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public class Mycircle {   public double radius;   public double diameter;   public void setRadius(double radius)   this.radius = radius;   this.diameter= radius * 2;   }   public double getRadius() {  return radius;   }   Which statement is true?()

 The Mycircle class is fully encapsulated.


 The diameter of a given MyCircle is guaranteed to be twice its radius.


 Lines 6 and 7 should be in a synchronized block to ensure encapsulation.


 The radius of a MyCircle object can be set without affecting its diameter.


解析: 暂无解析
更多 “单选题public class Mycircle {   public double radius;   public double diameter;   public void setRadius(double radius)   this.radius = radius;   this.diameter= radius * 2;   }   public double getRadius() {  return radius;   }   Which statement is true?()A  The Mycircle class is fully encapsulated.B  The diameter of a given MyCircle is guaranteed to be twice its radius.C  Lines 6 and 7 should be in a synchronized block to ensure encapsulation.D  The radius of a MyCircle object can be set without affecting its diameter.” 相关考题
考题 阅读以下说明和Java程序,将应填入(n)处的字句写在对应栏内[说明]以下程序的功能时三角形、矩形和正方形的面积输出。程序由5个类组成:areatest是主类,类Triangle,Rectangle和Square分别表示三角形、矩形和正方形,抽象类Figure提供了一个计算面积的抽象方法。[Java程序]public class areatest {public static viod main(string args[]){Figure[]Figures={New triangle(2,3,3),new rectangle(5,8),new square(5)};for(int i=0; i<Figures.length;i++){system.out.println(Figures+"area="+Figures.getarea());}}}public abstract class figure {public abstract double getarea();}public class rectangle extends (1) {double height;double width;public rectangle (double height,double width){this.height=height;this.width=width;}public string tostring(){return"rectangle:height="+height+",width="+width+":";}public double getarea(){return (2)}}public class square exends (3){public square(double width){(4);}public string tostring(){return"square:width="+width":";}}public class triangle entends (5){double la;double lb;double lc;public triangle(double la,double lb,double lc){this.la=la;this.lb=lb;this.lc=lc;}public string tostring()(return"triangle:sides="+la+","+lb+","+lc+":";}public double get area(){double s=(la+lb+lc)/2.0;return math.sqrt(s*(s-la)*(s-lb)*(s-lc));}}

考题 阅读以下说明和Java源程序,将应填入(n)处的字句写在对应栏内。【说明】以下程序能够计算三角形、矩形和正方形的周长并输出。程序由5个类组成:AreaTest是主类,类Triangle、Rectangle和Square分别表示三角形、矩形和正方形,抽象类Figure提供了一个计算周长的抽象方法。【程序】public class girthTest{public static void main (String args[]){Figure[]figures={new Triangle (2,3,3),new Rectangle(5,8),new Square(5)};for(int i=0;i<figures.length;i++){System.out.println(figures[i]+"girth="+figures[i].getGirth());}}}public abstract class Figure{public abstract double getGirth();}public class Rectangle extends (1) {double height;double width;public Rectangle(double height,double width){this.height=height;this.width=width;}public String toString(){return "Rectangle:height="+height+",width="+width+":";}public double getGirth(){return (2);}}public class Square extends (3) {public Square(double width){(4);}public Stdng toString(){return "Square:width='+width+":";}}public class Triangle extends (5) {double la;double lb;double lc;public Triangle(double la,double lb,double lc){this.la=la;this.lb=lb;this.lc=lc;}public String toString(){return "Triangle:sides=" +la+"," +lb+"," +lc+":";}public double getGirth(){return la+lab+lc;}}

考题 阅读下列Java程序和程序说明,将应填入(n)处的字句写在对应栏内。【说明】下面的程序先构造Point类,再顺序构造Ball类。由于在类Ball中不能直接存取类Point中的xCoordinate及yCoordinate属性值,Ball中的toString方法调用Point类中的toString方法输出中心点的值。在MovingBall类的toString方法中,super.toString调用父类Ball的toString方法输出类Ball中声明的属性值。public class Point{private double xCoordinate;private double yCoordinate;public Point 0 }public Point(ouble x, double y){xCoordinate = x;yCoordinate = y;}public String toString(){return "( + Double.toString(Coordinate)+ ","+ Double.toString(Coordinate) + ");}//other methods}public class Ball{(1); //中心点private double radius; //半径private String colour; ///颜色public Ball() { }public Ball(double xValue, double yValue, double r)// 具有中心点及半径的构造方法{center=(2);//调用类Point 中的构造方法radius = r;}public Ball(double xValue, double yValue, double r, String c)// 具有中心点、半径及颜色的构造方法{(3);//调用3个参数的构造方法colour = c;}public String toString(){return "A ball with center" + center, toString() + ", radius"+ Double.toString(radius) + ", colour" + colour;}//other methods}public class MovingBall. (4){private double speed;public MovingBall() { }public MovingBall(double xValue, double yValue, double r, String e, double s){(5);// 调用父类Ball中具有4个参数的构造方法speed = s;}public String toString( ){ return super, toString( ) + ", speed "+ Double.toString(speed); }//other methods}public class Tester{public static void main(String args[]){MovingBall mb = new MovingBall(10,20,40,"green",25);System.out.println(mb);}}

考题 ( 13 )补充完整下面的类定义:const double PI=3 .14;class Circle{ // 圆形物体的抽象基类protected:double r; // 半径public:Circle ( double radius=0 ) : r ( radius ) {}【 13 】 ; // 计算圆形物体表面积的纯虚函数声明};class Cylinder:public Circle { // 圆柱体类double h; // 高度public:Cylindr ( double radius=0, doubli height=0 ) :Circle ( radius ) , h ( height ) {}Virtual double Area () { // 计算圆柱体的表面积return 2*PI*r* ( r+h ) ;}};

考题 阅读以下函数说明和Java代码,将应填入(n)处的字句写在对应栏内。【说明】下面的程序先构造Point类,再顺序构造Ball类。由于在类Ball中不能直接存取类Point中的xCoordinate及yCoordinate属性值,Ball中的toString方法调用Point类中的toStrinS方法输出中心点的值。在MovingBsll类的toString方法中,super.toString调用父类Ball的toString方法输出类Ball中声明的属性值。【Java代码】//Point.java文件public class Point{private double xCoordinate;private double yCoordinate;public Point(){}public Point(double x,double y){xCoordinate=x;yCoordinate=y;}public String toStrthg(){return"("+Double.toString(xCoordinate)+","+Double.toString(yCoordinate)+")";}//other methods}//Ball.java文件public class Ball{private (1);//中心点private double radius;//半径private String color;//颜色public Ball(){}public Ball(double xValue, double yValue, double r){//具有中心点及其半径的构造方法center=(2);//调用类Point中的构造方法radius=r;}public Ball(double xValue, double yValue, double r, String c){//具有中心点、半径和颜色的构造方法(3);//调用3个参数的构造方法color=c;}public String toString(){return "A ball with center"+center.toString()+",radius "+Double.toString(radius)+",color"+color;}//other methods}class MovingBall (4) {private double speed;public MovingBall(){}public MoyingBall(double xValue, double yValue, double r, String c, double s){(5);//调用父类Ball中具有4个参数的构造方法speed=s;}public String toString(){return super.toString()+",speed"+Double.toString(speed);}//other methods}public class test{public static void main(String args[]){MovingBall mb=new MovingBall(10,20,40,"green",25);System.out.println(mb);}}

考题 阅读以下说明和Java代码,将应填入(n)处的字句写在对应栏内。[说明]本程序的功能是给公司的员工Tom,Jack,Green增加薪水。三人的职位分别是programmer, Manager,CEO。程序由6个类组成:WorkerTest是主类,programmer,Manager,CEO三个类,薪水增加的规则是 programmer的涨幅是5%;Manager的是10%;CEO也是Manager,但是它除了有Manager的涨幅,还有1000元的bonus。接口SalaryRaise提供了一个增加薪水的方法raise()。[java程序]public class WorkerTest {public WorkerTest( ) {}public static void main( String[] args) {Programmer programmer = new Programmer( "Tom" ,3000);Manager manager = new Manager( "Jack" ,4000);CEO ceo = new CEO( "Green" ,4000);Worker [] worker = new Worker[3];programmer, raise( );manager, raise( );ceo. raise( );worker[0] = programmer;worker [1] = manager;worker[2] = ceo;for ( int i = 0 ;i < worker, length; i + + ) {System. out. prinfln (" Name:" + worker [i]. getName ( ) +" \ tSalary:" + worker [i]. getSalary ());public interface SalaryRaise { void raise( ); }public class Worker {public String name;public double (1);public Worker( ) {}public String getName( ) {return name;}public void setName( String name) {this. name = name;}public double getSalary( ) {return salary;}public void setSalary(double salary) { this. salary = salary; }}public class Programmer extends Worker implements (2) {public Programmer( ) {}public void raise( ) {double pets=0.05;double sala = this. getSalary( ) * (1 + pers);this. setSalary (sala);public Programmer( Siring name, double salary) tthis. name = name;this. salary = salary;public class Manager extends (3) implements SalaryRaise {public Manager( ) { }public Manager(String name, double salary) {this. name = name;this. salary = salary;}public void raise( ) {double pets = 0.1;double sala = this. getSalary() * (1 + pers);this. setSalary(sala);}}public class CEO extends Manager implements SalaryRaise {public CEO() {}public CEO( String name,double salary) {this. name = name;this. salary = salary;}public void raise( ) {double bonus = 1000;(4);double sala = this. getSalary( );(5);this. setSalary(sala);}}

考题 下列程序的执行结果为【 】。include class Point{public:Point(double i, double j) 下列程序的执行结果为【 】。include <iostream. h>class Point{public:Point(double i, double j) { x=i; y=j;}double Area() const { return 0.0;}private:double x, y;};class Rectangle: public Point{public:Rectangle(double i, double j, double k, double 1)double Area() const {return w * h;}private:double w, h;};Rectangle: :Rectangle(double i, double j, double k. double 1): Point(i,j).{w=k, h=1}void fun(Point s){cout<<s. Area()<<end1;}void main( ){Rectangle rec(3.0, 5.2, 15.0. 25.0);fun(rec)}

考题 下列程序中,先声明一个圆类circle和一个桌子类table,另外声明一个圆桌类roundtable,它是由 circle和table两个类派生的,要求声明一个圆桌类对象,并输出圆桌的高度,面积和颜色。请填空完成程序include<iostream.h>include<string.h>class circle{double radius;public:circle(double r){radius=r;}double get_area(){return 3.416*radius*radius;}};class table{double height;public:table(double h)<height=h;}double get_height(){return height;}};class roundtable:public table,public circle{char *color;public:roundtable(double h,double r,char c[]): 【 】 {color=new char[strlen(c) +1];【 】;};char*get_color(){return color;}}:void main(){roundtable rt(0.8,1.0,“白色”);cout<<"圆桌的高:"<<rt. get_height()<<end1;cout<<"圆桌面积:"<<rt.get_area()<<end1;cout<<"圆桌颜色:"<<n.get color()<<end1;}

考题 阅读以下说明和Java程序,填写程序中的空(1)~(6),将解答写入答题纸的对应栏内。 【说明】 以下Java代码实现一个简单绘图工具,绘制不同形状以及不同颜色的图形。部分接口、类及其关系如图5-1所示。 【Java代码】 interface?DrawCircle?{? //绘制圆形 public(1) ;}class?RedCircle?implements?DrawCircle?{? ?//绘制红色圆形???????public?void?drawCircle(int?radius,intx,?int?y)??{????????????System.out.println("Drawing?Circle[red,radius:"?+?radius?+",x:"?+?x?+?",y:"?+y+?"]");???????}}class?GreenCircle?implements?DrawCircle?{????//绘制绿色圆形??????public?void?drawCircle(int?radius,?int?x,int?y)?{???????????System.out.println("Drawing?Circle[green,radius:"?+radius+",x:?"?+x+?",y:?"?+y+?"]");??????}}abstract?class?Shape?{????//形状? protected? ? (2)???;? ? public?Shape(DrawCircle?drawCircle)?{? ?this.drawCircle=?drawCircle;? ? ? public?abstract?void?draw();}class?Circle?extends?Shape?{? //圆形? ?private?int?x,y,radius;? public?Circle(int?x,int?y,intradius,DrawCircle?drawCircle)?{? ?(3)???;? this.x?=?x;? ? ? this.y?=?y;? ?this.radius?=radius;? }? ? ?public?void?draw()?{? ? drawCircle.? ?(4)? ?;? ? ? }}public?class?DrawCircleMain?{? public?static?void?main(String[]?args)?{? Shape?redCircle=new?Circle(?100,100,10,? (5) );//绘制红色圆形? Shape?greenCircle=new?Circle(200,200,10,(6) );//绘制绿色圆形? ?redCircle.draw(); greenCircle.draw();? ?}}

考题 Which will declare a method that is available to all members of the same package and can be referenced  without an instance of the class?()  A、 Abstract public void methoda();B、 Public abstract double methoda();C、 Static void methoda(double d1){}D、 Public native double methoda(){}E、 Protected void methoda(double d1){}

考题 Which will declare a method that is available to all members of the same package and be referenced without an instance of the class?()A、 abstract public void methoda ();B、 public abstract double inethoda ();C、 static void methoda (double dl) {}D、 public native double methoda () {}E、 protected void methoda (double dl) {}

考题 class super {   public float getNum() {return 3.0f;}   }   public class Sub extends Super {   }   Which method, placed at line 6, will cause a compiler error?()A、 Public float getNum() {return 4.0f; }B、 Public void getNum (){}C、 Public void getNum (double d){}D、 Public double getNum (float d) {retrun 4.0f; }

考题 Which three demonstrate an “is a” relationship?() A、 public class X { }  public class Y extends X { }B、 public interface Shape { }  public interface Rectangle extends Shape{ }C、 public interface Color { }  public class Shape { private Color color; }D、 public interface Species { }  public class Animal { private Species species; }E、 public class Person { } public class Employee {  public Employee(Person person) { }F、 interface Component { }  class Container implements Component { private Component[] children; }

考题 Which two allow the class Thing to be instantiated using new Thing()?A、 public class Thing { }B、 public class Thing { public Thing() {} }C、 public class Thing { public Thing(void) {} }D、 public class Thing { public Thing(String s) {} }E、 public class Thing { public void Thing() {} public Thing(String s) {} }

考题 10. abstract public class Employee {  11. protected abstract double getSalesAmount();  12. public double getCommision() {  13. return getSalesAmount() * 0.15;  14. }  15. }  16. class Sales extends Employee {  17. // insert method here  18. }  Which two methods, inserted independently at line 17, correctly complete the Sales class?()A、 double getSalesAmount() { return 1230.45; }B、 public double getSalesAmount() { return 1230.45; }C、 private double getSalesAmount() { return 1230.45; }D、 protected double getSalesAmount() { return 1230.45; }

考题 public class OuterClass {  private double d1  1.0;  //insert code here   }   You need to insert an inner class declaration at line2. Which two inner class declarations are valid?() A、 static class InnerOne {  public double methoda() {return d1;}  }B、 static class InnerOne {  static double methoda() {return d1;} }C、 private class InnerOne {  public double methoda() {return d1;} }D、 protected class InnerOne {  static double methoda() {return d1;} }E、 public abstract class InnerOne {  public abstract double methoda();  }

考题 1. public class OuterClass {  2. private double d1 = 1.0;  3. // insert code here  4. }  Which two are valid if inserted at line 3?()  A、 static class InnerOne { public double methoda() { return d1; } }B、 static class InnerOne { static double methoda() { return d1; } }C、 private class InnerOne { public double methoda() { return d1; } }D、 protected class InnerOne { static double methoda() { return d1; } }E、 public abstract class InnerOne { public abstract double methoda(); }

考题 1. class super {  2. public float getNum() {return 3.0f;}  3. }  4.    5. public class Sub extends Super { 6.   7. }   Which method, placed at line 6, will cause a compiler error?()  A、  Public float getNum()   {return 4.0f; }B、  Public void getNum ()  { }C、  Public void getNum (double d)   { }D、  Public double getNum (float d) {retrun 4.0f; }

考题 public abstract class Shape {  private int x;  private int y;  public abstract void draw();  public void setAnchor(int x, int y) {  this.x = x;  this.y = y;  }  }  Which two classes use the Shape class correctly?()A、 public class Circle implements Shape { private int radius; }B、 public abstract class Circle extends Shape { private int radius; }C、 public class Circle extends Shape { private int radius; public void draw(); }D、 public abstract class Circle implements Shape { private int radius; public void draw(); }E、 public class Circle extends Shape { private int radius;public void draw() {/* code here */} }F、 public abstract class Circle implements Shape { private int radius;public void draw() { / code here */ } }

考题 多选题public abstract class Shape {  private int x;  private int y;  public abstract void draw();  public void setAnchor(int x, int y) {  this.x = x;  this.y = y;  }  }  Which two classes use the Shape class correctly?()Apublic class Circle implements Shape { private int radius; }Bpublic abstract class Circle extends Shape { private int radius; }Cpublic class Circle extends Shape { private int radius; public void draw(); }Dpublic abstract class Circle implements Shape { private int radius; public void draw(); }Epublic class Circle extends Shape { private int radius;public void draw() {/* code here */} }Fpublic abstract class Circle implements Shape { private int radius;public void draw() { / code here */ } }

考题 单选题1. class super {  2. public float getNum() {return 3.0f;}  3. }  4.    5. public class Sub extends Super { 6.   7. }   Which method, placed at line 6, will cause a compiler error?()A   Public float getNum()   {return 4.0f; }B   Public void getNum ()  { }C   Public void getNum (double d)   { }D   Public double getNum (float d) {retrun 4.0f; }

考题 单选题class super {   public float getNum() {return 3.0f;}   }   public class Sub extends Super {   }   Which method, placed at line 6, will cause a compiler error?()A  Public float getNum() {return 4.0f; }B  Public void getNum (){}C  Public void getNum (double d){}D  Public double getNum (float d) {retrun 4.0f; }

考题 单选题下列选项中,能实现对父类的getSalary方法重写的是(  )。 class Employee{ public double getSalary(){} }A class Manager extends Employee{ public int getSalary(double x){} }B class Manager extends Employee{ public double getSalary(int x,int y){} }C class Manager extends Employee{ public double getSalary(){} }D class Manager extends Employee{ public int getSalary(int x,int y){} }

考题 单选题Which will declare a method that is available to all members of the same package and can be referenced without an instance of the class?()A  Abstract public void methoda();B  Public abstract double methoda();C  Static void methoda(double d1){}D  Public native double methoda()  {}E  Protected void methoda(double d1)  {}

考题 单选题Which will declare a method that is available to all members of the same package and be referenced without an instance of the class?()A  abstract public void methoda ();B  public abstract double inethoda ();C  static void methoda (double dl) {}D  public native double methoda () {}E  protected void methoda (double dl) {}

考题 单选题public class Mycircle {   public double radius;   public double diameter;   public void setRadius(double radius)   this.radius = radius;   this.diameter= radius * 2;   }   public double getRadius() {  return radius;   }   Which statement is true?()A  The Mycircle class is fully encapsulated.B  The diameter of a given MyCircle is guaranteed to be twice its radius.C  Lines 6 and 7 should be in a synchronized block to ensure encapsulation.D  The radius of a MyCircle object can be set without affecting its diameter.

考题 多选题1. public class OuterClass {  2. private double d1 = 1.0;  3. // insert code here  4. }  Which two are valid if inserted at line 3?()Astatic class InnerOne { public double methoda() { return d1; } }Bstatic class InnerOne { static double methoda() { return d1; } }Cprivate class InnerOne { public double methoda() { return d1; } }Dprotected class InnerOne { static double methoda() { return d1; } }Epublic abstract class InnerOne { public abstract double methoda(); }

考题 多选题public class OuterClass {   private double d1 1.0;   //insert code here   }   You need to insert an inner class declaration at line2. Which two inner class declarations are valid?()Astatic class InnerOne {  public double methoda() {return d1;}  }Bstatic class InnerOne {  static double methoda() {return d1;}  }Cprivate class InnerOne {  public double methoda() {return d1;}  }Dprotected class InnerOne {  static double methoda() {return d1;}  }Epublic abstract class InnerOne {  public abstract double methoda();  }