENT_CONSUMER_GROUP(’SCOTT’,’GRP1’,FALSE);Howwillyougranttheswitchprivilegetotheuser,Scott?()A.byusingtheDBMS_SESSIONpackageB.bygrantingtheDBAroleC.byusingtheDBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGERpackageD.byusingtheDBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER_PRIVSpackage

考题 Youissuethefollowingcode:EXECDBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER_PRIVS.GRANT_SWITCH_CONSUMER_GROUP(’SCOTT’’GRP1’,TRUE);Whatwillbetheresultofexecutingtheabovecode?() A.Theswitchprivilegewillbegrantedtotheuser,Scott,forchangingtheconsumergrouptoGRP1.B.Theswitchprivilegewillbegrantedtotheuser,Scott,forchangingtheconsumergroupfromGRP1toanyothergroup.C.ThecodewillnotexecutesuccessfullybecausethereisnoGRANT_SWITCH_CONSUMER_GROUPprocedureintheDBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER_PRIVSpackage.D.Thecodewillexecutesuccessfullybutnoprivilegewillbegrantedtotheuser,Scott.

考题 You want to check the EMP table in the user, Scott’s schema for block corruption. You also want to fix the corrupted blocks, if any. How will you accomplish the required task?()A、by using the ANALYZE utilityB、by using the DBVERIFY utilityC、by using the DB_BLOCK_CHECKING parameterD、by using the DBMS_REPAIR package

考题 The HR user creates a view with this command:  SQL CREATE VIEW emp_v AS SELECT * FROM scott.emp;  Now HR wants to grant the SELECT privilege on the EMP_V view to the JIM user.  Which statement is true in this scenario?()A、HR can grant the privilege to JIM but without GRANT OPTION.B、HR can grant the privilege to JIM because HR is the owner of the view.C、SCOTT has to grant the SELECT privilege on the EMP table to JIM before this operation.D、HR needs the SELECT privilege on the EMP table with GRANT OPTION from SCOTT for this operation.

考题 You execute the following block of code:   SQLBEGIN   DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER.CREATE_SIMPLE_PLAN   ( SIMPLE_PLAN = ’DEPARTMENTS’,   CONSUMER_GROUP1 = ’PAYROLLL’,   GROUP1_CPU = 50,   CONSUMER_GROUP2 = ’SALES’,   GROUP2_CPU = 25,   CONSUMER_GROUP3 = ’MARKETING’,   GROUP3_CPU = 25);   END;   SQL/   What is a prerequisite for using the simple resource plan created by executing the above code?()A、 You must assign users to consumer groups.B、 You must grant the switch privilege to the users.C、 You must create a resource plan directive.D、 You must specify the complex resource plan.

考题 Manually, you set the consumer group of all of the newly created users to MYDB_GRP. You want the users to be able to change their consumer groups as per the application requirement. What was the first step that was needed in the process to achieve this objective?()A、 The user must have been granted the DBA role.B、 The user must have been granted the switch privilege as a part of a role.C、 The user must have been granted the Resource Manager administrator privilege.D、 The user must have been granted the switch privilege by using the DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER_PRIVS package.

考题 You want to create a consumer group, GROUP1, and you execute the following command in the command-line interface:  SQL EXEC DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER.CREATE_CONSUMER_GROUP (CONSUMER_GROUP =’group1’, COMMENT = ’New Group’);  This command errorsout displaying the following message:  ERROR at line 1:  ORA-01031: insufficient privileges  ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_RMIN", line 115  ORA-06512: at SYS.DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER", line 108 ORA-06512: at line 1  What action would you take to overcome this error?()A、 grant SYSDBA to the userB、 grant SYSOPER to the userC、 grant the RESOURCE role to the userD、 use the GRANT command to grant the ADMINISTER_RESOURCE_MANAGER privilege to the useE、 grant the ADMINISTER_RESOURCE_MANAGER privilege to the user by using the DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER_PRIVS package

考题 You issue the following code:    EXEC DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER_PRIVS.GRANT_SWITCH_CONSUMER_GROUP        (’SCOTT’ ’GRP1’, TRUE);   What will be the result of executing the above code?()  A、 The switch privilege will be granted to the user, Scott, for changing the consumer group to GRP1.B、 The switch privilege will be granted to the user, Scott, for changing the consumer group from GRP1 to any other group.C、 The code will not execute successfully because there is no GRANT_SWITCH_CONSUMER_GROUP procedure in the DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER_PRIVS package.D、The code will execute successfully but no privilege will be granted to the user, Scott.

考题 You set the undo pool resource plan directive for the consumer group named DSS_USERS that is assigned to the DAY_SHIFT plan. The database users, SCOTT and BLAKE, belong to the DSS_USERS resource group. The user, SCOTT, initiates a database session and executes a batch operation that inserts millions of rows into the HISTORY table. Which two options are true if the total undo space allocated to the DSS_USERS group exceeds the value specified in the undo pool resource plan directive?()A、 The batch operation started by the user, SCOTT, terminates with an error.B、 The batch operation started by the user, SCOTT, hangs and you are required to increase the undo pool resource plan directive.C、 The batch operation started by the user, SCOTT, runs uninterrupted because the database uses the SYSTEM tablespace for the undo operation.D、 The user, BLAKE, cannot start a transaction that uses any DML operations until you increase the value of the undo pool resource plan directive.E、 The user BLAKE can start a transaction that uses any DML operations after the batch operation started by the user, SCOTT, terminates with an error.

考题 The user HR owns the EMP table. The user HR grants privileges to the user SCOTT by using this command:  SQL GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE ON emp TO scott WITH GRANT OPTION; The user SCOTT executes this command to grant privileges to the user JIM: SQL GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE ON hr.emp TO jim;  Now, the user HR decides to revoke privileges from JIM using this command: SQL REVOKE SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE ON emp FROM jim; Which statement is true after HR issues the REVOKE command()A、The command fails because SCOTT still has privileges.B、The command succeeds and privileges are revoked from JIM.C、The command fails because HR cannot revoke the privileges from JIM.D、The command succeeds and only HR has the privilege to perform the SELECT, INSERT, and UPDATEoperations on the EMP table.

考题 You issued the following block of code:        SQLBEGIN   DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER_PRIVS.GRANT_SWITCH_CONSUMER_GROUP(        ’PROG_ROLE’, ’DEVELOPERS’ ,FALSE);        END;        SQL/   Which option is NOT a result of executing the above code?()  A、 The switch privilege is granted to the PROG_ROLE role.B、 The users granted the role PROG_ROLE will be able to switch to the DEVELOPERS group.C、 The users cannot grant the switch privilege to other users.D、 The above code will not be executed successfully because the GRANT_SWITCH_CONSUMER_GROUP procedure is an invalid procedure in Oracle10g.

考题 You want to enable the user, Scott, to change to the GRP1 consumer group by issuing the following code:        SQL EXEC DBMS_SESSION.SWITCH_CURRENT_CONSUMER_GROUP  (’SCOTT’,       ’GRP1’, FALSE);   How will you grant the switch privilege to the user, Scott?()  A、 by using the DBMS_SESSION packageB、 by granting the DBA roleC、 by using the DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER packageD、 by using the DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER_PRIVS package

考题 You and Stephen are the desktop administrators for your company. You install a printer on your Windows XP Professional computer. You share this printer on the company network. You want to ensure that only members of the DTAdmins local group can use this printer, and that only you and Stephen can manage the printer and all print jobs. You also want to ensure that members of the DTAdmins local group can manage only their own print jobs. How should you configure security on this printer?() A、Grant Allow - Print permission to the DTAdmins group. Grant Allow - Manage Documents permission to your user account and to Stephen’s user account. B、Grant Allow - Print permission to the DTAdmins group. Grant Allow - Manage Documents and Allow - Manage Printers permissions to your user account and to Stephen’s user account. C、Grant Allow - Manage Documents permission to the DTAdmins group. Grant Allow - Manage Printers permission to your user account and to Stephen’s user account. D、Grant Allow - Print permission to the DTAdmins group. Remove Allow - Manage Documents permission from the Creator Owner group. Grant Allow - Manage Printers permission to your user account and to Stephen’s user account. 

考题 单选题What will be the result of using the SQL DROP USER SCOTT CASCADE; command?()A  The user, Scott, is dropped, all the objects in Scott’s schema are placed in the Recycle Bin, and the objects that are  already in the Recycle Bin are dropped.B  The user, Scott, is dropped, all the objects in Scott’s schema are placed in the Recycle Bin, and all the objects in the Recycle Bin, belonging to the user Scott, are not dropped.C  The user, Scott, is dropped, all the objects in the Scott’s schema are not placed in the Recycle Bin, and the objects in the Recycle Bin, belonging to the user, Scott, are not dropped.D  The user, Scott, is dropped, all the objects in Scott’s schema are not placed in the Recycle Bin, and the objects in the Recycle Bin are dropped.

考题 单选题Manually, you set the consumer group of all of the newly created users to MYDB_GRP. You want the users to be able to change their consumer groups as per the application requirement. What was the first step that was needed in the process to achieve this objective?()A  The user must have been granted the DBA role.B  The user must have been granted the switch privilege as a part of a role.C  The user must have been granted the Resource Manager administrator privilege.D  The user must have been granted the switch privilege by using the DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER_PRIVS package.

考题 单选题You are using the Database Resource Manager to manage database resources. You created a resource plan directive for the MANAGERS resource consumer group under the SALES_PLAN by using the following statement:   SQLEXEC DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER.CREATE_PLAN_DIRECTIVE   (PLAN = ’SALES_PLAN’,   GROUP_OR_SUBPLAN = ’MANAGERS’,   CPU_P1 = 100, CPU_P2 =0,   SWITCH_GROUP = ’CLERKS’,   SWITCH_TIME_IN_CALL = 600);   A user, SCOTT, who is assigned to the MANAGERS group, starts a database session and executes a query on the database. What is the outcome if the query takes approximately 15 minutes to complete?()A  The query starts under the CLERKS group and the user, SCOTT, switches back to the MANAGERS group after the query completes.B  The query starts under the MANAGERS group but terminates with an error when the execution time exceeds 10 minutes.C  The query starts under the MANAGERS group and switches automatically to the CLERKS group when the execution time exceeds 10 minutes. The query does not switch back to the MANAGERS group after the query completes.D  The query starts under the MANAGERS group, the user SCOTT switches automatically to the CLERKS group when the execution time exceeds 10 minutes, and then switches back to the MANAGERS group after the query completes.

考题 单选题You and Stephen are the desktop administrators for your company. You install a printer on your Windows XP Professional computer. You share this printer on the company network. You want to ensure that only members of the DTAdmins local group can use this printer, and that only you and Stephen can manage the printer and all print jobs. You also want to ensure that members of the DTAdmins local group can manage only their own print jobs. How should you configure security on this printer?()A Grant Allow - Print permission to the DTAdmins group. Grant Allow - Manage Documents permission to your user account and to Stephen’s user account. B Grant Allow - Print permission to the DTAdmins group. Grant Allow - Manage Documents and Allow - Manage Printers permissions to your user account and to Stephen’s user account. C Grant Allow - Manage Documents permission to the DTAdmins group. Grant Allow - Manage Printers permission to your user account and to Stephen’s user account. D Grant Allow - Print permission to the DTAdmins group. Remove Allow - Manage Documents permission from the Creator Owner group. Grant Allow - Manage Printers permission to your user account and to Stephen’s user account. 

考题 单选题Manually, you set the consumer group of all of the newly created users to MYDB_GRP. You want the users to be able to change their consumer groups as per the application requirement. What was the first step that was needed in the process to achieve this objective?()A The user must have been granted the DBA role.B The user must have been granted the switch privilege as a part of a role.C The user must have been granted the Resource Manager administrator privilege.D The user must have been granted the switch privilege by using the DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER_PRIVS package.

考题 单选题The HR user creates a view with this command:  SQL CREATE VIEW emp_v AS SELECT * FROM scott.emp;  Now HR wants to grant the SELECT privilege on the EMP_V view to the JIM user.  Which statement is true in this scenario?()A HR can grant the privilege to JIM but without GRANT OPTION.B HR can grant the privilege to JIM because HR is the owner of the view.C SCOTT has to grant the SELECT privilege on the EMP table to JIM before this operation.D HR needs the SELECT privilege on the EMP table with GRANT OPTION from SCOTT for this operation.

考题 单选题The user HR owns the EMP table. The user HR grants privileges to the user SCOTT by using this command:  SQL GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE ON emp TO scott WITH GRANT OPTION; The user SCOTT executes this command to grant privileges to the user JIM: SQL GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE ON hr.emp TO jim;  Now, the user HR decides to revoke privileges from JIM using this command: SQL REVOKE SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE ON emp FROM jim; Which statement is true after HR issues the REVOKE command()A The command fails because SCOTT still has privileges.B The command succeeds and privileges are revoked from JIM.C The command fails because HR cannot revoke the privileges from JIM.D The command succeeds and only HR has the privilege to perform the SELECT, INSERT, and UPDATEoperations on the EMP table.

考题 单选题You issue the following code:    EXEC DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER_PRIVS.GRANT_SWITCH_CONSUMER_GROUP        (’SCOTT’ ’GRP1’, TRUE);   What will be the result of executing the above code?()A  The switch privilege will be granted to the user, Scott, for changing the consumer group to GRP1.B  The switch privilege will be granted to the user, Scott, for changing the consumer group from GRP1 to any other group.C  The code will not execute successfully because there is no GRANT_SWITCH_CONSUMER_GROUP procedure in the DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER_PRIVS package.D The code will execute successfully but no privilege will be granted to the user, Scott.

考题 单选题You want to create a consumer group, GROUP1, and you execute the following command in the command/x7fline interface:  SQL EXEC DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER.CREATE_CONSUMER_GROUP  (CONSUMER_GROUP =’group1’, COMMENT = ’New Group’);  This command errors out displaying the following message:  ERROR at line 1:  ORA/x7f01031: insufficient privileges  ORA/x7f06512: at "SYS.DBMS_RMIN", line 115  ORA/x7f06512: at SYS.DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER", line 108 ORA/x7f06512: at line 1  What action would you take to overcome this error?()A grant SYSDBA to the userB grant SYSOPER to the userC grant the RESOURCE role to the userD use the GRANT command to grant the ADMINISTER_RESOURCE_MANAGER privilege to the userE grant the ADMINISTER_RESOURCE_MANAGER privilege to the user by using the DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER_PRIVS package

考题 单选题You execute the following command to audit the database activities:  SQL AUDIT DROP ANY TABLE BY scott BY SESSION WHENEVER SUCCESSFUL;  What is the effect of this command?()A One audit record is created for the whole session if user SCOTT successfully drops one or more tables in his session.B One audit record is created for every session when any user successfully drops a table owned by SCOTT.C One audit record is created for each successful DROP TABLE command executed by any user to drop tables owned by SCOTT.D One audit record is generated for the session when SCOTT grants the DROP ANY TABLE privilege to other users in his session.E One audit record is created for each successful DROP TABLE command executed in the session of SCOTT.

考题 多选题You set the undo pool resource plan directive for the consumer group named DSS_USERS that is assigned to the DAY_SHIFT plan. The database users, SCOTT and BLAKE, belong to the DSS_USERS resource group. The user, SCOTT, initiates a database session and executes a batch operation that inserts millions of rows into the HISTORY table. Which two options are true if the total undo space allocated to the DSS_USERS group exceeds the value specified in the undo pool resource plan directive?()AThe batch operation started by the user, SCOTT, terminates with an error.BThe batch operation started by the user, SCOTT, hangs and you are required to increase the undo pool resource plan directive.CThe batch operation started by the user, SCOTT, runs uninterrupted because the database uses the SYSTEM tablespace for the undo operation.DThe user, BLAKE, cannot start a transaction that uses any DML operations until you increase the value of the undo pool resource plan directive.EThe user BLAKE can start a transaction that uses any DML operations after the batch operation started by the user, SCOTT, terminates with an error.

考题 单选题You want to create a consumer group, GROUP1, and you execute the following command in the command-line interface:  SQL EXEC DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER.CREATE_CONSUMER_GROUP (CONSUMER_GROUP =’group1’, COMMENT = ’New Group’);  This command errorsout displaying the following message:  ERROR at line 1:  ORA-01031: insufficient privileges  ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_RMIN", line 115  ORA-06512: at SYS.DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER", line 108 ORA-06512: at line 1  What action would you take to overcome this error?()A  grant SYSDBA to the userB  grant SYSOPER to the userC  grant the RESOURCE role to the userD  use the GRANT command to grant the ADMINISTER_RESOURCE_MANAGER privilege to the useE  grant the ADMINISTER_RESOURCE_MANAGER privilege to the user by using the DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER_PRIVS package

考题 单选题You execute the following block of code:   SQLBEGIN   DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER.CREATE_SIMPLE_PLAN   ( SIMPLE_PLAN = ’DEPARTMENTS’,   CONSUMER_GROUP1 = ’PAYROLLL’,   GROUP1_CPU = 50,   CONSUMER_GROUP2 = ’SALES’,   GROUP2_CPU = 25,   CONSUMER_GROUP3 = ’MARKETING’,   GROUP3_CPU = 25);   END;   SQL/   What is a prerequisite for using the simple resource plan created by executing the above code?()A  You must assign users to consumer groups.B  You must grant the switch privilege to the users.C  You must create a resource plan directive.D  You must specify the complex resource plan.

考题 单选题You issued the following block of code:        SQLBEGIN   DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER_PRIVS.GRANT_SWITCH_CONSUMER_GROUP(        ’PROG_ROLE’, ’DEVELOPERS’ ,FALSE);        END;        SQL/   Which option is NOT a result of executing the above code?()A  The switch privilege is granted to the PROG_ROLE role.B  The users granted the role PROG_ROLE will be able to switch to the DEVELOPERS group.C  The users cannot grant the switch privilege to other users.D  The above code will not be executed successfully because the GRANT_SWITCH_CONSUMER_GROUP procedure is an invalid procedure in Oracle10g.