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A tow bridle is attached to the main tow hawser at the().

bight ring


tow hook






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更多 “单选题A tow bridle is attached to the main tow hawser at the().A bight ringB tow hookC fishplateD swivel” 相关考题
考题 One advantage of chain over wire rope for a tow bridle is that chain ______.A.is better suited for inland towingB.resists damage from chafingC.handles more easilyD.equalizes towing forces better

考题 Before leaving port on an ocean tow,a tug captain should assure himself of all the following EXCEPT ______.A.the towing hawser can be released quickly in an emergencyB.the correct navigation lights are rigged and operable on the tug and towC.an insurance underwriter has prepared a pre-sailing surveyD.a pick-up wire has been rigged on the tow in case of a breakaway.

考题 A tug is "in irons" when held in a fixed position by ______.A.the weight of its tow,its being anchored,or groundedB.the weight of its towing hawser on the bottomC.an adverse currentD.lack of power or an engine breakdown

考题 A chain bridle is preferable to a wire rope towing bridle on a long ocean tow because chain ______.A.is more flexible and has the ability to absorb shock because of its weightB.is less subject to wear and damage from abrasionC.requires little maintenanceD.All of the above

考题 With a large tow astern,there is immediate danger to the tug in the event of the ______.A.Tug losing powerB.Tow line partingC.Bridle twistingD.Tow broaching

考题 The choice of length of tow bridle legs is governed by the ______.A.Expected towing forcesB.Capability of retrieving gearC.Freeboard of the unit being towedD.Need to reduce yaw

考题 A tow astern is veering from side to side on its towline.The best way of controlling the action is to ______.A.Trim the tow by the bowB.Trim the tow by the sternC.List the tow to windwardD.Adjust the length of the towing bridle

考题 A chain bridle is used when towing astern because it ______.A.is easy to connectB.provides an effective catenary and absorbs shock due to its weightC.makes rigging a swivel unnecessaryD.prevents the tow from yawing by the drag of the chains in a seaway

考题 单选题One advantage of chain over wire rope for a tow bridle is that chain().A is better suited for inland towingB resists damage from chafingC handles more easilyD equalizes towing forces better

考题 单选题A tug is “in irons” when held in a fixed position by()A the weight of its tow,its being anchored,or groundedB the weight of its towing hawser on the bottomC an adverse currentD lack of power or an engine breakdown

考题 单选题The choice of length of tow bridle legs is governed by the().A expected towing forcesB capability of retrieving gearC freeboard of the unit being towedD need to reduce yaw

考题 单选题What is the purpose of the intermediate spring?()A Serves as a backup for the main tow hawser in case of failureB Provides weight and flexibility to the total tow makeupC Lengthens the main tow hawser to keep the tow in stepD Distributes the towing load

考题 单选题In astern towing,a tow span,also called the tow bar or towing arch,is used to().A insure that the hawser leads directly aft as it passes over the stern of the towing vesselB increase the stability of the towing vessel by raising the hawser off the deckC reduce chafing of the towing hawserD prevent fouling of the hawser on deck gear located on the stern of the towing vessel

考题 单选题On a long ocean tow,the bridle should be made up of two equal lengths of().A chainB wireC nylonD manila

考题 单选题A chain bridle is used when towing astern because it().A is easy to connectB provides an effective catenary and absorbs shock due to its weightC makes rigging a swivel unnecessaryD prevents the tow from yawing by the drag of the chains in a seaway

考题 单选题The MINIMUM acceptable size for a towing bridle would be that size in which the safe working load (SWL) of each leg of the bridle is equal to().A one-half the SWL of the main towing hawserB three-fourths the SWL of the main towing hawserC that of the main towing hawserD twice that of the main towing hawser

考题 单选题Which statement is TRUE concerning hawser towing? ()A The catenary in a hawser should be sufficient so that the hawser just touches the bottomB The hawser is of sufficient length for towing when taut between tug and towC Increasing speed usually increases the catenary in the hawserD Shortening the tow hawser generally decreases the maneuverability of the tug

考题 单选题When connecting the tow bridle to a tug, the end of the bridle is passed with a().A heaving lineB shot lineC high lineD messenger line

考题 单选题When towing astern,one way to reduce yawing of the tow is to().A trim the tow by the sternB trim the tow by the headC have the tow on an even keelD list the tow on the side it is yawing

考题 单选题In towing,heaving lines are used for().A passing a tow bridle to the tugB passing a messenger lineC heaving in the tow bridleD service lines with rocket line throwers

考题 单选题A tow bridle is attached to the main tow hawser at the().A bight ringB tow hookC fishplateD swivel

考题 单选题If a vessel under tow starts jumping on its tow line,the most appropriate action to alleviate the condition is to().A change courseB slow downC heave toD adjust tow line length

考题 单选题Which will NOT reduce yawing of a tow?()A Increasing the length of the towing hawserB Trimming the tow by the bowC Trimming the tow by the sternD Drogues put over the stern

考题 单选题A chain bridle is preferable to a wire rope towing bridle on a long ocean tow because chain().A is more flexible and has the ability to absorb shock because of its weightB is less subject to wear and damage from abrasionC requires little maintenanceD All of the above

考题 单选题A tow astern is veering from side to side on its towline. The best way of controlling the action is to().A trim the tow by the bowB trim the tow by the sternC list the tow to windwardD adjust the length of the towing bridle

考题 单选题To reduce stress on the towing hawser when towing astern (ocean tow),the hawser should be ().A secured to the aftermost fitting on the towing vesselB just touching the waterC underwaterD as short as possible

考题 单选题As seen from the tow,what should connect the leading ends of both towing bridle legs to the main towing hawser?()A A cable clampB A fishplate,flounder,or towing plateC A pad eyeD The towing bitts

考题 单选题Which statement concerning an automatic towing engine is FALSE? ()A It automatically maintains tow line tensionB It prolongs the life of the hawser by distributing chafing as the hawser is paid out and taken inC As tension on the hawser increases,more line is taken in by the automatic towing engineD As tension on the hawser decreases,more line is taken in by the automatic towing engine