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Yesterday Mr. Blake was caught in the rain and got wet through. _____ he caught a bad cold.









更多 “单选题Yesterday Mr. Blake was caught in the rain and got wet through. _____ he caught a bad cold.A ConsequentlyB FinallyC LatelyD Strangely” 相关考题
考题 —When Jessy to New York?—Yesterday.A.does;get B.did;get C.has;got D.had;got

考题 Yesterday Mr Blake was caught in the rain and got wet through.______ he caught a bad cold A.ConsequentlyB.FinallyC.LatelyD.Strangely

考题 Mr. Smith() his classmates now. A. has got on well withB. got on well withC. is getting on well withD. get well with

考题 Mr. Wang hardly spoke a word at the meeting yesterday?(改为反意疑问句)Mr. Wang hardly spoke a word at the meeting yesterday, ________ ________ ?

考题 Who has got a little child according to the text? 【 】A. Ms. LeonB. Mr. LewisC. Mr. MoellerD. Dr. Jeffers

考题 After reading the story, you can probably tell which of the following is NOT true?A. Mr. Green didn't go to the police station until the man got off his car and ran away.B. Mr. Green would go to the police station as soon as possible.C. The robber got out of Mr. Green's car at the outskirts of London safely.D. Mr. Green might not go to the police station unless he was wanted.

考题 What's the end of the story? A. The prisoner stole the policeman's notebook and gave it to Mr. Green in return.B. The prisoner was caught.C. The prisoner robbed Mr. Green.D. Mr. Green sent the prisoner to the police station.

考题 __________was reported yesterday, two buildings were caught on fire in the town.A. ItB. AsC. WhatD. That

考题 _______ got to the hotel yesterday evening when it began to rain heavily.A. No sooner I hadB. No sooner had IC. Hardly I hadD. Hardly had I

考题 The streets are very wet because there was a ( ) rain last night. A、thickB、strongC、deepD、heavy

考题 I was unfortunate to be caught in the rain on my way home.(英译汉)

考题 After the football match we ________ a bus and got to school on time. A.heldB.missedC.sawD.caught

考题 It ______ last night, for the ground is wet.A、must rainB、must be going to rainC、must have rainedD、ought to rain

考题 If you ____ earlier, you could have caught the train. A.have got upB.got upC.would get upD.had got up

考题 3. The policeman got there __________,so the thief was caught.A.on timeB.in timeC.in the timeD.on the time

考题 Mr. Wang hardly spoke a word at the meeting yesterday.(改为反意疑问句)Mr. Wang hardly spoke a word at the meeting yesterday,________ ________?

考题 ___________in the rain, he was wet to the skin.A.Caught B.Catching C.Having caught D.To be caught

考题 A spokeswoman for Mr. Smith yesterday made it clear that he had been unhappy at his exclusion.A:rejection B:explanation C:expectation D:abandon

考题 Since the road is wet this morning,__last night.A.it must rain B.it must be raining C.it must have rained D.it must have been rain

考题 I got caught in the rain and my suit__________A.has been ruined B.had been ruined C.has ruined D.had ruined

考题 Standing under a big tree to()getting wet in a rain is not a good choice. This is especially true when it is the thunderstorm reason.AavoidBkeepCstopDdrop

考题 肥皂粉()A、soap powderB、dry powderC、wet powderD、rain coat

考题 单选题Yesterday Mr. Blake was caught in the rain and got wet through. _____ he caught a bad cold.A ConsequentlyB FinallyC LatelyD Strangely

考题 单选题It ______ yesterday, for the ground is still wet now.A must have rainedB was rainingC rainedD had rained

考题 填空题Yesterday they received a written (invite) ____ to a dinner from Mr. Black.

考题 单选题Standing under a big tree to()getting wet in a rain is not a good choice. This is especially true when it is the thunderstorm reason.A avoidB keepC stopD drop

考题 单选题Yesterday Mr. Blake was caught in the rain and got wet through, _____ he caught a bad cold.A ConsequentlyB FinallyC LatelyD Strangely

考题 单选题_____A They had lost their way.B They were told it would rain.C They were caught in the rain.D They had taken an umbrella.